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The US doesn't need immigrants of any kind. The handful of industries that rely on labor ether have enough already: or they can be replaced with automation.

The US

The USA is food and energy independant as well. Bring our troops home from all 150 countries; close the boarders and start the space program in earnest.

America goes to space when we stop letting spics and niggers leach our resources and the labor of our white men.

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Book clearly written by a brainlet.

I remember the chair of my school's department saying that immigrants don't take jobs. That's easy to say when you have a job that requires a PhD and make a quarter million a year.

>they don't work
No shit

>We need migrants to do the jobs our citizens "don't want to do"
>Employers could just pay the wage that the market is clearly demanding
>But that would cost corporations money, so we just import poor people
>Therefore, migrants aren't taking your jobs!

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>chicano studies
>thesis about how STEM fields should work
social "sciences" should be banned from universities

>queremos trabajar solamente
good job proving your book wrong with the fucking cover photo.

>three spouses since 2004

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Here's the #1 myth so I can save you guys time: immigration is good and or necessary.

You're welcome.

Nepotism is the worst

Aviva Chimsky is an anagram for A Skivvy Cam Ho.

Chomsky, I mean. Fuck.

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open borders for israel

And Sweden

Kill anyone who says "Thoughts?".

I see the shills are having a white ethnostate nigger honey pot that in turn always end up changing the narrative to race baiting and skin color fagging.

>inb4 you’re just defending the immigrants! No nigger, you’re just a brainwashed idiot incapable of seeing how the deciders have sicked you on certain groups of people like dogs when you should be doing it the THEM not the brown fags coming through the border.

Death Penalty for memeflags

Ok. So bring back industrial sector jobs and watch unions form.

It's pretty fucking simple dude, you either let rampant corruption from corporate america bring in cheap labor, or you work those jobs which no one wants to do for the pay. At the end of the day automation or socialism will be the outcome. And itll probably be both.

>chicano studies

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>or you work those jobs which no one wants to do for the pay
Not true. You don't want to work them because you want to play games all day and fap on other people's dime.

The industrial sector jobs really never left--they were automated. The tech jobs were exported. We don't NEED silicon tech anymore: let china have that legacy garbage. The other major one is aerospace who manufactures in Chengdu: fuck boeing, let them die. Boeing has done more to hold back technology than it has done to advance it.

Again: we don't need immigrants at all, for anything.

Don't put my flag next to the other disgusting brown countries. Not a single light-skinned or white person there, I can bet you there's not a single argentinian in that crowd. Fuck off.

all of these considerations are market forces that are blunted by a massive foreign labor pool. Pay, Type of Work, Fap Factors, they are all just components but there is no denying immigration skews the effect of all of them

stop pretending that you people would just go back if we changed the leadership. MORE of you started coming here after Trump was elected. some of you have been deported over 10 times. you are obviously a hostile invasion force.

This cunt has never worked construction, in a kitchen, or in trucking. She's a spoiled elite child who has never once been on a worksite infested with illegals. No, you entitled cunt, they aren't taking YOUR job.

I do work one of those jobs.

I hope you know immigrants will still come. Borders are becoming meme barriers as time goes by. They are just lines on a map.

Implying white replacement has anything to do with jobs.

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>Borders becoming a meme
Hello kike--open boarders for Isreal than. Crossing an arbitrary line is the beginning of all violence kike.

You will burn in hell for eternity, kike

Hell doesnt exist.

She's a kike, so her opinions are moot.

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if they're just lines on a map then what makes ours so much more appealing than others? the left wants us to believe that every race is the same but we're also entitled to move to white built nations as a natural birthright?

This isnt about isreal zaboomermafu.

America isnt a white nation.

Also the world is so globalized and connected now borders really dont mean anything. People want into the US for a myriad of reasons not to just walk in and pitch a tent. Stop being so delusional.

Fucking this, welderfag here, 85%of the Hispanics on a job site speak zero english, the one's you can talk to speak of sending money back to Mexico to retire there, and to top it off they all stare at whites as though we're the ones taking their jobs. Fuck every last one

the Americas are not a white native land yes, but the United States of America is a white built nation. would 25% of Latin America really be trying to come here if it was still occupied by hunter-gatherers living in tents?

Immigrants dont take our jobs, greedy kikes give them to them

This is you talking in circles related to your own kike agenda and not addressing anything in this tread that doesn't support your kike retardation.

You've yet to make a point--just kike talking points that no one is surprised about.

The US doesn't need any kind of immigration for any reason--you're a retard unable to refute this at any level beyond kike talking points that run in circles of lies and garbage logic.

>skin color fagging.

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Answer the question kike: why does the US need Any immigrants at all? You cant and wont answer because you're pushing kikery to the max.

Ever contemplated suicide, dirty filthy kike?


Remove every kike from America. One way or the other.

Maybe it's because they have family in the US? You do know the western states had a massive network of people from south and central america until the expansion of rail systems. It was like that before france and england came over.

You saying it was a white built nation is a far fetched as well. America was built by dozens of immigrants from different backgrounds.

Why does the left act like immigrants are some kind of homogeneous group we hate indiscriminately? I want Norwegions and Germans, not Somalis and Mexicans. Is that too hard to understand?

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Why? Perhaps it's because of all the diversity there now? Family, schooling, jobs, better opportunities, immigration brings talent and allows for a more fluid state of economic possibilities.

>America isn't white
>White men didn't build america
Not kike talking points at all..

We don't care a flying fuck, kike. /Ourway/ or the highway.

>Retarded answer not even remotely close to addressing the question beyond superficially
Diversity in the USA today has ZERO to do with immigration retard.

>immigration brings talent

>America was built by dozens of immigrants from different backgrounds.
It was built by various White immigrants. Mexicans and Asians were used for low wage slave labor, the vast majority going back home when their work was done or the harvest season was over.

(((Aviva Chomsky)))

Tell us the other 20 myths so we can find her in minecraft and eloquently explain why her statements are false.

scheming kikes aren't brainlets, they know what they're doing

i'm sure they do have family in the US, but they are just people who illegally migrated before they did. what they do is buy up a bunch of cheap houses that blacks were evicted from and form small communities where they hide illegal immigrant relatives and friends from the authorities. if you came to my town i could drive you to 4 such neighborhoods and the people there will flat out tell you what they're doing if they don't suspect that you're a cop. these people, primarily central americans, had no presence up here in the north when the nation was being built. they don't respect our laws or traditions.

>no one wants to do for the pay
Not when the pay is actual slave wages. These are exactly the talking points of actual slave owners, "if you get rid of all my brown slaves who will do all my slave labor?" oh no you'll have to pay Americans a real wage.


Not a myth, an oversimplification for slogan purposes. The actual effect is the reduction of wages. That effect is measurable and not even in dispute. These kikes are just creating cover for more wage depression while collecting (((perpetual royalty))) income on their screed.

Cool let's exploit cheap labor forever! BOOMERS

I don't know what my flag is doing there. Same for Uruguay. We're white and not "latino".

Why are you a bottom feeding ditch digger as a born citizen of a first world nation? Why do you so desire to clean toilets?

the idea that Guatemalans, Mexicants et all were designing & building Victorian mansions in California during the 1600's is retarded. kill your self faggot.