AUS/POL/ Piss poor effort edition

Hey slackers

>Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic phase will call for 'extreme measures', Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews says

>Coronavirus: Woman coughs on flight attendant on-board plane

>Scott Morrison reveals key principles of coronavirus stimulus package

>Coronavirus: Video shows crowd descending on toilet paper at Aldi

>Coronavirus trade collapse paints grim Australian economic picture for 2020

>First 'drive-thru' coronavirus testing station opens in South Australia

>Coronavirus: Italy-style lockdown could be on cards for Australia, WA AMA chief says

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why didn't one of you bake?

Repost. Maybe he’s right anons...

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Glad you found it m8.
Old one was archived before I could link to this one.

Is it bad I’m indifferent about the Kung flu killing me like a cuck? Am I even more of a cuck if I’m leaning more towards dying?


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>Am I even more of a cuck if I’m leaning more towards dying?
Living in the hellscape we call the modern world is dying.
Slowly from the inside.


Someone find the link, NOW!

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how do we find it? brute force random combo of numbers and letter links with supercomputer

> corona

I don’t know. I’m scouring the internet to find a way.

>morrison not giving me $2500 by next week

wow economy is doomed

Anyone in vic?
List of places to avoid like the literal plague.

Asio Has no counter to our power Besides making multiple threads to split of the users

vb would have killed us all by now
fucking shit coronas

So 5% is a million or more deaths. This could be interesting. Invest in crematoriums while you still can.

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Can't escape via the airport. Its totally pozzed already.

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Just praised him lads, might praise him again later idk

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it’s cause doctor user posted classified details. They had to derail to try bury it.

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Had lunch with a mate on Saturday who got back from Bali last week. His missus woke up with flu like symptoms today and they both got tested.

How fucked am i?

the bf

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There's just been a confirmed case at UQ, this time they've actually been on campus. Unifags BTFO.

They're still fucking with the definition of cases to keep the numbers down and avoid testing people.

the gf

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>not linking to the previous thread

Start huffing bleach.

the daily ride

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Probably just a coke hangover. You'll be fine.

Here you go

They just stopped testing in Belgium.
Soon we will be counting by the numbers of deaths

Hopefully they've been to the no-whites allowed computer room there

Toilet paper is a produce of the past, everyone should have a bidet by now

if you guys want a kek

They'll probably hide the deaths too.

This thread is now official

He needs to post the video. The people need to wake up. These people deserve to be coofed all over.


Kek. What a great troll of NEETs. If things get that bad there'll direct people to stay home not go outside to disinfect places. The virus doesn't need to be disinfected from surfaces, it'll die on its own in time.

the traditional custodians of the thread ceremony has been completed
now we can go about our business

Here's the reality of it.
>cenno phones up
>gotta clean chink infested envir-
>coofs midway through speaking
>as I was saying under your mutual obligations you are requir-
>interrupt with coughing fit
>sorry i'm not feeling so good, could you repeat that again?
>hangs up

Never underestimate the inheritors of tomorrow.
You will die but neets will forever stay.

Enjoy work tomorrow wagie

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>Not baking the new one
Lazy bastard

These Australians make me laugh so hard they make me cry. And then I use toilet paper to wipe my tears away.

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I think that was QUT but I'm sure UQ is just as pozzed

First for fuck Sunnybank.

I am NOT a glow agent

Still need to have a Welcome to Thread ceremony and a $1500 smoke show otherwise we're not showing enough respect to the traditional posters.


I read that when it came out and found it woefully inadequate.
>The government is saying casual wagies may be put on the dole.
>doctor user says dolies to be used to disinfect public spaces
>wagies totally BTFO. Not only do they lose 75% of their income they get put on corpse carrying duty and will all get corona'd and die.
DSP neets win again!

>I am NOT a glow agent
Only ASIO would say that.

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What would it look like if the military and cops need to patrol the streets? Did that even happen in WW2?

horror slide show. do these creatures posses any self awareness?

Guilty conscience?

They do great food but I always nearly die when I drive around there.

Not what seems to be happening in China with all those fog machines.

IVC beat the market today. If you see a funeral place, those morbid cunts probably own it.

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I'll just tell them about my medical problem.
Won't be able to go to the doctors to get the cert so they'll just have to wait till it blows over incase I'm not full of shit and sue.

wagies btfo yet again

ADF already has 3 cases, I believe one of the confirmed cases went to an ADF conference too, it’s too late there. They will have the coof soon

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Hilariously enough I think the white kids actually got that case thrown out.

Garden City as well, that place is fucked.

That shit is obvious overkill. Why would roads need to be disinfected? People aren't going to lick the road.

Who #Stoned cunts?

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Yeah, it happened during WW2. Who do you think was going around summarily executing black GIs outside pubs?

They are on the street in Italy. Self propelled guns and APCs. Bet it pot holes the shit out of the roads. They can then fill in the holes with corpses like they did after 9/11 in New York.

> south Melbourne market on Friday

Fuck! I dodged a bullet.

The ADF conference was in Canberra and the coofer flew here so I expect it is rife in Canberra already.

No they walk on it and then people lick their shoes when they get home.

can the coronavirus get to bendigo already? this place needs a biblical cleansing.

thought so, just looked it up. Article is 2 days old. Current tally is 3 in the ADF

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