
Polish Commander General of Polish Armed forces got infected with corona virus during military meeting in Germany.

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Oh nooooo, not the soldierinos, who will guard our pieroginos now?

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A NATO meeting, holy fuck. That means the command staff of NATO is probably riddled with disease...
Fuuuuck. If Russia can keep their infections contained, while Europe gets ravaged, they'll have a significant strategic edge that won't come up for exploitation again...

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All those Traitorous traitor getting neutralize at the same time...... This meme virus story line is getting better and better.

To the Clown lurking: Do you think you can just get on a plane and fly away?

Certainly not during a Fucking Global pandemic!


>That means the command staff of NATO is probably riddled with disease...
Yep imagine how many are infected after this meeting. Fucking Germans killing our soldiers again.

Just as planned.

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Nah, if movies have taught us anything, it's that the top brass are always sniveling idiots who only got those positions because they could maneuver the politics better. Once the useless generals are dead, the badass colonels will take over and get shit done.

and cooperating with russia

Fuck nato
That shit should be dissolved

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Call me a conspiracy theorist but I think Russia is infecting people strategically.
And it may even be their virus, since they don't have it despite millions of China contacts and a 5000 km long border.

Ahahahaha pomorskaja oblast soon my pshekian fellow -soon-to-be-compatriots

Ready for round trzy you faggots?

Nah this has Mossad written all over it. Why else would Iran have more deaths than the rest of the world apart from China how has a much larger population

a terrible coincidence

considering number of cases in Germany it is your Generalinspekteur der Bundeswehr who infected him and most likely most of the NATO command in Europe

no one could have predicted this

>If Russia can keep their infections contained
They can't, they're just keeping it silent and not testing.

When you roll into Poland with thousands of tanks, pls don't blow up Bialystok, it's pretty there.

They all could be infected with kung flu right now

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The virus is the cure.

Is this guy a loyal Polish patriot or a globalist puppet? Important to know.

>pls don't blow up Bialystok, it's pretty there.
Pfft it's literally the shittiest major Polish city, not much of value there besides the Branicki Palace and maybe that badass looking church.

Why do all high profilers get the just@ flu thingy? Shieet

>Why else would Iran have more deaths than the rest of the world
Because they are under embargo and only trade with North Korea and China and are dirty crazy people.
They literally refused quarantining the epicenter of the epidemic because it's a holy city and it would upset the martyrs who are buried there.
Their "cure" was licking the same gates of a mosque...

During the first week of the Pandemic in China The Russian Government was shitposting that it was just a mild cold, And nothing to worry about.

But What they did during that first week was very telling. They close the border, Cancel all flight and shipped and Forcibly expelled or quarantine a shit load of Chinese.

Don't listen to what they say, Trust in what they do.

Prababci dzialka tam jest, po za miastem.

Because someone is targeting them with it, using the wider pandemic as cover.

He was appointed by current kinda right wing (socialist economically, conservative socially) government. Also he looks like a stereotypical Pole so he is good in my book.

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Interesting angle and I remember when the kikes deliberately infected the Iran’s computer systems with staxnet(?) that also went haywire and nearly infected the world and crashed all the windoze systems so no one could play vidya anymore

He was probably targeted then. Some right-wing Spanish politician also got the virus, and there's a lot of reporting here in the US about Republican politicians in quarantine, even Trump maybe have been "exposed" supposedly. Then you have high-level Iranian leaders going down like flies.

Interesting how the Globalist leaders around the world have been untouched.

>Why else would Iran have more deaths than the rest of the world apart from China
Because they lick temple walls like psychos they are.


Here are the evil kikes spreading the fucking disease in Iran:

(they actually do this as corona prevention)


Attached: iran corona cure.jpg (320x180, 12.71K)

Don't worry, our Beloved Jewish Leaders will protect us. Pic related. Our Glorious Prime Minister.

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>says a retard in a country without any military at all

Why the fuck can't the boomers understand that large meetings with important people is insanely retarded right about now?

Cool story bro.

Our Wonderful President Juda will protect his Jewish children on Polish land (apart the ones who emigrated and GTFOed from Poland).
Polan is of safe.

Attached: president_juda.png (585x558, 381.44K)

they literally thought it was just the flu

>He was appointed by current kinda right wing (socialist economically, conservative socially) government.
Pic rel


like any of these people have any importance

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The evil of the kike has no bounds, look how they are infecting poor little civilized Iran:



Attached: iran corona cure.jpg (900x506, 93K)

He is very openly Jewish, never even hinted at not being Jewish, and he is part of Chabad Lubavitch (also known as Jews International).

Prime Minister: Openly Jewish, from Chabad Lubavitch.
President Juda: His wife is Jewish and his kids are Jewish.

Polan is safe! The International Jewery will protecc Polan!

Attached: chabad.jpg (474x315, 21.63K)

don't listen to the shills, you're 100% right. this is clearly a military operation to kill with bioweapons using the flu rebranded as coronavirus for cover. surprised no one is catching on but just shows you the control they have over media and minds of the people.

Someone post the clip where the cleric was spitting on bottles to purify the water.

We just can't help ourselves.


^This user knows.


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- "Polish people elected Beata Szydło as their prime minister, but she doesn't play ball properly. We need to replace her with someone else. Any ideas?"
- "How about with some local puppet?"
- "Meh..."
- "I know! How about we get a Jew from London to become Polish Prime Minister?"
- "Sounds great! Let's do that!"
Oh our Beloved Leaders!

Attached: hqdefault-1.jpg (480x360, 17.27K)

Poles: "We elect Beata Szydlo as our prime minister!"
International Jewery: "You mean Morawiecki, a Jew from London?"
Poles: "No, Beata Sz-"
International Jewery: "Ok, a Jew from London it is then! Morawiecki pack your shit! You're going to Poland!"

Polan stronk!

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Your vote matters!
Democracy stronk!

>tfw when polish general looks more gypsy than the romanian one

nice numbers, but are you blind or retarded? theres a literal brown gypsie sitting next to romanian flag

they are not targeted, the virus is just waaaay more spread than we think, and officials probable get faster tested.
there is little chance he got infected from one of the official cases, so probably 25% of the population is already a carrier

Germany is not affected by deadly corona, as stated by the media, everyone can leave the thread.

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retarded probably. the romanian is lighter than he should be, the pole darker than he should be.
if the polish would be a mulatto and the romanian a full nigger, the pole would still be more nigger, because he shouldn't be nigger at all

this,fucking jew

lmao, good luck. you've already shown how you end up when you take us 1vs1

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god damn nigga, you are on a roll, look at those numbers

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