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Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw Biden’s poised to win big tonight

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Yeah, right. So many Republicans yearn for the sweet release of heavy taxes, government takeover of private sectors, and losing their private health insurance to wait in line behind Pedro and his 7 kids who are all undocumented. Really hoping all of those angsty blue-haired college students who call them racist for existing can have their student loan debt absolved so they can afford platforms to disparage their religion from. Mhm. Republicans loveee Bernie fucking Sanders. Give me a break. Bernie Sanders can’t even win over moderate dems. Im an independent/libertarian and I’m voting Trump and hoping he has a landslide fucking victory of these socialists and dementia patients.

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kek, #ridinwithbiden

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Lol he’s just voting Bernie in the primary to fuck with the Dems. I’m doing it too. It’s funny.

Based. That’s what I did too

things that don't exist

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Why would someone do that - just go and lie on the internet?

>So many Republicans yearn for the sweet release of heavy taxes, government takeover of private sectors, and losing their private health insurance to wait in line behind Pedro and his 7 kids who are all undocumented.

Unironically, they do. Heavy taxes on big corp? Most people support that. More regulation on market liberalism? Yes, most people support this. Nationalised healthcare over $2,000 birth costs? Yes, most people support nationalised healthcare.

People vote Republican because they don't want immigration or faggotry, not because of 'muh taxes' and 'muh market liberalism'. Most people across the entire west lean hard left on economics and hard right on social policy. Jewish power enforces the complete opposite.

Not gonna lie former Trump supporter here, it’s been hilarious watching him crash burn. But we can’t let him get his hands on the nuclear codes.

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What are you smoking? Most of Yas Forums are former Trump supporters. You MIGA tards are the only ones left and you've been most relegated to your ghetto Trump threads because the moment you leave, you''ll get a dozen Nat Socs and Nationalists shitting on you for being a cuck.

Go back to plebbit, m8. pol is about ethno nationalism and saluting Uncle Adolf. We supported Campaign Trump and we gave him ample time to actually act on his promises. He hasn't. He's been a total cuck for Jews and we're not having it.

>d-d-do I fit in yet
Sure champ

This. So much this. Former alt right hardcore Libertarian Nazi fascist here, I'm with Bernie! Just donated $1000 , match me!

I;m conservative and I would vote for him if I were americunt. .


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>i'm a bong and i know about US republican desires the post

Well said.

God, please STFU.

Every time NatSocs go out in public they do stupid shit and get fired from their jobs.

And they can’t get laid. Now cut the crap.

Accept reality, KAGgot. Trump traded his original conservative base for mainstream GOP cuckservatives.
Former Trump supporters are real. Even 2016 Trump wouldn't vote for 2020 Trump.

I've been on these boards since /new/ dipshit. I worked exceptionally hard to get Trump into the White House. He was vehicle for our worldview and an accelerant for neo-liberal decline. Oldfags understood this, but people like you that jumped on the Yas Forums train during the BLM riots were new to our politic. You either got blackpilled due to Trump's lacklustre performance and became bitter shitbags, or you cling to your copes that he's kept his promises. The oldfag knows that despite Trumps abject failure of a presidency, he played his role and our cultural influence has expanded.

Do I fit in? Absolutely. You're the alien here. Yas Forums's unofficial logo has a swastika. The majority of posters are variation's of Nat Soc's, or at least sympathetic to Uncle Adolf's struggle. I doubt you'd say a bad word about him either because you know that's part of our board culture.

Trump was not and never will be the boards core essence. The board has always been a last stand of white power, not neo-liberal faggotry. I doubt you're even capabe of defending your point of view or Trump. Like all the twitterarti you mock as 'SJW's, you'll act just like them and respond with a snarky single sentence. The oldfag is an effortposter, and he's passionate. The newfag is a fucking teenage simp that can't articulate for shit.

You aren't even close to my power level, cunt. Lurk moar.

keep fishing user

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Yes, I do. What a pathetic liberalesque post. Only Liberals argue like this.

