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And this means... what? Biden is ahead by almost 1 million votes and 100 delegates. Will Bernie close the gap? Will he reduce it? Will he get ahead?


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This is the official Bider cope thread
How will Bidenboys cope will the massive loss today?

I'm a Bernie supporter, and I know Bernie isn't likely to win the popular vote at this point, but we won't know for sure until we get to April. At best it'll be a contested convention, and Bernie loses because of the super delegates. Bernie losing to the super delegates would be it's own victory, because it would greatly harm the democrats, and they're almost as bad as the republicans.

Why is Michigan slated to go for Biden this time when they went so hard for Sanders in the 2016 primary? I straight up don’t get it. Big union state = big union candidate, no? I live in Ohio and I kind of get why Biden is more popular here, outside of the cities even the most “progressive” voters are still pretty far right, but in Michigan I’m just scratching my head

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To be honest, this doesn't make much sense. Bernie was doing better this time around, and now it is looking like he might actually lose by more than last time. I had hoped for this peaceful option, but if Biden gets the nomination than drastic measures are needed.

Yep, the last gasp of socialism before we crush it good

what are faggots like you doing on pol?

unfortunately retweets and upvotes are not legally binding in an election.

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About 20% of Americans are pro socialist now. That's a huge increase from the 90s. Once it reaches beyond 25%, we'll be the majority in the Democratic party and can finally get to work. We are so goddamn close this election.

>and they're almost as bad as the republicans.
They are the republicunts. Two sides of the same shekel. Overton window won't allow any radical change like Bernie to take office, the mainstream media will enforce that much.

Dems don't want Bernie because the worst people vote for him. That includes Antifa. His supporters are the worst, and brokefags too.

Don't even use it myself. Same for all other social media. Did create an Instagram account to follow one person, but deleted it shortly thereafter. Stopped using Reddit as well, and I only use YouTube and Yas Forums.


After Biden cleans the old commie's clock in Michigan today, Obama will endorse and Bernie will drop out, citing no path to victory.
Joe will announce Michelle Obama as his VP running male even before the convention.
Bernie Bros btfo again.

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>Trending on twitter
Yeah, that's a bigger echo box than Yas Forums

>but if Biden gets the nomination than drastic measures are needed.
If Biden gets the nom it’s four more years of trump off top. That’s obvious, barely worth saying. But what it means ultimately is that the Democratic Party is basically done. If Bernie doesn’t win I’m out of politics forever. Because it no longer matters. It means votes and the will of the people don’t matter, but also the planet is fucked. We can’t save it. We’ve run out of time. It’s not just me who feels this way, it’s millions of other people. I’m in my 30s, so I might live long enough to only suffer a little bit if I’m lucky, but my grandkid’s generation (who am I kidding? I’ll never be able to afford kids, let alone grandkids lol) is going to inherit fucking Waterworld: Climate refugee edition.

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Maybe in a world where upvotes and retweet would won you the election

Nigger, at this rate Biden doesn’t even need super delegates.

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>thinking Bernie will "save it". Lol.

Trump was the last genuine chance we had to "save it" and he's proven to be nothing more than a neocuck at best and a jew shill at worst.

People who think Bernie is a "savior" are so retarded its painful.

Joe is the insurance that Michelle will be president if they can cheat them into office.
It'll be a good race.

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The DNC will never let the party go socialist. You're going to have to split off and form your own party.

Your average "voter" is a subhuman that shouldn't have any say in anything. They remember le lunch pale Joe meme from 30 years ago so they vote for Biden. Boomers are incapable of learning new information.

That + all the niggers voting for Biden because of name recognition and it's enough to easily blow that old faggot out of the water.

>another climate cultist
Stop worshipping the fake and gay state religion and convert to Christianity, you dumb faggot.

There's not going to be a contested convention my communist friend. Bernie has been defeated by the party he tried to infiltrate from the outside. That is what history will remember. Another blow to the Marxist legacy. Better luck next election, comrade. Although maybe by then you'll have grown up and realized fascism is right.

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Lol, God’s not going to save you from drowning to death after you voted to fill your house with water


It's not happening.

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>29k tweets
Is that supposed to be a lot?

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Just because people say it over and over again doesn't make it true. Look at Trump regarding the impeachment trial, the meuller report, etc.

If there were delegates for most tweets Bernie would surely win!

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>Twitter equals reality

>Bernie losing to the super delegates would be it's own victory, because it would greatly harm the democrats, and they're almost as bad as the republicans.
Worse, they pretend to be populist

But they do matter. That popular vote never came for Bernie. He couldn't 3ben muster 20% of his target to get off the sofa on super Tuesday and lost his add because of it. And Bloomberg showed us money alone doesn't buy seats. Bernie lost in every way possible.

Most were just protest voting against Hil-Dawg

>29k trannies vs the million boomer chads


>I'm a Bernie supporter
Please kill yourself for the good of this country

Bernie's going to slide out faster than Charlie Sheen's Crisco dick out of Cory Haim's tight pink asshole.

>. That pic


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Uh, yeah. Twitter is full of (((leftist))) faggots, not the legions of boomers that support Biden. This is not difficult to figure out, user.

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no actual people support biden. all his votes are from vote rigging

Hey bros. We need to get justice for your bro Seth right? Fuck the DNC who keeps cheating on you, don't you agree?

fuck you he can still win. i hope trump gets coronavirus so you feel bad

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Bernie's goose will be cooked faster than Charlie Sheen lubed up Cory Haim's ass with Crisco.

His town hall thing on Fox was pretty based. He's a million times better of a speaker than Joe Braindamage.

People only voted Bernie because Hillary was so bad, now they don't have such a bad option they'll go with that.

Take that shit to the ballot box. Fight Bernie bros FIGHT!


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Biden is just as corrupt as Hillary. He used his VP office to enrich him and his family using money laundering schemes in the most corrupt countries in the world. Sadly this gets obfuscated by the complicit media

2016 polls....Hillary with a huge lead but Sanders still managed to win. Michigan is tough to poll.



All of them will and Tulsi will take charge

Lol yeah that angle isn't working. Bernie is much more corrupt than Biden ever was anyway

based user, i never would have found out if not for you

Kek, imagine unironically thinking this

>Joe Biden and Charlie Sheen walk into a public pool

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>gives his wife a job in the public dime as "director of the Mayor’s Youth Office"
>Robs a college of millions of dollars and runs it into the ground
>pockets millions of dollars of campaign money to buy mansion and sports car and gives the rest to the establishment
>currently defrauding thousands of people again just like in 2016