Surgical masks are effective against coronavirus

Stop believing in the "surgical masks dont help meme".

Point 1: N95 Masks do cut down transmission. This study on medical staff caring for coronavirus patients found that medical staff wearing masks had a 0% infection rate, compared to the 4.6% of no-mask staff.

Point 2: These studies have found no discernible difference between the protective efficacy of N95 masks and surgical masks with influenza

Point 3: Since coronavirus is passed on through respiratory droplets, just like almost every single other infectious respiratory viral disease, we currently have no reason to doubt that surgical masks should continue to be roughly as effective as N95 masks. If it works against influenza, it should be exactly as effective against corona.

Concluding point: N95, N100 etc are great, and should be your mask of choice if you are 100% certain you are going to be exposed to someone with the virus. But they are also expensive, and not necessarily the best choice for every day incidental protection. Surgical masks will provide you a high degree of protection and should not be discounted.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>study on medical staff

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Highlights from first study:

>Among the 493 medical staff, none of 278 (56 doctors and 222 nurses) in the N95 group became infected, compared with 10 of 213 (77 doctors and 136 nurses) from the no-mask group were confirmed infected

*Chinese Coronavirus

Highlights from second study

>Among outpatient health care personnel, N95 respirators vs medical masks as worn by participants in this trial resulted in no significant difference in the incidence of laboratory-confirmed influenza.

You probably dont even know what an n95 mask looks like and will probably end up bying a mask that is equivilent to wearing a hankerchief across your face.

Highlights of third study:
>Even among nurses who had an increased level of the circulating pandemic 2009 H1N1 influenza strain, the study results demonstrated noninferiority between the surgical mask group and the N95 respirator group for the 2009 influenza A (H1N1).

>“Our data show that the incidence of laboratory-confirmed influenza was similar in nurses wearing the surgical mask and those wearing the N95 respirator,” the authors wrote. “Surgical masks had an estimated efficacy within 1 percent of [that of the] N95 respirators.

Shills here in force already

Now, sometimes the following study is raised as a counterpoint, showing that surgical masks are less effective at particulate filtering:

This is a valid point. However you should always bear in mind you are not usually breathing in lone gravitating viral particles, but fluid droplets with viral particles inside. Therefore the mesh filter only needs to be large enough to filter the size of respiratory droplets in order to have some efficacy.

This is one reason you could argue for wearing N95 and N100 filters in a very high risk exposure environment, but is not a sufficient reason to discount the usefulness of surgical masks.

If you get the virus definitely wear something to cover your nose and mouth. It really cuts down on how much it will spread. The long incubation period is probably why masks are being shilled so hard. People have it don't know they do, don't wear a mask and spread it around. If you tell them it will save them from the virus they'll just wear them and slow down the spread. It's a Chinese ploy.

Some of you reading this will lose loved ones to the coronavirus.

Surgical doesn't filter enough. It probably doesn't even filter people sneezing. Stay safe and use n95 minimum.

>loved ones
Guess i dont need to worry about myself being infected then



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>anyone who points out I’m retarded is a shill
Is my toilet clean yet?

Can you please read the thread before contributing your stupid thoughtless opinions in future

Tbh the face seal on those masks are garbage. Even the n95s. I really dont get this mentality of I need life saving equipment but I'm too much of a cheap ass to buy decent shit. I literally spent 40 bucks on a surplus full face respirator that came with a filter and a bag. Keep coping if it makes you feel better.

>people sneezing
coronas don't sneeze, they cough.

surgical is OK since no aerosol particles but only droplets and and surface to mouth transmission.

Plus it's a matter of pathogen concentration and simply lowering the chance of transmission by eliminating the vectors. If you're not planning to got to plague infested area SM is Ok

Statistics rule the world in the end of the day.

I don't care about that. A box of surgical masks costs $25 and lasts you for a month. A 3m 6200 respirator costs $25 and a pair of 7093 filters costs $9 and they last 2 months aprox.
The reason I bought a respirator is because it's better AND cheaper.

I don't understand why eurofags aren't wearing masks yet. we've been wearing it way before China when the virus was public knowledge in HK on the 15th of jan it's why our numbers are lower than Singapore even tho we haven't sealed borders with China.

That's a fair point. The only issue you run into there is portability: its much easier to carry a folded surgical mask in your pocket than a full respirator. it's also more socially acceptable to take out a surgical mask than a respirator which, whether we like it or not, will impact how readily you put on your mask/respirator.

But if neither of those is a factor for you, then more power to you

the masses are too stupid to use masks effectively

What you need to do to make masks effective is do what best korea did and require everyone to wear masks when not at home. This insures the infected dont contaminate areas with virus as easily as they walk around coughing, thus dramatically slowing the potential for large scale spread

For some reason whites have a frankly stupid disregard for others when it comes to spreading respiratory illnesses

I wear one out of courtesy for people around me, if only to make them feel more comfortable standing next to me.

>without glass fibers

Does that really need to be said?

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>falling for the surgical mask meme
>not buying a full face mask
Enjoy getting infected through your eyeballs.

