/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1833

► Detected: 114,276 ► Died: 4,009

Virus travels 4.5 meters, stays in air 30 minutes

Prisoners in Italy revolt, 6 dead

Church cancelled first time since 1800s, priest infected

All of Italy under lockdown, "red zone"

Trapped with dead sister, infected, health system collapsed

All cases in study test positive 2 weeks after "recovery"

Recovered in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

Neuroinvasive potential of nCoV

Incubation period up to 24 days, longer than expected

29 year old doctor dies after 4 weeks

China province outbreak 52 times worse than admitted

China figures likely simulated

US hospitals: no tests, CDC: tests only for travel cases

CCP: the flu only kills 144 people a year in China

Lockdowns cover 760 million people in China

17:48: 1,797 new cases and 97 new deaths in Italy.
14:00: 39 new cases in the United Kingdom.
12:11: 45 new cases in Sweden.
12:08: 68 new cases in Spain.
12:05: 3 new cases in New York City, New York, United States.
12:02: 1 new case in Vietnam.
11:57: 14 new cases in the United Arab Emirates.


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Other urls found in this thread:


China +4 (+1) Italy +1,797 (+97) S. Korea +165 (+3) Iran +595 (+43) France +203 (+11) Spain +557 (+13) Germany +184 (+2) USA +83 (+4) Japan +28 (+2) UK +43 (+2) Netherlands +56 (+1) Canada +11 (+1) Iraq +6 (+1) S. Marino +14 (+1) Switzerland +42 Sweden +58 Belgium +39 Norway +51 Singapore +10 Austria +27 Malaysia +18 Bahrain +24 Australia +10 Denmark +55 Greece +11 Iceland +7 Kuwait +1 UAE +14 Israel +11 India +7 Lebanon +9 Portugal +9 Czechia +6 Finland +8 Vietnam +1 Palestine +6 Philippines +14 Ireland +3 Slovenia +8 Russia +3 S. Arabia +9 Indonesia +13 Oman +2 Qatar +3 Argentina +5 Romania +2 Poland +6 Pakistan +9 Ecuador +1 Georgia +2 Croatia +1 Chile +3 Hungary +2 Peru +2 Slovakia +2 S. Africa +4 Latvia +3 Maldives +2 Tunisia +3 Bosnia +2 Macedonia +1 Malta +1 Colombia +2 Nigeria +1 Cyprus +2 Serbia +1 Brunei +1 Burkina Faso +1 Chan. Isl. +1 Total +4,285 (+182)

at least wait until the other thread is full you nigger

t. Trump cures the nothing burger

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tons of dead whites and asians

not much (I didn't see even 1) dead niggers

a thread that cant even put the number in fuck off fag


Trump's lungs are already Swiss cheese.

Attached: d33.jpg (600x657, 36.46K)

friendly reminder to dutchfags that we are less than two weeks behind italy's timeline

Attached: cases-italy.png (560x667, 21.61K)

>old numbers
>nearly 1000 dead/infected behind

Why hasn't anyone posted the country list for the past few threads?

Two new cases in Estonia aswell. Total is 12 now.

>Virus travels 4.5 meters, stays in air 30 minutes
How true is that?
What about mutation? Its likely or not

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thanks for making real bread!

I've been thinking about the "Africans are immune/resistant" thing that came out. If I remember correctly it was released by a Chinese outlet. Taking into account how racists the Chinese are, I really don't think they would display the Africans as better than the Chinese.
I think they said that, so that when the Africans start looking into the Corona outbreak, they find that and don't chimp out, as they are famously known to torch clinics, and torching some Chinese embassy or enclave in retaliation would be very likely and this way they keep them calm and obedient

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>not sure if panik is tightening my chest or actually breathing problems


Coronavirus: Fake news unit will tackle Russian conspiracy theories - Business Insider

rip Yas Forums

Did these pass through Riga as well?

and our ICU capacity is way worse than Italy's, so if this is what's happening in Italy:
then imagine what it will be like here

Attached: icu capacity.png (386x533, 108.05K)

So OP whats the situation in czechland


today Mercadona was more packed than usual
round this time there's always 2 registers open but today there were 4 and lotsa people
no shortage of anything yet but the normies are starting to prep

Attached: shift.webm (852x720, 199.47K)

Do you have the full country list brother?


your city population divided by 164 is how many ppl will die in your city

Alright fellow toothpastes, what's the number gonna be today? Are we breaking 500?

It's just a flu, bro.


Are you retarded?

I don't know, but they came home from Italy and France


remember how it was said at the beginning that whites are immune?
and now the entire west has it.

Attached: reaction, very big think.jpg (999x1024, 61.06K)

I posted what was in the 1832 thread just to stop the splitting and chinkposting

I will dig back and see if I can update them.

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If you post the country list ill join your thread

Boomers seething over my mask
Hope they die tbqh

Threads made by australians without thread numbers are fake threads. That aussie shitposter keeps "suggesting" we abandon thread numbers so he can better thread split. If there's always a thread number, you can tell who made a thread before the old one hit bump limit. Without them, he has more shitposting power.

Yeah there are chinks in the entire west.


So, 120k is certain today, right?

Attached: CoronaChan.png (1054x1156, 1.3M)

Yeah okay actual nigger iq retard

eyyyy, legitimate question here.
some guy died of coronavirus in the local hospital in my city, my mom works there and was telling me about it.
my mom has been ill as shit for the last four days now mostly coughing.
I've caught it as well and while i don't feel like I'm dying I do have a raw throat and a constricted airway, struggling to breathe while lying down.
my dad said I should go get tested and that there are calls for people with flu like symptoms to self isolate.
verdict ?

