Rate your country's preparedness for coronavirus

My country: God-Emperor Trump tried to claim it was akin to the flu today, not taking into account the Case Fatality Rate if it actually manages to infect as many people as the flu (which it probably will, if not exceed.)

We also have to pay for treatment, which is just great for us working-class types. Trump says their will be some financial assistance, but as it stands... WE'RE FUCKED.

How is your country doing in its response to coronavirus? Surely it isn't as bad as the USA's? Rate your country's preparedness.

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We are doom tier.

In my country our tryhard north korean one party policy chinese dictator still suck the tiny dick of the commie chinksand drinks thier cum like it's the sacred blood of Jesus christ.

We only have 2k corona test kits for a population of 100mil.
After one month of questionable no reports of no infections in just 3days we have 24 infecties 3 of them are local flips with no travel history.

Election 2022 is coming soon and they need all the commie chink money kickbacks to fund thier campaign so chinks can continue to steal our EEZ in the west philippine sea.

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Your country is more communist than China retard.

Communist party is a legit part in china and is helping our shithole making politicans stay in power

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We are already infected and about to be next Italy tier

At least Commie countries did shit like closing schools. Imagine how much pressure it will take for Donald Trump to shut down schools and businesses. He will let the disease decimate the population before he does so.


We are still in denial. Should shut everything down right now. NO TOURISTS

some goatfuckers from iran spread it a bit otherwise we are too poor to travel so its literally nothing


The Marquis de Sade would be proud of the shitty response in France, at least. If he were alive today, he probably wouldn't be able to stop fapping.

Same here. Also there are reports of people still flocking together, going to bars, going to stadiums, etc.
People have the mentality of "well it may be going around but it won't get ME, haha!" and do nothing to prevent it.
While people who do give a damn and don't just go out like a retarded sheep are being ridiculed. "Don't panic man, it's just a flu"
But the single most irresponsible thing comes from our own health organization and out government. The sole precautionary measurement is: "just don't shake hands with people".
1/10 Dutch people are arrogant brainlets. Perhaps we deserve it.

Our prime minister said on national television nobody should shake hands anymore. After his talk he literally shook a guys hand and walked off stage

In additionele: this illustrates it all.
Prime minister: "so yeah people shouldn't shake hands anymore"
Couple of seconds later, also the prime minister: *shakes hands with the health departement guy*
"Oh wait haha yeah this we shouldn't do"


>After his talk he literally shook a guys hand and walked off stage

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We're always reacting to everything way too late.

Pretty much what France is doing. Chinese and Italians are the two largest tourists demographics to France. It's going to be worse for us than Italy. We deserve it though, I hate French people - just not as much as Chinese or Italians.

We are sort of treating it as what it is, a nasty new flu. The government is mostly trying to delay the spread as long as possible until the warmer weather gets here. Main advice is just to stay home for a couple of weeks if you think you've got it.

I went out yesterday to get a few weeks worth of food in case I do get this, and there was pretty much nothing different in the way people behave; coffee shops were still as crowded as ever, not a single people wearing a mask, old people were almost deliberately walking up close to people and coughing and spluttering, etc. The only different was my supermarket was low on some things like pasta, flu medicine and toilet roll.

We have plenty of preventative measures in place but what the infrastructure and resources are like in case it spreads? No idea.
We were controlling and quarantining foreigners the first week it became news but of course our own retarded countrymen managed to bring it in and spread it like the reckless, brainless animals they are.
We don't know the places or the numbers. We don't know if all the retards were caught or not. Even if they were, they managed to coof on everyone in public transport already. It's in the wild now and we'll see how big of a mess it makes.

>until the warmer weather gets here.
That's just a meme at this point, right? This is a NOVEL coronavirus. We don't know how it will react in warmer weather. It's close cousin, SARS, showed no slowing in slower weather. We have to deal with Trump saying it will magically dissapear in Spring. Hopefully, it will, but we have no idea.

Swedes naturally avoid people so we should be fine. I feel bad for the US and Iran though; this really hasn't been their decade. It really shows you what happens when you lack reliable people in charge. Too busy whipping lawyers.

