Video is in italian, so this is what he said:
1) Germany delegate healthcare to landers.
2) Every lander do as it like.
3) People who die, are not registred as corona-death if they have other serious illness.
4) They hide how many tests they did, how many people are in ICU, how many patients ...

So, this is germany: 1224 infected ... just 2 deaths. WOW ... best healtcare in the world ...

Or the most ridicolous liars in the world.

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>not registred as corona-death if they have other serious illness
china did the same

I hate Krauts so sucking much.

has been.


it always has been

Why dont you shitskins do the same?
I love handing wop waiters some facemasks when they approach me. With a smile, of course.

I knew this post was going to be by an assblasted Italian. Why don't you just contain your own shit, while every other country does the same? Its not the time to point fingers now.

>People who die, are not registred as corona-death if they have other serious illness
LOL! China-tier

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Fuck off you fearful right wing rabble rouser

Wow, Germans are basically bugmen, explains why I always see them on here defending dog eating

But is it a surprise? Our politicians would kill their own kids to save a crumbling economy and now we are just seeing what that sort of man entails for us when shtf

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You might be laughing but my family is getting sick. My mother has a bad fever and I've been sick for 2 weeks, getting better now. I'm a super active person and have contact with lots of people. Ca 30% of the people I regularly talk to show some form of symptoms. Everybody is infected.

like trump derangement but for happening fags, pottery

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Or maybe you folks are inflating your numbers to stem the flood of migrants.

fun fact in Germany you cant get tested for corona unless you were in contact with a confirmed case... numbers are definitely higher than what is reported

We're going down together, pestofag. Stop fighting it.

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dystopian shithole-tier

you don't get tested if you have no symptoms either


No because they are fucking coming anyway

Bumpitty bump, redpill me (OP), and give me all you got.

Do you really believe you are containing anything?

Because your shitty friends lie in order to have (in the short term) less economic damage but doing so they create a big risk for the entire europe.
So they lie, virus keep spreading turbospeed because they do nothing and everybody nearby pay the consequences. Fuck you and your shitty friend.

We are just playing the long game, after corona blows over merkel will be all like “you guys lost so many people, here have some of rocketscientists“

Because is a stupid strategy. You lie, you dont' take measure to contain the virus, few weeks later you have a much bigger problem. Idiot.

They do all of this to prevent a panic/mass hysteria from breaking out.
They flat out say that in press conferences "Preventing panic is our number one priority" and they urge the press to keep calm about it.

Even if i dont agree with their actions because people might take this virus not serious enough.
It does seem to work.

However for me it feels like the calm before the storm here.

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What do you expected from a leader raised up by DDR??

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user, we can't halt/fall all at the same time, germany is tha last stronghold of EU, unless you want total social / structural collapse we must accept we took one for the team.

It doesn't work ... you are just letting the virus spread ... if too many people need ICU you will have thousands of deaths all over the country.

are you fucking serious?
Germans are one of the reasons i am happy im not considered a white person on this board

Germans survived both world wars by turning to their dogs when food got scarce



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Stronghold? Are you nut?
They are a paper tiger. Their economy is too much dependant from export, they have no army whatsoever, their financial institution are rotten and substantially bankrupt.


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Corona, Corona
Zuerst erwischts den opa
Als nächstes triffts die oma
Papa bleibt die Luft weg
Mama liegt im totenbett
Bist du grad in deiner jugend
Erbst du bald eine kaputte welt

Yeah they still feel like they are on top of things.

They should close the entire country down NOW to contain the spread.

But they fear that panic would break out immediately.
Watching the press conferences, it feels like they fear panic more than the virus itself.

what do you say

This. I understand the gov. strategy but they are total retards/or do it on purpose to get rid of the old people.

Open any german corona vid on YT, most comments are saying how unprepared and incompetent our gov. is. Our politicians have totally lost touch and can't understand that we get our news from all over the world and most germans believe some bullshit vid rather than the germanoid media, hence the panic.

Our incompetent gov. failed at their nr.1 priority and panic is already happening. If they showed more what they do instead to tell us to be calm, we could gain more trust in them.

Do you still want to use euros in the next future or you planning to barter your boypucci for a slice of bread, you faggets?
All kind of wolves started circling already, this is no time for this bs -unless, ofc you want total metldown

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>Erbst du bald eine kaputte welt
Can't wait :-)

>germany is tha last stronghold of EU

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All those RAPEFUGEES were doctors dont you know?
Yep all 1 million of em they took in last time. Best Health care system in the world because they took in the rapefugees.
Learn your place lasagna

No, I don’t hate them for the virus, I hate them in general. Fucking smug faces, mind-broken, wageslaves worst European.

it's just the flu lmao get your shit together, italoniggers. also, yes our health care is the best in the world.

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Doesn't matter, if coronachan gets to the point of overwhelming medical care they won't hardly be able to hide it at that point, will be too much of an uptick in sickness and death to try to claim xyz illnesses had a sudden upswing all at the same time.

Love how the spergs of the Robert-Koch Institut, claimed that there was nothing to worry about...

The people knows it's been lied to, that's the problem.
The people simply wanted immediate actions taken but again the government fucked up just like 2015... and isntead of taken the measures needed to stop it's spread they simply said yeah there is nothing to worry about.
Love how our vice minister Etienne Schneider claimed at the beginning of the outbreak it won't spread to Luxembourg, dumb fucker....

If you lie to your own population, and later want to appease them, they won't listen because they hvae once been lied to....

How's the situation in Munich? Planned on going there end of month

welcome to 1946 newfag

Germany is a fucking shithole. I am german and will leave the sinking ship after I got my master degree.

hate your own country bitch

I wish I could disagree

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DB has never been stable.

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The incompetence is getting hillarious at this point.
Politicians espeially Merkel used to do nothing and believing that every problem solves on its own some day.
Now we have plague, migrant invasion, infinite rent growth, pension system collapse and instead of solving any of those....
they give us fucking energy problem because muh CO2 is more important than people literally dying. Lmao.

The german government pats itself on the back every quarter when they release doctored stats showing 0.00001% growth so its technically not a recession. For half a decade now. Of course those retarded kikes and kike slaves prevent accurate stats then "correct" the resulting inaccurate stats too.
happens on other issues too.

>3) People who die, are not registred as corona-death if they have other serious illness.
Okay, but then how do you resolve the case in your statistics? Because you have only two options: tick the recovered box, or tick death.

>Robert-Koch Institut

Those kikes should get the rope first. Each time there is some shit, the robert cuck institute says some unreflected and unrealistic shit to make normies believe they were an independent voice of reason.
>they won't listen because they hvae once been lied to
Yeah, absolutely. But i'm glad the normies lose faith in the gov. It's way way too slow but better than nothing.
>Etienne Schneider claimed
What makes me wonder the most is how incredibly stupid the euro govs. plan their propaganda. They are supposed to have the best minds and experts. And claiming such a bold thing is just a dumb bet.
All these niggers had to do is to show 24/7 how they test all people, how they quarantine him, talk about how safe quarantine is. Instead
>It's just the flu, bro. Relax, bro.

So... should I avoid flying via Frankfurt this week? Work-related bullshit.

>work related

Can you avoid it? If it has no disadvantages then avoid. Not only because of corona but also due to the possible chaos there and you being stuck for no good reason.

planes are petri dishes
what kind of work

All commie governments are alike...

Well rhimed, my man, well rhimed.