I'm deep into my 30s.
I've never seen a full-on media blitzkrieg like this.
Not 9/11. Not anthrax. Not Y2K. Not bird flu. Not SARS. Nothing comes close.
The ENTIRE ELITE is united in this psychotic fearmongering.
Neocons. Neolibs. Corporate America. Academia. Silicon Valley. AltRight. DSA.
EVERYBODY is pushing this as the Great Genocider.
When will it end?
There can be only one ending to this.
When "The Savior Vaccine" arrives.
Just as with Jew Sonas Salk supposedly saving us all from polio, there will be another "savior vaccine".
And it will be compulsory.
And nobody dares say, "No. This is a lie and vaccines are Jewish poisons."
Corona Virus: 1 Way This Ends
Other urls found in this thread:
It's an election year. They want Trump out. Don't believe their bullshit.
>started by wild infected rats
are there or are there not stories of old that tell of semitic looking people near wells just before the start of the black death?
just asking questions
This is the Jew, Jonas Salk, who we're taught saved all us weak goyin from genocide with polio. It was a total lie. (youtube.com
This time, I believe the Jews will use an Indian man. Possibly a Muslim or Asian. But they won't call attention to themselves by having a Jew said to be the inventor. There is precedent: Jews created the HPV vaccine, yet they actually HIDE THAT FACT and "credit" gentiles. So I don't expect the vaccine to be "credited" to Israel or Jews. But it will be Jewish.
And the vaccine will be compulsory.
And any refusers will be hunted down.
And then, the sexual problems will start.
>Early-onset menopause
>Gender dysphoria
And anybody who suggests the Great Coronavirus Vaccine had any side effects will be muzzled. And the Jews will grow. And the gentiles will shrink.
This is it. This is The Big One.
*Chinese Coronavirus
you're a fucking idiot, they are doing the opposite of fear mongering to try keep the markets alive, it's not working, it's was all being downplayed, now it's here like the spanish flu of 1918
Or maybe is not s psyop, it is fact something wide and alarming.
Polio vaccines and the origin of AIDS.
Elswood BF1, Stricker RB.
Although mass vaccination programs have resulted in the eradication of a number of human infectious diseases, vaccine contamination has been a persistent concern. In particular, it is now known that the early polio vaccines were contaminated with at least one monkey virus, SV40. The transfer of monkey viruses to man via contaminated vaccines is particularly relevant to the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), since the causative agent of AIDS, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), is thought to be derived from a simian precursor virus. Furthermore, human infection with this virus appears to be a relatively recent event. We hypothesize that the AIDS pandemic may have originated with a contaminated polio vaccine that was administered to inhabitants of Equatorial Africa from 1957 to 1959. The mechanism of evolution of HIV from this vaccine remains to be determined.
By all means, choose to ignore the vaccine. Hell, make your own. Someone will cough on you or you'll fuck it up and you'll keel over after a month and the world will be all the better for it.
>Entire front page of Drudge (largest news aggregator in world) nothing but CoronaVirus fearmongering for past two months
user: "Media is HIDING coronavirus!!!"
You're a lying sack of shit and you know it.
u so smart
3 months of "it's just the flu", "it's just racists scared of chinamen"
>Entire front page of Google News is CoronaMania
user: "The elites aren't fearmongering! They're HIDING it!!!"
go watch your 'Bill Nye Saves the World!', faggot.
Look at you go, thinking the entire globe is in on project fear and willing to collapse its markets because you think drudge is important. Absolute brainlet.
You seem convinced that vaccines are magical potions and that polio wasn't dangerous.
Why don't you go and catch it and prove us all wrong?
I'm surprised you made it to 30. A 85 IQ semihuman like you is at a high risk of running off a ledge because he's too busy looking up to see UFOs.
I'll do you one better:
I don't even know that it's as bad as the flu. I don't even know that it's fucking REAL. They literally define "cases" as anybody they want, which means they claim that virtually everybody has it. They literally don't even have a unified agreement on the genetic sequence. This is a fucking hoax.
Regardless, you're correct: The Jews are aggressively promoting this mania and their vaccine is the Final Solution.
>deep into 30s
>9/11, no big deal
ok groomer
>Claimed the media isn't covering coronavirus
>Gets BTFO'd by screencaps showing that it's the #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 headlines at literally every Jew-run media outlet
>Tries to move goalpost by rambling stupid shit about "the markets"
Go fuck yourself, faggot.
They must be sterilized.
The coronavaccine will do it.
Google picks its headline articles based on what people searched most on google from the previous day, you fucking clown-car autist.