Who knows. Trump may be mocked for it over there, but it is official policy here to delay it, partly because flus die down in warmer weather, but also partly to spread flu cases out and ease the burden on the NHS


There are some signs of seasonality. It doens't seem to be spreading as well in Singapore or Malaysia as has in Italy or Korea, pretty narrow temperature band for the most severe epidemics. Also encouraging that all the cases in Kuwait and Bahrain have been associated with travel. On the other hand it seems to be have community spread in the Philippines so who knows

my country: the state epidemologist coughs in his hands and runs away to somalia
he also said that the virus would have peaked and then next day apologized when it basically doubled

Even if that is true, we have the case of the Spanish Flu.

It appeared in Spring, then disappeared (went dormant) only to reappear in fall and wipe out fucking 50 million people. Even if we contain it for now, it might come back with vengeance in Fall.

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This virus better not be a fluke you guys, getting a little hyped here.

Coff, Coff, Coff
Watching grandpas drop

Something like that, I guess.

The media is creating an all-out panic. They are destroying small businesses, crushing 401(k)s, and worse yet, terrifying people.

They are rooting for recession, destruction, and death.

The mainstream media is garbage.

They are the enemy of the people.

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How can it be that bad in Germany, you only have 2 deaths so far?

We're shutting down everything starting tomorrow, so maybe there's still hope to slow this shit down. The government finally freaked out after they found our first untraceable case with community transmission (taxi driver).

I copied a tweet from a burger who worries about his stocks

we're fucked rn both by the Virus and the Zhangs

simple as

The pathetic part is Dutertard is still doing retard shit

>will be some financial assistance
In form of trillions of dollars of free money given to the largest banks, not a single cent to an actual person in need

Unironically very good

We're in deep shit thanks to SHITALIANS and INSECTOIDS

Tell Drumpf he and his boomer fag friend will die if he don't contain the spread

Oh, scrap that, that's good actually

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we started off with reasonably strong measures federally but have been lax since. individual states are co-ordinating a lot of the medical and emergency response, and they aren't going to do anything that harms the economy until its at least a week too late.

Government is treating it as a "controlled situation" but it is uncontrolled and people are panic buying.

I expect we will be like italy in 11 days

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Same, strategy is to delay widespread epidemic until the flu season is over. Atleast diagnosis will be easier then.

Someone got the vid of the Belgian guy who coof and and spit on the subway bar ?

Not yet!

*cough cough*
>where's the nearest nursing homes full of white boomers? got to get there before the November elections!

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there also a video of some fat burger woman telling people not to touch their face and then licking her fingers to turn the page on her notes

more like 7 days since we're directly following italy's trend line up until the nation wide quarantine

Canada is a little behind, last chart from today was 11.5 days, so 10 now.

I'm going to pull my office full remote in 3

You know whats funny? All it would took to stop this from happening was closing airports for tourists. You would be only allowed to take plane home (and then quarantine). Any other transit is too slow and stops all retards who love to travel to infect whole plane full of 300+ people with it.

Sure, it would decimate tourism industry in your cunt for few months. But look at whats going on with tourism in countries like italy anyway... its dead + their whole country is slowly collapsing. The truck drivers and general goods transportation would never carry the disease at such effective and large scale as tourists do.

One of first positive corona cases in czechia were two women who were in different 5 countries in one week, all thanks to airports. This is how viruses spread in such short time. But idiots refused to cripple their tourism economy a little, so now everything is going down in flames.

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She was meant to be a infection control expert as well.

better destroy the whole world economy in 2 quarters than lose some business this quarter :))))

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Tourist may be spreading the virus, but that's not why they are keeping the airports open, they are keeping them open for business travellers. Still all down to money though.

Every country still has a possibility of becoming Wuhan/Italy but
>God tier:
Taiwan, Singapore, Vietnam, Hong Kong
>Garbage tier:
The rest of the developed world
>Trash of trash:
China, Italy
Italy might be worse than China since they had so much time to prepare for it but no they didn't give a shit until it was too late.

Most of our cases came from our bus tourists who insisted on their Italian ski holidays, though.

>Italian healthcare literally on the brink of collapse
>don't worry bro, it's just the media causing Italy to deploy the army and lock down their entire country

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Nigger, the outbreak has barely begun yet.

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OK here it comes. Dutch preparedness for Corona
- it's just a flu lol
- shaming preppers
- "our healthcare is really good so a disease can't come here"
- shaming people who don't send their kids to schools where corona virus was found
- giving national press conference after Italy was locked down telling people to stop shaking hands after which the first thing the PM does is shaking a hand

you should use meme arrows then, that's what they are originally for


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aw look it's smiling :-)

>so now everything is going down in flames.
LMAO its just a flu, like eat soup and garlic and stuff you idiot.
Fuck the economy, fuck materliastniggers.

