Norway: Our government consistently refuse to enact needed measures, even when doctors tell the government that the time is now. Infection spreads. No way hospitals can handle this. No preparation was done beforehand so we are already now running out of supplies.
Scandinavia Corona general
Based govt in norway knows a jewish trick when they see one.
Posting in retarded shit thread
Government is too scared to do anything due to oil recession, and it will totally over react to corona eventually, just like every time there is a crisis.
Remember immigration went from most open policy in europe to most strickt in 4 weeks.
Our only hope is Norwegians not acting like savages. So I guess oslo is fucked.
I think my whole family is infected. Send help
Doctors refuse to test us
Now you have me wondering how that senile old bastard is doing.
Scandis are just nazis in sheep's clothing.
We claim to be internationally minded but our medical industry is filled with retard tier diagnosis such as apathic children(a ploy for free asylum), electrical sensitivty and climate anxiety.
Our cdc doesn't do any independent research and ignores the successes of the asian tigers in regards to corona, It is germanic culture to be passive and not to question anything from authority. If you do end up making a mistake, you can always blame your equally passive superior and that chain of command blaming continues until you reach the top.
In 1945 it was germans on trial for war crimes arguing that they were absolved of any wrongdoing simply because they obeyed authority.
In 2021 it will be middle aged women talking about how trusting literally WHO was a mistake.
This is what you get for an egalitarian workplace, no one is responsible until after the fact
>fucking his bike
checks out
stopped reading right there
how long do we have until stores start to have items missing? all my remas looking good.
Just wait until they quarantine a city and people "need to get out" before they're locked in
Normies are still convinced it's a flu. Most are probably too nihilistic to even give a fuck about preparation
coronachan has disapointed us all
instead of killing chinks it's in europe now
I was in Oslo for a week with some friends. Came home with symptoms related to corona. Sore throat, fever, coughing and was tired for about 2 whole weeks. Got told not to call unless I had been in China or Italy. Finally was allowed to call the doctor and was told it was "nothing to worry about. this can't be Covid-19 because there is no way you can get it from public transport". Im still sick, but only with sore throat and coughing. Got told I could still attend school and I don't need to take more precautions other than not cough in peoples faces.
China found out a person sitting 4.5 meters away from an infected got the virus...
Fuck this incompetent government!
I got some joikabolls and some leverpostei and mel and shit. Some water too. Paracets. Can last maybe two weeks if necessary.
Latest is that they dont want to use sterner measures because they might be used up by eroding public trust (?) meanwhile every doctor is like do something now! Fun times.
>eroding public trust
Right, so not taking measures in the face of a threat like this is suppose to inspire trust? what a bunch of fucking clowns!
Yeah. Its like they are asleep:
When I see such an obviously bait thread about the Chinese bar flu it’s makes me realize what I giant nothingburger this really is
Nothingburger? Id say its something at least.
Norwegians are pathetic.
Guy comes to Bergen hospital in critical condition. They dont test him for corona. Now whole hospital will probably be quarantined.
Yea, there will be a huge over reaction by the government, which comes far too late and causes much more chaos.
Innkandet is going nuts over it saying there will be huge staff shortages.
Norway seems to be actually handling this worse than Sweden, what the hell is going on?
Greed and naivety
Arrogance. A sense of invincibility from being one of the richest countries in the world with a bunch of the west eating our ass almost as much as we eat our own asses. We're also slaves to the GDP. Our job is to serve GDP, and it's not the GDPs job to serve us.
hahahaha ingenting kan skje slapp av, bare gå på jobb som vanlig så løse det seg. ingen vits i å bekymra seg, med har moderne sjukehus osv osv
t. nordmenn
So.. this basically?
I am a bit surprised as Sweden actually did something good today. The risk of spread is now officially set to "very high" (the highest).
I suspect schools will close quite soon. Of course, our country is fucked regardless since the commie socialists are blind or ignorant.
Toilet paper is slowly but surely running out, as is sanitation in general.
Our food deposits are still ok, but seeing as we get a lot of fresh produce from Italy and the like, that is going to hit hard and fast.
We won't EVER run out of meat. Probably have enough canned goods to last the population a good month if the entirety of production stops.
The amount of old and sick tho. If rapid death becomes a reality we could get fucked over if under quarantine. A family member dying is bad, a family member dying in the next room with you not being able to remove the body because the military and such isn't moving out to help with such things, you are looking at a bad fucking time.
Also what the fuck is up with people. Boss wife is a nurse and she says this is nothing to worry about.
Bitch you literally earn money by sticking your fingers up peoples asshole, what the absolute fuck do you know about mass viral infections?
hey Papi
samma her, me har sauakjøtt nok te å fora heila landet i 10 år minst
Hey Brapi.