>they will collapse their markets and kill tourism, globally over hype
It's the long awaited disease x, kid, buckle up.
So just go into a cluster area and chit chat with some people. It's a hoax so there's nothing to worry about. Just go out there.
Get on public transport and hold as many metal bars as you can.
Make sure that it's as crowded as can be.
Again, it's a hoax, so what is there to fear?
Coronavirus has produced more headlines and a more sustained media effort than 9/11. It's not even close.
This. it could literally just be the flu and they just say it's Corona after the (((tests))). Flu is shitty enough but it is definitely over hyped as fuck.
Yes, as the spanish flu of 1918 killed 50 million, 9/11 killed a few thousand, you are fucking stupid.
You don't seem to actually understand what a vaccine is.
because not everyone carried a CIA spytool in their pockets literally at all times
you're not even good at this
You believe Google is an unbias representation of what the goyim want. Okay.
So here's the ultimate Jew propaganda arm's top 5 headlines:
>All 5 about Coronavirus.
Go fuck yourself with your, "Jews are HIDING this!" lies.
You're correct.
It's the Jews who are good at this.
Was hitting my old plague links yesterday and they've all been holocausted. Any new ones would be appreciated.
>And it will be compulsory.
>And nobody dares say, "No. This is a lie and vaccines are Jewish poisons."
What the fuck are they gonna do when I say no?
as said in the pic
this board is filled with absolute brainlets, /sci/ was right about this cesspit of basement dwelling mouthbreathers
Based 85 IQ schizo.
Its actuallly brilliant in the weak sadistic way Jews usually operate.
Remember to scream loud and long as soon as the cure comes out so you get the comfort of a bullet and not prolonged starvation in an infected camp...
thats my plan if this is real. godspeed
>Claims the media is covering it up
>Claims the media is covering it extensively
It's an agenda. The only thing that could cost Trump being reelected is making the TP supply run out.
You are retarded and will hopefully die choking as you try to smoke some magic garlic cures
>I'm too retarded to understand basic elementary school biology but this actually makes me based and redpilled
>Oy vey goyim we had nothing to do with the black plague
Israeli worker in Athens embassy has corona virus
Vaccine-free FAR healthier than vaxxed:
Who said the media is covering it up? Everyone is covering it.
>He also stressed the virus does not just affect old people, warning that younger people "end up intubated in intensive care" or "worse in ECMO (a machine for the worst cases, which extracts the blood, re-oxygenates it and returns it to the body, waiting for the organism, hopefully, heal your lungs).
Actually 2012 event is moved to 2020 cos mayan were calculate free days as 2. Hawking before death said it
those "unvaccinated" white men were already vaccinated against smallpox, tetanus and rabies
You are a schizo.
I have given you your orders. Go lick some doorknobs in seattle and see how healthy you turn out.
unironically this
>Oy vey goyim we had nothing to do with the black plague
Israeli worker in Athens embassy has corona virus
You people are fucking insane.
God I fucking hate this board so fucking much sometimes
Lorax btfo by TP panic
It's always Americans who believe this kind of shit, explain yourself.
Tourism is already taking a hit. I work in academia and study abroad programs are benign cancelled for the summer all over the place in the USA
Shitty education system combined with American hubris? I don’t know.
This but also horrible toxic diet. Unfortunately some of this is by choice, although diet soda is like crack.
>public health crisis occurs
>potential to kill off most of humanity
>potential to completely destroy markets
>potential to destroy kikes foothold over the world
>catalog suddenly gets flooded with "just a flu bro" or nothing burger tier shitposting
Hmmm really makes you think.
It’s sorta hilarious when people order the worst stuff at fast food places, then say diet soda at the end like that negates everything.
Go back to fucking Reddit then
You’re not the boss of me.
>be me
>work in IT for fortune 500 company in Boston
>take the commuter rail into work every day
>more than 3 months into (((pandemic)))
>nobody I know has it
>don't know anybody who knows anybody who has it
>wife is a nurse at a gigantic hospital downtown
>has not encountered a single patient
>nobody in her network knows of a single person who has had it
This is the biggest fear mongering we've seen in at least 20 years, since the daily "threat levels" following 9-11. But at least there was some tangible event to anchor that to.
It's working great as a distraction though. No more coverage of the Hong Kong insurgency. No coverage of the DNC shelving Bernie again and running a legit sexual deviant gaffe-machine with full blown dementia. No coverage of the prince of England formally leaving the royal family before all their diddler crimes hit the mainstream news. White cultural events being canceled all over the world. Etc.
It's pretty interesting to watch from the outside, and proof positive that most normies are vacuous sheep who are leading humanity off a cliff