>i don't need food

Lmao now that i think about it its even better, metabolismlets and fat fucks will die a horrbile death either by their organism malfunctioning or me entering in and breaking in their houses offing them for good while they lie defensless and disoriented.
But that will never happen either because its not even as bad as the regular flu.

Not much. Events and manifestations with more than 1000 people are banned but for some reason some saturday/sunday markets are still allowed and schools are open. Also all our borders are open to keep this economy running))


Much lower than Italy and The Clown in Power doesn't take it seriously and keeps spreading fake news as usual.
I see you guys with at least 300 new cases by the end of the month

Very under prepared, they tested 2000+ people and none tested positive.I feel like the testing thing they use is producing false results but it's obvious we don't have too many heavy cases as of now because that shit'd be all over the social media.If just 10 people with the virus uses mass transit it'll ravage İstanbul.

schools will be closed tommorow for 14 days

Well, you all can see it.
It would have gone better if in the past week every single politician didn't go around drinking and spreading hashtags like #milanwon'tstop.
Now the leader of one of the left party has Coronavirus because he had brunch in Milan, while Salvini is nowhere to be seen.

Other countries HAVE TO have their hospitals prepare themselves. We're already in a state where doctors in Lombardia have to choose who to intubate because there's not enough beds.
We were unlucky, but also had a fast response at first (while Germany and French were busy mocking us for overprepping). I hope it's going to get better with the forced quarantine, my country is surprisingly strong in hard times.

I predict most Swedes will play along to the tune of the government while our brown diasporas(mostly the muslims) will chimp out and wreak havoc when the government are unable to pay some of their upkeep.

>HIV comes from eating wild animals
>SARS possibly comes from eating wild animals
>Ebola comes from eating wild animals
>Coronavirus comes from eating wild animals
Why isn't preventing the consumption of wild animals not a massive international priority, on the level of vaccinations? Many of the worst new viruses this century have originated from eating bushmeat or the like.

They are starting to consider maybe taking it sorta seriously after skyrocketing to the top three per capita in Europe last week, but it's a little too late.

>3000 dead worldwide from meme disease that will never infect as many people as the flu.
>by this time h1n1 infected 10 million people
>the flu takes 1-2 months to infect 100s of million of people
>1.25 million people die from car accidents world wide


When will you faggots understand the problem aren't the direct deaths from the virus but the chaos that it creates by spreading? Most of the sick won't die but they still need medical care nigger, and the more people get infected the more hospitals struggle with treating everybody - leading possibly to extra deaths for the people that get excluded for this or the other reason

Plus why the fuck are you anglo neets so obsessed with statistical relevance - it's the same as when americans downplay their recurrent school shootings and shit like that because "oh well it could be worse and i prefer to cry about niggers cuz statistics"

Thoughts and prayers my friend.

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Fucking retarded leafburger.

ncov is not dangerous and this is not going end the world

everything you are saying is just cope.

there are people who genuinely believe ncov will infect the whole world. well it won’t. its only at 80,000 after 3 months. flu infects hundreds of millions in 3 months. even if you multiply that figure by 100, its only 80 million infected. high certainly but no where near as infectious as flu

For years the like of Bill Gates has been warning of The Big One. They were mostly ignored. This time I think the rich have been using their contacts in the media to hype up this flu, something few are going to die of, in order to get governments practice quarantining and tackling these biological problems now, so they would be better prepared for when The Big One finally does come.

by 1000**

10% of the infected need intensive care, moron. If 10% of people with the flu required hospitalization, our hospital system would fucking implode. It's also more contagious than the flu.

not to mention a vaccine is coming out in 1.5 years... you telling me it can kill 7 billion people in 1.5 years? good luck.

note funny how blumpf and mike pence are now believers in vaccines

>Trump says their will be some financial assistance
Fucking commie traitor

u dont even know what contagious means. its more deadly than the flu no one is denying that but its certainly not and factually not as infectious as the flu

The official numbers as of today are 115,761 infected. Stop talking as if you knew anything about the topic if you can't even get one basic number right.

no one thinks it will kill 7 billion people. just that healthcare systems can't handle the potential caseload and the global economy will decline

Italy seeded us with a huge poz load, we're fooked.

