Anyone who posts in this nazi cesspit is instantly put on a list of domestic terrorist threats. Your every move is being monitored by government organizations.
Also, most of the things posted here will be illegal in the future, and you will be prosecuted retroactively. You will all be thrown into prison.
I almost exclusively shitpost here, and honestly love the idea that there's a folder somewhere full of "evidence" that's just me calling Canadians "snow niggers" and what not.
Believe me if I could go back and never go on Yas Forums I would. Don't forget you're here forever. Pretty sure the worst I've done is called someone a retard.
Parker Edwards
Here is a list of some well known faggots we have our eyes on: >chuck schumer >angela merkel >justin trudeu >barack obama >OP
Wyatt Gutierrez
As if anybody cares. Leaf this shits posted every other day.
Jose Harris
Lol imagine thinking these shitposters are on anyone's radar.
A list is a list. Everyone is on some list. But surveillance? Hur dur.
Ive been on enough deep web white supremacy links to know glowniggers tryna trace me. Even before I click on a link, I can sense if it's a glownigger honeypot, fuck them. Here's a tip everyone on Yas Forums should follow, only use HTTPS sites, configure your browser to use ESNI and change your default(Google or ISP) DNS to a secure one. Cloudflare DNS says they don't keep logs, but can't trust them
Evan Barnes
Ive been on a list since march 15, 2002, i was ten years old, eat the peanuts from my poop, shitheel.
Benjamin Long
I find it amusing that most of you don't realize what's coming. You will be going to PRISON, and it will be full of BLACK and BROWN people, whose hate for people like you grows every day. You think you will be treated kindly? You think the guards will care?
Connor Morales
Haha as if my government would prosecute illegal opinions if i question the legitimacy of historical events fucking shizo
Levi Rivera
This is a public website that anyone can visit and I am not gonna use the freedom of this site to put myself in a situation I cannot control. Everyone should know they're limits of speech to not fall into the ridicule. This is a good platform to learn from the mistakes of others in society and how dumb people can go like there is no limit
Many people take this board as something that makes sense all the time and everyone here is so smart when its the opposite, there are really dumb people in here , be sapient and not a emotional wreck and primitive brain
>Gets put on Federal watch list >Federal agents start combing posts, reading info >realize there are no crimes, follows the laws >Federal Agents become redpilled reading Yas Forums
Jonathan Rodriguez
that\s interesting
Owen Garcia
I've been on "the list" long before I posted here regularly. I'm not ashamed that I only masturbate to POV white creampie videos on the offshoot chance I need to coom. Fuck off glow niggers.
Andrew Reyes
pure demoralisation, plus i'm posting this from my local library, hang in there germanbro, you've got so much to give
Angel Jenkins
We are all shaking in our pants at the thought of some leaf faggots threatening us with prison over free speech. Go clean your fucking room.
Lucas Williams
Fuck you and burn in hell kikeopath, shove your list up your bunghole
Parker Bennett
Never be ashamed FPOVbro.
Andrew Peterson
Jaxson Long
I've been there. If you are prepared for violence you're in good shape, they can sense it. If not you can go to protective custody with the faggots and informants.
>Also, most of the things posted here will be illegal in the future, and you will be prosecuted retroactively. You will all be thrown into prison. Canada sounds like a shithole when you put it that way. We better not move to Canada then just for posting on a basket weaving forums.
Josiah Wood
Everyone everywhere is on every list unless they have never used the internet ever
Yeah they just trick by asking you to make them sawed off shotguns, shoot your dog, son and wife, and then label you a dangerous white suprematist and call in the Feds to besiege your family cabin.
Aaron Kelly
The state won’t even exist in the future. Ecological collapse is no lie.
Colton Fisher
Sebastian Perez
Well technically everyone is on a list
John Ortiz
They’ll be too busy assraping a twink like you - remember, you posted here, so you’re fucked too, shill.
David Gonzalez
Who is to say I'm not watching them instead?
James Davis
Sounds pretty radical desu.
Jack Smith
Doubt it. Government wouldnt have approved my gun licence if I was on a terrorist watchlist
Aiden Nelson
I hate to break your delusion of grandeur, but none of us are that interesting.
Andrew Price
This OP hasn’t even done that. This is some extremely low quality JIDF-tier shilling we have here.
Ian Harris
>you will be prosecuted retroactively I think this is true.
Aiden Murphy
>you will be prosecuted retroactively ex-post facto laws are pretty much the hallmark of an illegitimate government. Canada is even more explicit about it than the USA.
Juan Cruz
Yeah but it's Canadian prison. Less rape, more maple syrup pancakes.
Jace Phillips
Btw if one of you glowniggers from CSIS is in here, I'm looking for a uni coop. Electrical Eng. Speak English Russian Ukrainian and German. Hook me up nigga.
Jace Evans
Ryan Thompson
shut the fuck up you pencil necked nigger faggot.
Jaxon Martin
You're just jealous you're not on as many lists as me. Lol stay mad listless lisp bitch
Carson Nelson
The list is being sold to amazon for advertising.
Blake Morris
copyright laws have been extended retroactively half a dozen or times or so
>implying I give a shit >implying I have anything to lose >implying I can be intimidated I am not a Jew, nor I do not have a guilty conscience. My gods are dead and my enemies are in power. Send bachelors and come heavily armed.
I guess that means I won't get a job, won't be able to pay back my student loan debt, and will be spending the rest of my days in prison. No, please, don't do that to me.
I'm not a criminal, and I don't give a fuck if they wanna waste their time looking at my unexceptional life. >>Federal Agents become redpilled reading Yas Forums >implying you can redpill the non-huwytes feds
I don't give a shit, we have freedom of speech here commie.
Lincoln Hill
Come get me then faggot.
Angel Bennett
That's exactly why we do it, dipshit! Because we believe that the internet should be free. Because out here, we are all divided and one at the same time. Because we are all anons. Because of the rules. Come on my brothers! Come on all who remembers past moments of glory! Glory above tyranny! FREEDOM!