Circumcision is a semitic practice. Are you circumcised?
Circumcision is a semitic practice. Are you circumcised?
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yes. father said it was sinful to have a clitoris.
ofc not, my parents aren't savages
YOU are disgusting claiming GOD made a mistake and you need to fix it.
God bless
Sadly yeah
My mom didn't know any better in her defense and my dad's a druggie prick who dipped
Lowkey feel like a nog
All Americans are
Imagine worshiping the jewish god and then trying to distance yourself from the things you believe he commanded.
Nope, and never will. No kike marks on my body.
only jews and phimosis patients are circumsized around here..
i won the genetic lottery and for medical purposes HAD to get clipped
what is life
Actually Jews are supposed to circumcise their slaves too
So you can udnerstand muslims and othe rnon-jews to be circumcised as a symbol to the jew and a mark of their enslavement.
>for medical purposes HAD to get clipped
Doctors can be quick to decide that it is a medical necessity when it may not actually be because they think it is not such a big deal.
I'm not
Yea. Speak out against it
Would your rabbi get pissed if he found out?
If I were a jew, perhaps
Yes, and while it is child abuse, and I don't plan on perpetuating the cycle, I do understand why Jews do it after years of ruminating on why such a "barbaric" and "outdated" practice remains. The mental effects turn you into an unwavering sociopath bent on achieving whatever it is you need to.
Yes, but my son is not.
God bless
yes i was 21 at this time.
Yes and now my dick leans to the left when hard fuckers took my foreskin and left me with a sideways banana
Yes but I kept my offspring whole
no, and no reason too
How is circumcision even a thing? Literally just pull back your foreskin every time you take a shower.
Fuck me, are kikes and mutts this neurotic? What the fuck is wrong with you semitic fucks?
Bless you
At this point I dont think there is anything a mutt wouldnt do for his master
This, you can redirect the anger on the goys because the person has no memory of the horrible trauma.
brainwashing and cycles of trauma
our jew media pushes the memes that its better or that women like it
and men who were cut have a very hard time accepting the fact that a very precious part of their body was stolen, that would have brought them and their partner a lot of pleasure, and that their parents betrayed and mutilated them while they helplessly screamed in agony
so they refuse to acknowledge it and spin ridiculous narratives about the "benefits" to justify why it was a "good thing" it was done to them, and they feel compelled to do it to their sons.
if they didn't do it to their that would be an admission that what was done to them was not a good thing, and that would force them to face a lot of pain and uncomfortable truths about their family and society
Have you by any chance lived your entire life with the vague notion you've been wronged?
yeah my parents are fucking RETARDS
Its done to babies for a reason. They cant fight back
it's not semitic
the practice was performed on slaves first
and still is
Same here. I didn't circumcize my son even though I am. He's just over a year old now and he's the happiest kid alive.
it's also a method which makes the child more susceptible to indoctrination.
It's quite literally trauma based mind control
Circumcision is why I have contempt for Jews. It is also why I hate my parents. I was sexually abused through genital mutilation, so Jews could conduct with their barbaric ancient ritual in my country. The APA judgement that is used to justify and encourage circumcision was done by Jew doctors who "couldnt bring themselves to condemn a practice that their ideology mandates", so they thought up ridiculous reasons to justify it while completely ignoring any counter evidence to their position, all so they could keep their Jewish traditions intact.
I fucking hate Jews for taking my foreskin from me.
Got circumcised as an adult due to phimosis. Would have got it sooner but paranoia about the procedure being botched was greater than my anxiety/self esteem issues the phimosis itself caused.
Adult circumcision removes much less foreskin than infant circumcision
How much slack skin do you have while flaccid
Reminder to watch Sex & Circumcision to really understand why they circumcise you, why it's evil and why the study claiming it has "health benefits" that has been used to justify it for decades is a complete sham
>Are you circumcised?
Yes and I wish you faggots would stop reminding me
Start tugging
enough I guess, it's comfortable/can't tell it's done when sat around. Where as pre-cut, erections could be painful and sex was agony more often than not.
oh hey it's the "phomosis" shill, can't have an anti-infant genital mutilation thread without a brain damaged jew shitting it up with their retardation
what he's asking is, can you still stroke the skin up and down the shaft?
most guys who were cut as babies got cut so tight their skin is literally stretched tight and they can't slide it up and down the shaft at all
hence the memes about needing lube to jerk off and using lube during sex
I don't advocate for genital mutilation of children you fucking chink. If an adult wants the procedure for medical reasons, what's the problem? (Not rhetorical, give a reason if you're not too busy fucking and/or eating the neighbors Labrador)
ok joomer
Ah right, then yes the meme about lube is mostly true, for having a wank. Sex not an issue.
"Cant tell its done"
Lmaooo you are circumcised you have no idea what dick agony feels like
Good retort. You know you have to be at least 18 to be on this board, right kid?
Yes, but if I will be breaking that cycle if I have a son.
I don't fault my father for being lied to and pressured into it by the media. This is an area in which I can do better than my father did.
Here's a (you) for at least trying to formulate a coherent thought.
>my parents allowed a doctor to do that to me
If you have a mutilated semitic penis then I'm afraid I have bad news for you - you're not, I repeat, NOT white.
Yes I’m marked as a Jewish slave. Where I’m from the doctors act like its a standard health practice something you just do like cutting the umbilical cord. I look forward to death it should be illegal and anyone pro circumcision should be killed.
>Male Genital Mutilation is Trauma Based Mind Control [45m]
It’s the mark of a Jewish slave and they do it to us here.
It is messed up
All we can really do is not let it happen to our progeny if we have any
Its unfortunate that individuals or even modest groups cannot change the world by themselves anymore but its what the world is, just gotta fight back in our own small ways.
Who cares? Are you planning on sucking dicks or studying your friends cocks any time soon?
Nope. Thank god considering i live in zogland. I got really lucky.
So yes?
Based. I hate my father for passing on the suffering
Good job breaking the pattern bro. You did the right thing.
Isnt canada only like 30 or even less cut
Why are you pro male genital mutilation
You should have the choice to mutilate your own dick but no one should have the right to make that decision for a baby.
Yes. My sons are not.
Causing brain damage to a baby isn't a criminal offense, just let that sink in:
>Ritual circumcision and risk of autism spectrum disorder in 0- to 9-year-old boys: national cohort study in Denmark
>Extreme trauma from male circumcision causes damage to areas of brain
>Circumcision may lead to abnormal brain development and subsequent deviations in behavior
im a bad goy
leafistan is only slightly better
it's those caucasian foreskins that the facecream market is looking for
Yes and I am actually quite thankful for it.