Of course it's not the end of the world, i don't care about retarded doomers, it still doesn't warrant a simplistic "It's ok because it could be worse, don't act on anything" attitude. Again, statistics or not people don't want to see friends and relatives die, you edgelord

wow a difference of 30,000
thats so meaningful

hey retard

flu infects 100,000,000 people within 2 months. it regularly infects 3 billion people. do you know that 3 billion people is many many many times larger than 110,000 people? get fucked retard.

also i dont doubt that the number of infected are higher but incidentally that makes the virus less lethal.

lethality = number of deaths/number of cases

as u increase the cases, the lethality deceeases

A solid 6.5
It has dropped off recently, otherwise would've been 7-8

I always said emmigrants are even worse than immigrants
Close borders, cancel all diaspora's citizenship and half of our problems will vanish

100% screwed

Our health department are more interested in downplaying and under-reporting real numbers while the Beijing puppet is clueless as hell

Unlike 90% of the cunts here at the end of the day you are still first worlders with first world healthcare

>The measure scientists use to determine how easily a virus spreads is known as the "basic reproduction number," or R0 (pronounced R-nought).
>This is an estimate of the average number of people who catch the virus from a single infected person, Live science previously reported.

>The flu has an R0 value of about 1.3, according to The New York Times.

>Researchers are still working to determine the R0 for COVID-19.
>Preliminary studies have estimated an R0 value for the new coronavirus to be between 2 and 3, according to the JAMA review study published Feb. 28.
>This means each infected person has spread the virus to an average of 2 to 3 people.

not only is it more lethal, but it demonstrably spreads at a fater rate

>It has dropped off recently
what's happened?

My count has like only 13 people infected and I can already feel the damage, I lost like $20k overnight in stocks, business is coming to a halt since our main partners are from Italy and this is just beginning.

you dont know what r_0 means nor do do you know what the actual definition of infectious is. this thread reeks of pseudes who like to be told what to feel and think

still doing alright, but the panic has led to a lot of people testing for coronavirus when nothing is wrong with them, and the test kits are running out. I guess people being dumbasses contributes a lot to it

I hope it won't come to that but I have 200l drum of diesel in my 4x4, charged radios and have copy of wikipedia on rugged laptop. If it gets really bad I'm going to my grandma's place out of this fucking city.

are you going to address what the study I just copy pasted says or are you going to simply side step it and point fingers at me in particular?
by all means if you have an study on the infectiousness of the flu vs covid19 do share it
I don't have any more reason to believe you're an authority on this than you do of me

Tourism is a retarded scam anyway, it should be illegal even without the virus.
It's basically international loitering, a polluting, cost-innefective form of incredibly pretentious entertainment where useless douchebags can make themselves a dumb photo with an old building in the background and pretend this activity is somehow important and enriching. Peak consoomerism. Kill all touristdrones

this desu. happeningfags need to have the shit beaten out of them.
you fucking faggots do this shit anything out of the ordinary happens even with retarded shit like the net neutrality controversy.

At least 14 days. The ministry of health said it may be longer depending on how the situation develops.

get in your bunker and ar15 ready.

r_0 means how many people 1 man infects depending on various factors

infectiousness is not necessarily r_0. read your own definition. how many people on average get it from a single infected PERSON.

what if the virus has vectors other than people i.e airbourne viruses.

i cant spell it any clearer for you and i refuse to wipe your ass if you cant be brought to realize that the flu is on another magnitude when it comes to infectiousness. IT INFECTS BILLIONS WITHIN MONTHS. ITS ALREADY BEEN 3 MONTHS AND NCOV ESTIMATES ARE AT MOST 110k. EVEN IF YOU MULTIPLY THAT NUMBER BY 100, YOU ARENT ANYWHERE NEAR FLU LEVELS OF INFECTIOUSNESS.

Its not rocket science retard

car fatalities worldwide are about 18 per 100k
that's a rate of 0.02%
are you going to stop wearing your seatbelt and start speeding more often because of how small that rate is?

>more people die in car crashes
I hate that moronic false dichotomy, people used to say the same thing about terrorist attacks

corona is fren.

God tier.

