>Jeff Bezos lost $7 billion in paper wealth overnight, and more than $18 billion over the past month, as Amazon's share price has plunged on fear that the coronavirus outbreak will slow the global economy.
The world's richest person saw his wealth drop to $110 billion overnight, down from $117 billion, as Amazon's shares fell 7% at Monday's open from Friday's close. The shares recovered slightly midafternoon Monday, but over the past month alone, Bezos' wealth has fallen from $129 billion.
Concerns over coronavirus have roiled markets and torched hundreds of billions in paper wealth from the world's billionaires over the past month. But last night's declines, driven by a drop in oil prices, could be the largest overnight wealth loss in nearly a decade.
Bezos is innawoods in NZ, he has more important matters to tend to.
Alexander Young
DW he'll get it all back when the stock market rallies in 30mins
Jackson Carter
""""richest person"""" the rothschild are purposefuly ignored from these ranks.
Grayson Sullivan
oh no that sucks
Andrew Parker
Bezos is proof you can have all the money in the world but you still can't dress yourself
Jayden Morgan
hope he dies desu
Anthony Ross
Shouldn't amazons sales go up during a quarantine? Imagine all of the people stuck at home who need things delivered. I am going to buy some amazon stock right now.
Xavier Gutierrez
Thats a good thing.
Gabriel Wood
Once we go on quarantine in the states, Amazon's stock will skyrocket as they'll be delivering food to everyone in a big city. People have forgotten how it took national guard ground support for the food drops in Katrina because the disruption in order let the niggers roam free, and we don't have enough guardsmen to handle that happening across the country.
Joseph Campbell
No, because he sold the top
Kayden Gomez
Doesn`t matter. His socks probably cost more than your entire family`s worth.
Jacob Reed
He didn't lose shit because he's not fucking retarded and didn't liquidate anything.
Fuck off with this idiotic clickbait
Julian Garcia
I'm going to go rent Hot Shots Part Deux from Amazon Prime video for $3.99 to help him out
Brayden Brooks
i hope his whole family gets it and they don't have the business planned properly
Adam Wood
Thank you. >fake news
Bentley Green
anyone stupid enough to believe that his valuation is $110B is a retard. He *might* be able to liquidate 10% of that for cash. The rest is just make believe that stocks actually hold the face value they claim. Strange things happen when everyone heads for the exits at once.
James Stewart
good, keep it goin FUCK amazon and FUCK the consoomerists who have amazon prime or whatever in particular
Noah Rogers
Anthony Cox
kekd heartily
Luis Carter
Rollin' for dead kikes
Jordan Butler
Jeff Bezos losing $18b is like you misplacing a dollar in the sofa.
Lincoln Howard
Proof that their wealth is a bubble and redistributing it wouldn't solve shit.
Gabriel Thomas
Wow, investors are stupid. Once everyone is in mandatory quarantine amazon will be part of the sanctioned logistics chain.
only people allowed outside will be those who maintain infrastructure and delivery people carrying packages from amazon.
Colton Fisher
As are pretty much all kike related matters
Angel Phillips
>Bezos loses $7 billion overnight, $18 billion in a month, as Amazon's share price falls. He probably did it on purpose to hurt the USA and Americans. $18 billion is nothing to him, he wouldn't hesitate to throw it away to hurt Americans so that it could be blamed on Trump. We might find out in a few days that his tax breaks might be ending or he's going up on charges or something along those lines. Don't think for a moment that those evil pedophile child sacrificing elites wouldn't band together to hurt America.
dont want their fiatdollar want their factories and warehouses
Jaxon Green
Dominic Watson
Boo fucking who I have negative monies fuck him
Ayden Perry
Funny how commies are always complaining about how Bezos makes x amount of dollars per hour but can't conceive that he can also lose y amount of dollars per hour
Bentley Flores
They're probably not the richest in the sense that Bezos is rich. But it doesn't matter how many units of currency you have in your accounts and held up in assets and all that when you have a monopoly on what the currency is based on. So in a sense they're not as rich as Jeff Bezos, but in another sense all of his money (and everyone else's fiat money) ultimately belongs to them.
Zachary Davis
He most likely only gets the regular cheap socks any plebs like us would buy. Only niggers overpay for clothes.
Jeremiah Price
Brayden Peterson
Can't lose what you never had
Asher Sanchez
actually he would lose this money if he sells at this very moment. if he had 100 stocks earlier and still has 100 stocks he hasn't lost shit. normie news ...
Adrian Ross
>retarded journalist doesn't understand trading UNREALIZED IS THE KEY WORD jesus christ the absolute STATE
Aaron Peterson
Do you know how to work a factory, faggot?
Isaiah Richardson
Good thing he cashed out over a billion in amazon stock a month ago.
Jackson Rodriguez
>poor rich guy so he still has what? 110 billion? No competition on a global market? Hegemonic Amazon? Wow, how can a man live with only 110 in assets.
He liquidated $4bn in stock the first week of Feb. he’s fine
Thomas Edwards
Seven billion for a person that wealthy is pocket money. No one cares.
Connor Garcia
Shows you how idiotic taxing wealth or unrealised gains is.
Jayden Baker
Sure, but it just reveals how overestimated their wealth numbers are compared to normal people.
Nathan Ramirez
>caring about what dudes wear Your post is proof that you are a faggot.
Xavier Murphy
I wasnt aware that Jeff Bezos also owns the Washington Post . Liquidated 4bn in stock the first week in feb you say ? I wonder if he is on friendly terms with George Soros ?
Jackson Howard
you win you lose. That's life. In the end everything equals itself out in death.
Connor Hernandez
stocks losing value does not mean he lost money
Sebastian Young
Didn’t get already do that? I’m sure there was a story of him selling stocks a few weeks ago.
Sebastian Rivera
He didnt lose anything. Amazon will continue to suck up brick and mortar stores and malls across america and the world
Sebastian Lee
>worth nothing >not in debt but also no assets >own nothing of 'value' except an old vehicle and some semiprecious gemstones I collect >market tanks, Bezos loses 18b >subsequently my value goes up by lowering the ratio between my wealth and rich people's wealth
Whats the problem? Im worth like 2 cents more today tbqhwyfamalamadingdong