Let’s abolish men.
Let’s abolish men
>men's culture, camaraderie
>women's, petty and vindictive
we could do this all day
>Failing is an incident
>conflict solved through passive aggressive gossip
this is so blatantly untrue idk how people can keep jerking each other off over this nonsense
I Iet my black neighbor cum inside my wife's vagina when I'm gone at work to save money on lube for my circumcised penis.
>Men's culture
>2000+ years of building history
>Now let's throw all that away because wamen
Get fucked and make strong babies instead of being whores
its actually exact opposite
>Failing is an incident
the OP pic literally disproves your point
This isn’t even a funny troll
lmao, that leg looks like rubber
How embarrassing
Just another example how women have no understanding of the concept of honor.
>team driven
where do you find such women?
do continue
>Ego driven
No responsibilities, collective shaming, no repercussions
Fuel for progress, deliver better products/services to win
Total fucking stagnation
Yes, the world is tangible, and resources are the goal for survival/prosperity
Rapey coons and parasitic jews
Motivation for what?!
>Few women in management
More women at home raising kids
>More women in management
Plz no...
>Failing is a disaster
it is
>Failing is an incident
"Sorry your life is ruined, but accidents happen haha"
>Conflict solved through force
Might makes right, and always will
>Conflict solved through negotiation
Negotiate at gunpoint and see who comes out on top
>Mens culture
4000+ previous years of civilization
>Womens culture
Razing it no holds barred within less than a century
On instagram motivational posters.
Women negotiating is almost as retarded as the notion that women can negotiate better than men.
If this was even remotely true they would negotiate better wages instead of whining non-stop about fictional wage gaps.
Clown world.
Why would you be based yet hide behind a meme flag?
Except it will never sustain. The conditions of the universe haven't suddenly changed. Those successful strategies these "empowered" females employ will be emulations of male strategies. Most of them will fail, unfortunately, and since they're in charge of millions, to the possible death of millions.
And if they will only likely succeed by emulating males, then there is no gain in removing males.
>but you can't prove that
I don't have to, evolution already did.
You can't explain this to women who think they should be in control. Look at , even when their societies are disgusting hellholes they'll think to themselves "at least men aren't ruling us."
that was an incident. the disaster was they let them do a project knowing full well what will happen when they inevitably failed
The 'incident' was actually blamed on the construction workers who built the bridge, even though they were following the blueprints and directions of the women in charge.
But I don't really need to explain it to women. Men are designed to be in control in the exterior. We're built for it.
Simply apply what you already have.
Women actually unable to comprehend how catastrophic failure can be in some jobs huh
sounds like the conflict was solved through negation. they negotiated all the blame onto the people under their direction. or maybe that is team sharing where they shared all the blame onto their workers
They are disconnected because non of days any and all critiques of women are met with ‘have sex incel’ and as a result they think they are perfect
Girl-type here. No, no, and NO. I absolutely, totally, completely and utterly, HATE WORKING FOR WOMEN. Absolutely fucking NO. NO WAY. Please please PLEASE let me work for men, ANY FUCKING DAY. (Unless they are gay. Gay men can be worse, as they are LARPing as the worst stereotypes in the worst of women.)
A man will tell me what he wants. A man will give me an honest timeline. A man will tell me if I'm not giving him what he wants. And he will tell ME. DIRECTLY. And when I finish the job and give it to him, he thanks me, and says job well done. The end.
Now, working for a WOMAN? Fucking Christ. She babbles and meanders. I have to nail her down on details. She will tell me yes, that is what she wants. She gives me a vague timeline. I have to nail her down on a date. Then comes the micromanaging. Then comes the, "Oh well you must have misunderstood me. What I really wanted was (something completely different). Then the timeline changes. "I really need this much sooner." I give her exactly what she says she wants. Her answer is, "yes, but... (insert something else she wants, or something completely different)." Then we're going to miss the deadline, and she tells me she lied about the deadline to motivate me. Then other people seem to know an awful lot about this project, and seem to believe I'm fucking it up, because apparently the bitch has been "venting" to other women. Then when it's all finally over, I get the, "user, I just feel like you're not giving this your all" concern speech, or the "Well, I feel we all need to work together to improve this process" little pep talk. Fuck women.
Fuck women. #Repealthe19th.
meanwhile in reality
What the fuck is a girl-type. Are you a medabot?
>failing is an incident for women;disaster for men
No. Hard no. Womenn have no sense of urgency or weight of problems. They treat every minor sleight from each other as the end of the world and treat actual problems as jokes. They honest to god have the mentality of chickens.
force and implicit force is a part of negotiations woman just leverage force by other means
feminism is about two things
>minimize responsibillity
>maximize share of the loot
nothing more nothing less
Assuming you're not larping then Based
white men are the problem
>eco driven/team
stopped right there. women are the most prideful and egotistical by far, it's why they're never wrong.
Money and things under men... This is how you can tell this was crested by a delusional brainlet.
Yeah this was created by someone who never had to work with women.
Not LARPing. #repealthe19th. They outnumber me at the voting booth. Just don't make me wear a trash bag over my head and we're good.
Pick one. You can't have both.
Complete bullshit.
Nothing worse than a bunch of women without a man around.
>Men: conflicts solved through force
>Women: conflicts solved through negotiation
quite the opposite, really
Women: conflicts "solved" through bitching and drama
Women can't handle failure at all.
and passing the buck to the nearest man but still taking credit
Let’s abolish women and their joke of an existence. Haven’t met one women close to the one on the right. Go and jump off a cliff you anarcho communist fucking worthless cuck faggot.
Did an alien write this?
> Feminine culture
> people / quality of life
> totally not money / things
It's probably like this:
Men historically were strong and powerful.
Letting a petty conflict escalate could easily mean one or several deaths. So men learned restraint and negotiation.
Women on the other hand had limited power and freedom and they were commonly perceived as weak. So they could escalate a conflict until they were put in their place by a man responsible for them, or were rescued by a white knight.
One can only negotiate with applicable resources or skills, to obtain those one must use conflict, whether internal or external. Everything is conflict
Everything is determined by force and violence, whether one is aware of it or not. Governments operate because they obtain a monopoly on violence. A democracy only works when the citizenry is armed to democratize the capacity of violence in that culture. Authority in any heirarchy works the same way, to different degrees, but it's still applicable.
They're "solved" in the sense that men end up cleaning up their after petty squabbling.
Thats been my experience my entire work life as well, going from retail to office IT work. I've had some great female coworkers, but at the end of the day almost all real challenges and conflicts were always resolved by a man reasoning it out.
You misspelled "Niggers".
>not ego-driven
We should make a city or something that's purposefully ran exclusively by women. And when it fails spectacularly, at least we can laugh as they try and cope and blame it on men still somehow.
wtf does that mean?
hah! that was my first big redpill. then I found out the ppl discussing the "incident" were being called racist and antisemitic. I remember googling "what makes reality antisemitic." so cringe, but I've come a long way.
Men argue leads to physical violence then it is over. A woman will spend her whole life being salt and snidely trying to spite that person. I would take the physical violence anyway.
This is literally the Ego vs Eco image that got shilled just yesterday right here. Makes you think, huh?
>Ego driven.