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The virus can mutate or go dormant, so it might be this one after all.

so you're saying you dont have an study on this?
so on one hand every country's health auhority, and a few international organisms thst specialize in healthcare have been issuing orders for people to be extra cautious, but I guess they're all retards that dont know shit about diseases, anonymous leaf man over here destroyed them all with facts and logic

do whatever the fuck you want lmao.

idc about you. im not delusional in thinking that i can stop people from being retards and panic buy

but facts are facts

1. this isnt the end of the world
2. this is serious but not the end of the world
3. it will kill people but no where the amount that flu kills every year
3a. because 1. it is not as infectious as the flu

the idea that this is end of the world shit is absolutely illogical

No health authority has said
1. it is more infectious than the flu
2. that its the end of the world

in fact they are saying the risk is low and that we will be fine. the vaccine comes in at most 1.5 years

yeah you want me to believe its suddenly going to kill 7 billion people in 1.5 years? i dont think so joao

never claimed it was the end of the world, wtf
I only asked for a god damn source on the infection rate of flu vs covid that is not a "dude, trust me" that you've ignored for like 3 replies in a row

It is though, the r0 for influenza os like 1.2
this virus has an r0 of 2-3.

You are us the past weeks, Pierre

Poor. Swedish government doesn't have the balls to impose strict quarantines. Denmark is smart enough to host things like football matches without a crowd, we don't. Our country used to have stores of things like gasmasks for civilians and emergency food, but it was scrapped when we joined the EU.

>openly contradicts scientists
>previously fired the entire pandemic response team, then blamed the firing on Obama, so we have no experts to manage the crisis
>Puts Pence in charge of epidemic response, who oversaw/caused one of the worse outbreaks of AIDS in the nation in his state
>healthcare is expensive
The only thing keeping us from being completely fucked is that it hasn't spread too much and compared to other countries america is relatively clean

>AIDS outbreak
What ?

influenza has vectors other than human r0 is a measurement of human vector

China-virus is like forest fire.
It's burn aged trees and promote metabolism.

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>influenza has vectors other than human

When shit hits the fan we are fucked.
They fear another big outbrake in some small town and said people should stay inside.
Interviewer asking the mayor of that town how the people will be supplied, answer: "well... we are totally hoping for neighbours to help each other out!" WHILE THEY SHOULD NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE... wtf?

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if you don't like politico, just google Pence and AIDS. He is actually widely disliked in his own state of Indiana for this and not even Republicans dispute this.

>Our country used to have stores of things like gasmasks for civilians and emergency food
what is this?
emergency stuffs for all citizens?

Basically all of Sweden was prepping during the cold war. Equipment, bunkers, food stores...

the world's birthrate gives you about 2% growth in population, and the crude death rate is about 1%, meaning population is expanding at about 1%
with a mortality of 3%, and focused on old people that have had children already, and are not key part of the economy, it would be mathematically impossible for it to kill the entire world and nobody is contesting that
you're the only person ITT putting that claim in other people's mouths man

also, life threatening issues dont go from "non issue" to "humanity is at an end"
just because mortality rates are not on the +90% range doesnt mean you can just brush it off
practising extra hygiene and avoiding large concentrations of people isn't an over reaction, its page one of how to slow down disease spread

Hello Donald.

Go back to your KFC bucket, Donny boy

>Trash of trash:
>China, Italy
So the only ones who are doing something about it, while Abe only waited until today to do something?

I'm not surprised that most liberal democracies aren't doing shit to effectively contain it, though it frustrates me endlessly.

Japan is limited in what it can do because it Liberal Post-War constitution limits the capacity of the government to engage in things like quarantines

Korea should be in God tier


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some people are panic buying stuff but if you didn't follow the news you wouldn't know anything was happening
no-one is taking any precautions
personally I cba to do anything different, if I get it I get it

>outbreaks of AIDS
How can you have an 'outbreak' of AIDS
Just don't have sex with strangers and don't be a heroin junkie

Some security guard here at uni has been coughing up a storm for the past 10 minutes

>and compared to other countries america is relatively clean
What does that mean

Like we don't have open air markets with non-refrigerated raw carcasses bleeding on live ones who live in piles of shit. We also poo in loos.
I'm not saying America is the most clean/sanitary country, but better than some.

We're basically the best prepared in the entire world. We used to share that position with South Korea but then they shat the bed with their christfag death cults.

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>Iran not in least prepared category

>most prepared

>America most prepared

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For real, just saw on the news yesterday some people here violated their quarantine because they didn’t know what it meant

Oof imagine if this shit actually gets to Venezuela.