>what? you don't live in Egypt? SO how do you know that the pyramids smell like piss?
>what? Have ever even been to India, redneck? How would you know they poo in the streets?

I don't need to live in the US to understand America politics. I didn't live in Rome either, but I understand its history, politic and outlook. I bet you hate Californians, but do you live there? So how can you hate them if you don't live there?

Retarded, pathetic basic bitch argumentation. I bet you're a woman.

Not an argument, cunt. What next? Read a book? Go to school? Will accuse me of having a small dick like some twitter bitch? Why can't you MIGA tards actually argue? This is Yas Forums you little bitch. Are you incapable of articulating anything you believe or affirm? Are you so utterly dependent on your Trump ghetto thread hugbox that you flabbergasted at a genuine opposition?

You reek of Liberalism.

>hardcore conservative here

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Anybody who says this is full of shit.

I came here to post this.

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If there's one thing you can 100% count on for eternity, it's white supremacists/Nat Socs/Nationalists/far right wingers turning on their public figures. You guys have shit on every single champion you've produced, it's fucking hilarious. And then your dumb asses wonder why you can't get anything done politically and have no power lmao

Here's a hint, Muhammed, you don't fit in here and we don't give a shit what you third worlders think of our country or our government representatives.

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confirmed kikes

>Hardcore conservative here

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No elites want an economic policy that would favor the average person, and have limited political debate to social issues only. Trump actually ran on economic issues, which is why he was hated and why the media refused to cover his economic program. Most of my friends had no idea of what he had been saying on the campaign trail when it came to economics. They were in shock at his inaugural speech.

Why would being a furry and gamer preclude someone from being a conservative?

finally, someone who isnt a faggot

>And then your dumb asses wonder why you can't get anything done politically and have no power lmao

You're politically illiterate. Power is dominated by Jewish enforcement. Absolutely no one gets what they want. The socialists never get their worker-bias policies out in and have spent decades on the backfoot against market liberalism. The Social Right of all varieties has floundered in the face of progressivism.

Only Conservatives think the way you do. Trump see's you as a mark because he's a con artist. Every single person that supported Trump on a major level has either been put in prison or booted of of the inner circle by Trump himself. Everyone that was utterly opposed to Trump, all the Never Trumpers were givne power and prestige by Trump. He never defended a single person that went to bat for him, including his own supporters that get beaten in the street. Has he defended Patriot Prayer that are considered a terrorist organisation by the FBI? What about Bannon? What does he say about Anne COulter? All of these people supported his camapign from the start, and they got shafted. He has backstabbed absolutely everyone. The only thing Trump responds to his negative pressure. Shitting on him would be the only effective way to get him to move even an inch towards your objectives, but instead you utter KEKS act like battered housewives and ope that if you simp and praise him hard enough, he might lean your way.

While Nick Fuentes went on the war footing in universities, Trump took photos with Charlie Kirk. When Groypers targeted Israel in universities for discussion, how did Trump respond? He signed legislation BANNING anti-Israel sentiment on college campuses.

Trump was never a Champion of our politic

Not an argument. Time and time again, you MIGA tards are unable to deal with actual opposition. You've been in your ghetto for so long that you cannot articulate for shit. You're going to call me Mohammed? You're going to attack my 10,000 year island heritage? Should I call you Jamal, yank? Need I remind you that my nation birthed yours and that you're still a baby compared to my Island history.

If you aren't willing or able to have a proper discussion, then STFU and lurk.

Ironic seeing republicans quote the Bible.

You gonna post the part where it says not to judge others and to love your fellow brothers and sisters on earth and that you must give what you have to refugees or you just gonna quote the parts that further your agenda?

Voted for Drumpf
Was disappointed

Voting for Biden this year

notice how even being generous with the interpretation of the legalese of the executive order means this is a win for people who aren't into the whole nation usurping / parasite goals that have been in motion for over a hundred years
Naming it a race and a country is just one part of diminishing all the deceit, twofacedness and doubletalk

He ran on both. I remember well the promises he made. He pushed hard line social right and left leaning protectionist economics. He was arguably the first third positionist candidate on record for presidency. Then he did fuck all for 4 years.