Most people don't go to the doctor when they've got a cold. Most of the boomers who have been scared by the media and line up at the hospitals when they've got a cold now, don't get tested for coronavirus (because the testing kits are few, expensive and rationed.) We are also seeing cases in every single county here. This means that everyone has had coronavirus by now. You can't have people being confirmed by sporadic testing all over the country and not have a flu-like disease being spread all over.
If you had a runny nose over the last month or so, congratulations you've survived coronavirus. The habbening here isn't that the sniffles are going around, it's why the hysterical reaction by the media and the literal WHO and all the other glownigger faggots.
>Toilet paper is slowly but surely running out, as is sanitation in general.
eat more veggies and drink more water and you wont need toilet paper
thats a lie, eat meat and fish only and then the poop will be at its best
>he thinks bacteria is only dangerous when the paper is visibly brown
Enjoy E.coli you dirty fucking arab.
>he doesn't use a bidet, he thinks paper removes all the bacteria
Enjoy E.coli you dirty fucking arab.
So how long until we see fatalities? It hasnt reached my county yet im sorta hoping a dozen croaks overnight so our goverment overreacts and closes down everything including county lines.
Feels good man
Kind of hoping the NOK crashes because I make art online, and the pay has always been shit because the dollar conversion has always been so bad.
>removing anything but digested fiber and protein
Yeah, we got enough pork and sheep in the freezer to feed us for 10 years.
The schools in umeå are closed for the next three days atleast.
Sorry about that one. But King EU says we're no longer allowed to keep them locked away in institutions.
But have another bump.
we scandisk deserve this for being racist and not letting enough migrants in
>uses toilet paper
>smears shit all over ass
>never fully removes shit residue no matter how much he wipes because toilet paper is dry
>only spreads shit on surface, not even cleaning inside anus where shit still lingers
>goes about his day with a shitty smelly ass like everything's ok
Just use a bidet you retard.
Called my boss today to try to convince him into making our big meeting tomorrow into a Skype meeting instead. Was planning on having to say that I'm feeling sick, fake coofing and all that shit. Instead he just instantly accepts it and is coofing like a mad man.
Now I'm actually worried, the mad lad has houses in Italy and frequently goes back and forth between Sweden and Italy.
Good thing I've been self "isolating" the last few weeks.
It's a 10 kroners marked på Meny, better stock up!
Norway is a prime example socialism with money gone wrong. Everyone is docile, everything has to be solved by "putting together a committee" and everybody is a glorified paper pusher where nobody is responsible for anything.
It work(ed) because of Norwegian culture, and a certain ingrained pride in not taking hand-outs compared to other groups. So the few who scathed by, barely took anything away from society compared to the contributors.
When shit starts to fall, it crumbles, quickly.
So long, lads. It's been fun.
Great place to run a business though, as Norwegians don't care enough to be competitive.
>Shartinmarter talking about smelly ass
you ever wonder if those sharts could be a result from all that extra moisture you squirt into your asshole like the filthy faggot fetishist you are? You are literally paying extra for a device that analingus' you daily and you say this is superior.
>what are wet wipes
y'all are fucking retarded and you fell for a shitty robo meme
Needs more sosionom task forces! That'll fix it!
It's aerolized.
Unless you're wearing full eye, ears and mouth/nose protection, if you get infected or not is completely random if you're in the general vicinity of someone that's infected any time he breathes, talks or coughs.
Your real options for avoiding infection are going full stalker mode, avoiding people entirely for months while scrubbing down anything you order furiously, or just accepting that you'll get infected and let the gods roll the dice. I'm young and healthy as I suspect most of the other people posting here are, and so far the data looks promising for us, 0.2% death rate if you're below 40. The only metric I am somewhat concerned about is the rate of hospitalization among my demographic along with the dependence and level of treatment required to sustain a low death rate, because it's only a matter of time before the hospitals become completely overrun like our pasta bros.
>tfw no Meny in my city despite it being the largest town in this part of the country
If you're a healthy person, accidentally ingest your own shit is actually relatively harmless. It's other peoples shit you have to worry about.
Talked to my neigbours yesterday. They are going on 2 week grankka vacation today. "Can't be hysterical either"
I hope they have to sit 3 weeks in quarantine. Fucking boomers.
Just got told by my boss to stay home... I have the coof.
Every paper now is raging. Will they finally do something? Man, getting the government to do something in this country when it does not come up with anything itself is really fucking hard. Fucking retards.
My mother was planning on a trip to Spain at the end of the month, I assume she's not brain dead enough to go after I've repeatedly dropped a couple of hints that's it's not such a good idea.
Then again, I'm not her fucking father. If she wants to spend time in quarantine, that's her fucking business.
Do you really think the government here does anything unless they get marching orders from their overlords in Brussels or from the Bilderbergers? lol.