>After the couple returned home from the ski vacation, they asked to be tested, but were rejected as they had not been in a risk zone. They quarantined themselves and told employers, friends and family. One of the others in the traveling party bluffed themselves to a test by saying that they had been in Italy. This is how the infection was discovered. In total, six people in the traveling party have tested positive for coronary infection.
Bureaucracy at its finest

Another triumph of the liberal/democratic system.

Fortunately it seems to do poorly in hot weather and we're experience record heat waves right now. That's why you notice India hasn't completely collapsed despite holding daily mass protests with lots of tightly packed crowds.

some states are still only testing people who have been to china

National traits let you do one.
italy think only about oneself.

At least as of yesterday we were the country with the less amount of infected people that had had at least a death lol

I get that they lack tests, but do something, quarantine people. They're not doing anything

World’s best

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nvm some moroccan died

Ironic for the guy who executes people for using drugs to think restricting travel from China is dehumanizing.

that would incite a panic and slow the economy down user

How the fuck are we prepared? Our health minister just fled to Somalia

>Italian healthcare literally on the brink of collapse

What's funnier is he's a drug addict himself.

Not really collapse tier yet but hospitals in the most affected areas are already struggling to have room for new patients, the staff is always busy, when a new hospital casually finds their first case they have to lock down and check for other positives for a couple of days, things like that

you dont know how many people dont take it seriously. just today i overheard a conversation where one man proudly announced that he's going to a business meeting in asia. he said that it could have been done over skype but he ain't scared of anything

7/10. Trumps a dumbass but at the end of the day we are a first world nation, and have far more money and resources to throw around than most, even if we don't want to. You think Chinese people are having a great time not being able to go to work? Fuck no. Quarantines are always difficult financially. Serious sickness is always difficult financially.

I am so fucking annoyed at EU/USA failure to give a shit at all levels.

>>Why isn't preventing the consumption of wild animals not a massive international priority, on the level of vaccinations?
because in most countries you don't eat wild animals as a rule.

I found it strange that immigrants seem to take this more seriously than the natives, half the people buying paracetamol and loo roll where I word/shop were non-white, the rest were mostly middle-age women. Perhaps people in the West are so coddled they have lost their sense of danger whereas the immigrants could well have already been through similar shit.

All this shit spread around thanks to vacationers and international travelers. Why is that allowed?

Because muh economy.
Same with eating wild game--its an important part of the Chinese economy. And unlike airline moguls and resort owners, the people who sell wild game are mostly poorfags who are working merely to make a living.

The toilet paper thing makes no sense period, I dont care if I sound like a coddled westerner.

Worrying... I just hope we can contain it first rather than piling it up in the hospital. At least our government is pushing the school holiday forward

we might have been able to do something a few weeks ago but it's too late now, a lot of people will die unnecessarily

>>Coronavirus comes from eating wild animals
No one can really say if this is true or not yet. The virus does occur in bats too, but we have no idea if they're infected from the same sources humans were.

The problem is a lot of medical equipment such as masks have rather meager stockpiles and their production mostly happens overseas now. We don't really have the infrastructure in place to really deal with this, and America won't deal with quarantines because it doesn't have the political will to do them.

btw there are still big football matches going on here

Going voting this evening bros wish me luck on not getting infected

bring your own pen
if that's not allowed wear gloves

>All this shit spread around thanks to vacationers and international travelers. Why is that allowed?
What the fuck are you suggesting exactly. Travels to Asia and shit are already stopped if that's your point

Me and my dad both have corona, confirmed and everything. We were sent home and put into house quarantine. Finally able to go outside again, went straight to the liquor store kek. Gonna get hammered today.

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Probably wants something like no more traveling to China

what symptoms did you have?

Dump the whole bottle of disinfectant on your hands afterward.
Who are you voting for?

There are no commie countries.

A slight cough, fever, (mine topped out at 39.6C) runny as fuck nose (literally like a river of snot) and a headache.
But I've had the normal flu before that felt worse.

if you dont want to get weird looks in public for wearing surgical gloves wear regular winter gloves over them

do you know where you got it from?

No more travelling period. Italy already coofed on far more countries than China ever did. I know for a fact my own country has exported cases, and had cases imported from nations that supposedly "have it under control" like UK.