>implying I'm going to read that bloviating wall of text
Fact: every single public figure the far right or nat socs or white supremacists have gotten behind in the past decade they have all turned on within a year. That's the problem when the bulk of your membership is made up of people with extreme paranoia and/or schizophrenia.

Save your wall of text wordvomit for someone who cares.

Former Trump supporter here as well, going to vote Bernie

>You gonna post the part where it says not to judge others and to love your fellow brothers and sisters on earth and that you must give what you have to refugees or you just gonna quote the parts that further your agenda?

Atheist taking the Bible out of context. I Imagine my shock. Biblical teachings ask that they give hospitality to the immigrant, but it doesn't demand they give them acceptance or citizenship. They are to be treated as guests only. No different from a tourist. God also teaches people that evil people and sin are to be HATED. Invaders are to be dealt with out mercy. Jesus was not a hippie, he clearly implied he would return with the Sword.

inb4 "he without sin" etc. I doubt you even get the context of that quote too.

this is like jews saying "Me, as a white male.."

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>"implying I'm going to read that bloviating wall of text"

Then why bother discussing at all? Where do you think you are you stupid cunt? This is Yas Forums This is the board for politicla discussion. It's not twitter. It's not 140 characters at a time. It's a place for shitposting and effortposting. If you don't want adiscussion, then why bother replying at all? You don't have a rebuttal to what I have said. You've proven my point. My argument has won.

Move the fuck on if you want to be a faggot.

>HARDCORE conservative
>dozens of republicans ready to vote for him

imagine disliking someones personality so much that you violate ever single one of your political views just to try to get him out of office
imagine thinking bernie stil has a chance


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Hi Hillary supporter. Kill yourself.

You two are the faggots

>imagine thinking bernie stil has a chance

He does still have a chance. You're acting exactly like the anti-Trumper's from 2016. Your arrogance is weakness. Bernie is very popular, even on Yas Forums precisely because people from all backgrounds desire to send a hearty 'fuck you' to establishment politics.

Someone ben garrify this

This is PATHETIC. I have never come across a single MIGA tard that can argue. Not one. Every single time I visit your shitty ghetto threads, you all act the same. You're no different from the blue-haired lesbians you make fun of. You CANNOT argue. You cannot explain yourself. You cannot articulate for SHIT.

Any opposition results in the same PATHETIC snarky one-liners. Dye your hair and make a Twitter account, cunt. Swap the names and factions you 're bias towards and you're already halfway to getting your blue checkmark.

If he loses today -- and by loses, I mean Florida, Michigan, Missouri -- Bernie is out. He can't lose today's primaries.

You’re arguing with a TPUSA tier cuck. They’re livid over corona chan. Trump campaign is desperately trying to “reclaim” that “meme Magics and peep the toad” because they think enough money can make anything simply materialize. We are also being flooded with another wave of redditfugees. They went from “Deus Vult!” on reddit to actual refugees here lol. Now they’re trying to change the board culture.
They don’t have upvotes though, so they’ll learn soon they’re pissing into an ocean of piss.

>1 post by this ID

Make a single solitary argument against what I have said. You can't.

The general theory among genuine Nationalists is that there will some sort of tie, which will lead to Pocahontas getting a victory.

If Bernie gets shafted again, Trump will most likely win. Sanders VS Trump is the most desirable outcome. Biden VS Trump will be a return to the hell of the old days. Biden is a reworking of neo-liberalism. This cannot happen.


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>You didn't read my wall of text and respond to my inane meandering whining, so that means I win
Whatever helps you sleep at night chief. Keep "winning" these internet debates by making giant walls of baseless assumptions and accusations that nobody cares to read. I am here to laugh at you and mock you, not engage you in discussion. If I wanted to waste my day on some paranoid schizophrenic ranting about jews, there's a million other insignificant idiots like yourself to do that wit on this board.