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The point of shilling masks is to slow down the spread not to protect individuals.

ebay is full of dust masks listed as n95 masks

>Hazmat suit crew here, enough getting infected through your urethra

I'm not disputing that the eyes are a potential infection point, but don't bullshit me that you wear a full face mask on the way to school/work every day, because I don't buy it

In the end we need to toe the line between sensible protection and looking like a schizo

This is completely incorrect and I have addressed it in full in the OP. The point of masks is absolutely to protect individuals, albeit to a possibly marginally lower degree

gay mask shit FOV

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Based blackpilled digits. Why dont you off yourself rather than becoming a transmission vector?

Go on...

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>something no one can get anymore helps prevent disease
well thanks for trying

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It's best to not got out as much as you can if you are scared. If you really are scared for your life you shouldn't care how you come off. My great grandma lives through the Spanish flue and was a clean freak until she died. To this day my family still burns the clothes we wear to funerals immediately after the funeral.

best way to spend time during quarantine

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I don't understand the panicked reasoning here.

It's not about whether they work or not. It's about the fact that the average layperson does not need a mask to prevent infection. The disease is spread by droplets. Therefore, unless someone coughs or sneezes directly on you, a mask won't help with much. The majority of community transmission is going to be from healthy people touching objects the sick have touched, and then touching their face or rubbing their eyes some point after.

For this reason it's far, far more efficient for the people who actually become sick to wear masks to prevent transmission, not for the vast majority of healthy people to all constantly wear then.

>but user, medical staff wear them!!

That's because the medical staff have to step into an enclosed room and spend prolonged periods exposed directly to the infected. That's the specific situation in which a mask becomes useful. If all the healthy people buy up all the masks, now medical staff have to expose themselves in a high-risk situation. Who do we give masks to, nurses and doctors that have a 10% chance of infection every time they step into a room, or a milliom randoms who have a 0.0001% chance to be infected on any given day?

Youre the shill. Masks are like a fucking germe sponge

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>study on people who are directly exposed to infectious diseases and specifically COVID19

It puzzles me why someone would take the time to write a post full of such flaws and misunderstandings, half of which I've addressed in the OP

You know how many people walk around Walmart without covering their mouths when they sneeze or cough? Little Mexican kids are the worst!!!

just ignore redditposts

What about a kike gas mask

or liberal shill.
Supposedly the kung flu isnt really that bad, but if the shills can use it to make Trump look bad they will.

Regardless I love how the shills put their ideological team ahead of public safety.
>no dont protect yourself!!!
>dont even TRY to!
>its racist against asians to wear a mask designed to prevent the spread of diseases during an outbreak

Your OP didn't address what I said at all. My point is that if the choice is between medical staff having masks and there being a massive shortage because everyone wants to play special snowflake, the medical side should get priority. They're the ones that need to stay healthy in order to keep treating everyone else. In a perfect world I don't dispute that all people wearing masks all the time would be the most effective strategy.

You could just skip that walmart trip? Go later in the day when there's fewer people? Get your your groceries and goods delivered? Use your critical thinking here.

>My point is that if the choice is between medical staff having masks and there being a massive shortage because everyone wants to play special snowflake,
Medical staff are not using or buying the masks that we buy on Amazon or Home Depot! All Americans should be hiding masks but the fucking KIKES are memeing that we don’t need to or even shouldn’t. ALL OF ASIA WEARS THEM.

All Americans should be WEARING masks*

We only get one life. All I want people to know is if they seek to protect that precious life, a mask can and will work effectively

If manufacturing isn't high enough to match demand, then it's time to ramp up production through nationalization, etc. I'm not going to let myself get infected because the government was too incompetent to plan

Who put this nigger in charge in the U.S. as Surgeon General? Trump needs to fire him first.

If you're buying masks from home depot it's probably a dust mask and you may as well wear a bandana on your face like a cowboy. If it's a respirator don't be afraid to use it. The manufacturers of real medical masks are likely to prioritize hospitals and clinics over retail outlets as the actual masks get made. At this point if you don't have the masks it's going to be slow going in acquiring them.

You have to be an absolute brainlet to think that masks don't help. When I saw the first article telling people they SHOULDN'T wear masks I got so angry. How is disinformation like that not a crime?! Outright telling people not to protact against an encroaching pandemic! What the hell were they thinking?

My family members are all nothingburger normalfags. I hate to say this but you are right. The infection will get them no doubt about it. I will most likely lose family to this thing. Even then, some may still downplay it. This thing kills ignorant people the most. I don't want to lose them but I know deep down that chance is ever growing.

>All I want people to know is if they seek to protect that precious life, a mask can and will work effectively
It’s too late. In the West people fall for the “muh doctors and nurses are running out of masks!” meme. There was never a single situation in which doctors or hospitals needed home improvement masks from fucking Home Depot or Lowes because of they were to use those they would be sued because they are not certified as medical grade. But because of KIKE media and KIKE social networks the public have been trained to pack in like sardines and cough away no biggie because wearing a mask will make you look like a selfish hoarder.

Bumping for exposure

i just want to see the next asian bukkake films with the chicks in surgical masks