Why are we travelling and vacationing and going into crowded planes and airports and giant public festivals and conferences? Because muh economy.
Why does a humble working class third worlder sell some wild game? Muh economy.

Except in the latter case its 100% more understandable, than a bunch of tantrum throwing firsties.

jesus man...

How old is your dad? What kind of symptoms did he get?

Just put dirty infected gloves over your clean gloves bro!

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i'm glad that you are well again

I'm guessing it's because either they or their elderly relatives still remember what dangerous epidemics can do. It's the same with antivaxxers - people who've seen the effects of polio or tetanus with their own eyes don't bitch about muh autism.

No clue, dad and I live here in Dalarna so it's pretty remote. We were down in Stockholm and in Gothenburg the week before we got sick so probably in either of those cities.
He's 59. The old fuck got away even better than I did, he barely got a fever. Just a runny nose, cough and headache and a slight fever.
Thank you, I'm glad as well.

>He's 59. The old fuck got away even better than I did, he barely got a fever. Just a runny nose, cough and headache and a slight fever.
That's good news.

I'm wearing burger cop gloves but they're so fucking hot it's driving me insane. I also don't want to look like larper but would honestly feel the best if I could just wear a mask and surgical gloves without all the deprecatory looks.

I've had 40.4C once before, right in the middle of a long hiking trip. I was shaking so badly it fucked up my legs for three weeks afterwards.

Why did you get tested for corona with no known contact with an infected person? Bullshit

Of course now things are going to slow down, you were talking about it as if traveling is an inherent evil or some shit. Don't kid yourself with the "Italy is infecting everyone" meme, we're merely the first with the major "happenings" but virtually every nation is already infected. Shit, the first european case was German and more or less simultaneously to us a few weeks ago there was record of a brit businessman unknowingly infecting family and colleagues

which means that the people downplaying the virus like the crazy canadian in this thread are on Trump's side even if they don't know it yet, beautiful.

how long were you sick?

People are still travelling and vacationing to this day.

Point being--you can't point fingers at poor wild game sellers for creating new illnesses in the name of money, when the wealthy are the ones who spread them in the name of money.

>Pence instead told people he was going to pray on what to do.
Absolute kino...

>Extremely contagious virus with a high mortality rate for the elderly spreading to all countries
This is a great time to travel!

t. boomers all around the world

A bad batch of donor fluids or tissue could do it. Just scapegoating gays doesn't solve everything Poland.

Media says we should keep wörking.

Think I got pozzed by some north italians from Milan lads

Well the spanish flu did have about the same mortality rate but yeah Drumpf is a moron like most of Yas Forumsards saying it's no worse than the cold.

>having to pay to be tested for a epidemic
What's your 2nd amendment for? That's outrageous. You think anyone at CPAC or AIPAC paid for their tests?

Hed probably close schools but not anything to affect the economy.

Trump also gutted the the entire global-health-security unit of the National Security Council and cut the government's $30m Complex Crises Fund.

Because we got sick 5-6 days after visiting a city with several Corona cases and our symptoms ticked all the boxes? Plus, dad is older. Ignoring that would be pure retardation.
Felt pretty shit for about a week, started getting better after that. Been 14 days now and I'm back to normal.

I hope all the retarded leaders get it and live needing to breath through a fucking tube, dumb cunts.

We got the first cases of domestic infection today, where there was no known contact with someone from outside the country, you're saying this happened to you weeks ago.
You're lying

CDC tests are free with narrow criteria, WA/NY ordered all insurers to pay for testing (even waiving deductible/copay), many major insurers have offered to waive copay (but not deductible lel), and its covered as "essential benefit" of medicaid/medicare.

Its the middleclass fags outside of WA/NY who are fucked when it comes to testing but that might change, we'll find out.

Trump is not in charge of business nor school closures. I mean I guess he could call for nationwide school closing but its not really his call to make. Schools are handled by local govt. Right now the big objection to closing schools seems to be that not all kids have a computer so its not fair to put classes online, also what about all the kids who want to eat free lunch/breakfast? And parents whose kids are retards and they can't afford a babysitter? More practical considerations like that.

This will hopefully change as they realize they are literally killing people, but we'll see.

Trump's re-election hinges upon his handling of the epidemic, and he's is still in the denial phase right now. Trump is not a stupid guy, in his home turf, but he's totally out of his game here. This is like the Spanish flu, and we are being lead by morons who don't know what exponential growth means.