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>I didn't buy the bottom, let me in!
Shit faggot, it's already cheap.
A one day, dead cat bounce.
Don't you love how the gambler mentality has erased trillions of dollars worth of value in the stock market? How do you like your 401k now, losers?
Trump cocksuckers btfo
Brace for 1.95$ gas if you live outside of Cali.
I swear to God stock traders are the biggest beta's. They have bad health so all they can do is stare at graphs and hit the mouse button, I know it for a fact because I'm subscribed to a few bitcoin channels, and holy shit... talk about limp handshacks.
god i wish that were me
Off by 1
u slow nigga
Market is reacting to Trump tax cut promise HE CANNOT DELIVER. Democrats will shit all over his proposal and the markets will end red.
Based faggot
Red? It will be a bloodbath.
>economy crashes
>no more billionaires
>bernie wins
>bernie can't steal money any moar
>get's shoa'd by stalin 2.0
>all elites and generals get the siberian treatment
>usa is like 1939 russia
>mexico invades
>mexico takes the south
>stalin 2.0 uses burned land tactic
>mexico freezes while trying to conquer the north
>usa gets help from the Leafs
>starts pushing back the beaners
>USA wins the war and kills all beaners men and rapes the chickitas.
>stalin 2.0 is killed by the CIA
>CIA wins.
Yep, short covering profits taken.
What? But Bill Mitchell promised me, PROMISED ME, this was all a demon rats construction and if i bought all american stocks now I'd be rich??
So many sectors are being affected by this that the market will keep dropping. Check out how cheap flights are.
Politically, this could be a really smart move, but like you said, the dems won't give him any victories in an election year.
I checked... they don't like
You should have clapped.
They die early due to heart conditions fueled by consistent anxiety and extreme stimulant abuse.
Its going to be more like 1919 Germany desu.
Good, let the (((stock market))). I hope people start flinging themselves out of buildings like it's 1929
ok schizo
Back in the red.
My dad is talking to his Edward Jones guy about retirement today. I need to take his belt and shoe laces.
Nigger, this shit can't crash.
Shuts down automatically at a 20% drop.
Think about it.
What is 20% of 20% of 20% of 20%?
That shit is never going under, bro. It's mathematically impossible.
It will always eventually rise.
No fucking shit, Sherlock. The virus was merely a spark. This has been a long fucking time coming. The current iteration of the banking system and fiat currency, has to fucking stop. Eat the rich. Reset everything. It's going to 0 one way or another.
Oh fuck here we go
Trump have bullshited fellows with "tax cut" for wagies. Now MIGAs are butthurt as fuck and lose much money.
As in increase? It’s already like 1.90 in austin tx
The real show starts after lunch. Buckle up
And we're Freeeeeeee Free Falling
fuck finna get me some taco tuesday crunchies
NOT THE STOCKORINOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyone who actually believed the stimulus talk would pump the market is either a newfag or a delusional goldenbullfag
We just had the exact same thing where the fed speculation caused the pump monday only to fall flat when the rate cut was unveiled
get out of the coffeeshop retard
Oh haha you fucking you mistyped that you fucking spelled that wrong what a fuckin retard opinion discarded
How the fuck does one accidentally type "ck" instead of "ke" and more importantly why are you so mad
Stay poor loser
Sub 2 dollar gas has been reality in non-communist states for weeks bro
The cat fell so hard instead of bouncing it continued tunnelling through the earth
Checked! Leave the leafs alone!
sometimes you send the message you are typing to your hands while you think about more stuff and then they fuck it up
zombie mole
>CIA wins.
every time.
there was already a "dead cat bounce" so is this dead cat bounce 2
gamblers understand risk. the Jew-controlled central banks sought to abolish risk by inflating asset values irrespective of whether they the assets were good or bad. This interfered with the normal process of price-discovery which is a function of fluctuating markets. "investors" were then corralled into these over-valued assets through 401ks and passive etfs and convinced by endless media propaganda that they are "safe" ways of making money. in reality there is no such thing, unless you're the one who prints it.
Dead cat bouncing for the third or fourth time. Let's admit we don't know anything about the stock market. Let's stop panicking, for any reason at all.
OP just likes using the words
>dead cat bounce
he's also a fag with a memeflag
I said this early this morning in response to all the shill threads. They're just trying to take u down with them.
It‘s not a dead cat bounce it’s plunge protection failing again and again to get any upwards momentum.
>unless you're the one who prints it
Sounds like a problem that only affects the mentally challenged
How do you know, fag? There are lots of idiots "buying the bottom" right now.
>How do you like your 401k now.
All my retirement plan is in stocks.
How is it now? Great! You know why? Because I'm not retiring now, i'm just 35.
>b-but you lost money
No I didn't. The price of stocks fell, but not their value.
If you need to stock up water for a shortage in a few years, and the price of the bottle falls 20% today, you become happy or sad?
I need to buy as many stocks and funds as I can before I get to retire at 55. If they become cheap now, I'll end up with more. If they keep getting more and more expensive through the years, I'll need longer to retire, got it bru?
Honestly I need at least a couple crashes like this in the next 2 decades to have an even larger retirement later on.
Enjoy being a wagie forever, zoomer.
Unlike in Sweden where they're selling the bottoms
The amount of cope. IMAGINE
Its now up 450 points
Nigga, your economy is commodities dependant. You're fucked.
you mean the people who don't think as slow as they type
No I quite literally mean the Swedish traders are selling their bottoms
>the amount of cope from a third worlder crying about our first world problems of getting stocks on sale
I'm glad you subhumans will always stay poor regardless of how much free shit white people give you
Not for long, trust me.
>coping mutt
>calling other subhuman
Do you even know how to use proxies?
>trust me i'm a quasi socialist aspergo faggot on Yas Forums
go be a frenchie in a blacked or scat thread or something else more relevant to your expertise
No, I like my flag to fly when I remind north africans of their place in the world economy.
Damn, that actually sounded based until the CIA got involved.
Has mutt's law already been invoked ITT
$1.97 here in Indiana.
market just shaking off the RH pussies. its correcting itself yes but youre just another happening cumbrain.
A crash is the best time to buy, even if prices sink some more after you bought. All that means is you're getting a good deal instead of a fantastic one. The only important number is the selling price, decades into the future, and the stock market will certainly keep rising, multiplying in value unless we have an apocalypse on our hands.
You made your first post with a Brazilian flag.
Moor > Mutt.
t. Alberto Barbosa
>dead cat bounce
Literally cringed
>and the stock market will certainly keep rising
ok boomer
Bad day at work, huh?
>muh dead cat bounce
why do retards hear a term one time and think they have the faintest idea about how the market works? i've been hearing this shit about bitcoin on Yas Forums since '16. just shut the fuck up already
The whole thing is burning down.
capitalism is bipolar mental illness