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Good job OP, that fucking Austrlian cunt needs to get gorona.

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Ok thanks bröther

Really makes me hmmmmmmmmmmmm, remember how shills kept spamming whites are immune but is now nowhere to be found? Remember when shills kept shouting ZERO WHITE DEATHS but now none remain? Weird, it's like all their shilling suddenly got stuffed up all the way up their ass or something

Don't give tripfags attention.


Licking doorknobs and proving the nothingburger

Some psyop bullshit to make countries and people lower their guard untill its way too late?

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Aussies can count?

what kind of mask you using brother?

>Threads made by australians
it's well known

Why so much less then your neighbors?/I thought NL is top tier

How does it work for Americans? Like, if you have no insurance does the government pay for corona testing? Will loads of people avoid hospitals or getting tested until too late because they don't want the cost?

Should have coofed on them

The only real threads are from the argentinian, he posts the numbers

that you? ahh fuck estonia all ur infected come to riga aaaaah

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France is kill


kill your fellow factory workers and spill all the chemicals, if you are a chink that is

make a trip to your local synagogs and mosques before you go to the hospital.

Don't worry kraut, mathematically speaking, almost sure it's nothing. Stay calm and recover.

I swear to god, one more thread and i'll drop you off in Abdullah's rape nest

Do you have a fever?

If youre not larping, you probabaly have it.

Although i doubt going to the hospital will help

Literally still a nothingburger after 1 month. Where's the happening?

Ok splitter that is dank and epic but i dont really care

Is it the full face mask with the filters?

sounds like you and your mum, and probably your dad, have the bug.

the gvt wll telly ou to self isolate, even with cold-like symptoms

NL is a pretentious nigger tier country.

1830 was the last country list posted

► China 80,739 (3,120) ► International 33,290 (883): Italy 9,172 (463) S. Korea 7,513 (54) Iran 7,161 (237) France 1,412 (30) Germany 1,176 (2) Spain 1,229 (30) D. Princess 696 (7) USA 673 (29) Japan 530 (9) Switzerland 374 (2) UK 321 (5) Netherlands 321 (4) H. Kong 115 (3) Australia 93 (3) Canada 77 (1) Iraq 71 (7) Egypt 55 (1) S. Marino 51 (2) Thailand 50 (1) Taiwan 45 (1) Philippines 24 (1) Argentina 17 (1) Sweden 260 Belgium 239 Norway 209 Singapore 160 Austria 131 Malaysia 117 Bahrain 109 Denmark 90 Greece 84 Kuwait 65 Iceland 60 UAE 59 India 47 Israel 50 Lebanon 41 Czechia 36 Portugal 35 Finland 33 Vietnam 31 Brazil 30 Palestine 25 Slovenia 23 Ireland 21 Algeria 20 Russia 20 Indonesia 19 Oman 18 Qatar 18 Poland 17 Ecuador 15 Georgia 15 Romania 15 S. Arabia 15 Croatia 13 Chile 13 Macao 10 Estonia 10 Azerbaijan 9 C. Rica 9 Hungary 9 Peru 9 Pakistan 8 Slovakia 8 Mexico 7 S. Africa 7 Belarus 6 Latvia 6 Dom. Rep. 5 Luxembourg 5 N. Zealand 5 Tunisia 5 French Guiana 5 Afghanistan 4 Macedonia 4 Senegal 4 Bosnia 4 Bulgaria 4 Maldives 4 Bangladesh 3 Colombia 3 Malta 4 Cambodia 2 Morocco 2 Nigeria 2 Albania 2 Cameroon 2 Cyprus 2 Faeroes 2 Martinique 2 Saint Martin 2 Serbia 2 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Jordan 1 Lithuania 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 S. Lanka 1 Ukraine 1 Bhutan 1 Brunei 1 Chan. Isl. 1 Gibraltar 1 Vatican 1 Liechtenstein 1 Moldova 1 Paraguay 1 St. Barth 1 Togo 1 Burkina Faso 1 Mongolia 1 Panama 1

Apparently in Madrid there are some places where toilet paper is being rationed, I think Carrefour is the one that is doing it
I imagine normies will begin panic shopping after the cancellation of school yesterday and the places with high density of cases will be hit hard and get supermarkets cleared


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Cheers mate

Austria is 157 nao

>Austria closes border with italy


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Normies in Denmark have started panicking.

I feel pretty blessed that I panicked a month ago.

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i don't know, maybe because our healthcare was privatized?

My village has 151 people.

Niggers probably have it and die from it, but since nugger countries are dirt poor and corrupt they do like no tetsing

Is there any reason to try to contain the virus anymore?
I will, let the young and healthy people get infected. Put the old one in quarantine for a few months.
Then it will be over.

Digits and the virus is banished to the shadowrealm, never to return, within the next month.


Attached: reaction, no survivors.jpg (477x724, 188.96K)

In some ways Trump is doing the most based thinkable thing - allowing the virus to spread instead of taking basedboy measures and panicking. Get the virus in there nice and deep. It will be epic.

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Thank you kind baker, hope you can fill in for a while while Argentina Baker is resting

>6 threads about the same topic
fucking sticky one

I also panicked a month ago, now entering boredom stage. But these threads are still lit.

Audios from Spain Hospital



> canada + 11
It's happening

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