>No actual virus, initial infected had tied to Masons
>Initial quarantined cruise ships company CEO had connections to Wuhan
>Occult numeric naming conventions everywhere (Corona and COVID-19)
>Outbreak coincided with Wuhan Military Games of this year, UN symbology all over opening ceremony
>Major countries that need to be pushed (Iran, Italy) have been hit hardest in media
>Entire thing is an op to push UN military into countries quicker
Coronavirus confirmed to be Masonic Op
Other urls found in this thread:
Chinese Coronavirus
If someone is interested, all I have on Masons and other satanic faggotry
What does this mean
It's Jewish kaballah numerology. Each letter has a value and the psychos like to see which phrases have the same value as whatever phrase is popular now. Just Google gematria.
Well I'm actually a Freemason, so thanks for bringing this to my attention OP you fucking fagget
nice digits, rothschild kun
if you were actually one, you'd know it's compartmentalized. so either you're trying to shut it down or you're lying about being one.
If he is a mason he has sworn to lie to all non Jews.
people that larp as Freemasons are hilarious.
You're not. Maybe you got into the good goy club that gives you a cool bumper magnet, but you'll never be part of the deep end of Masonic Judaism that is true masonry.
Sadly that's true. I've got no idea how deep it goes. Still, I get defensive when people put shit like this out there.
Freemasonry itself is highly moral and just.
But once again who knows how deep I goes.
And there will always be fucked up cunts doing fucked up things in any organisation
But Fremasonry doesn't deserve to get dragged trough the mud every single time shit goes wrong
P.S. Trùst me I hate all the Jew crap. I'm fucking Aussie for crying out loud.
Hoping it leads into Egyptian priesthood and all that good stuff
You hate Judaism but say you're a freemason?
What do you think masonry is? It's a sect of Judaism. Their symbol is literally a stylized star of Remphan
retarded schizo shit, there are no chinese masons
Yes, everything is a Masonic psyop. They are crashing this civilization with no survivors.
A letter has a number, and when they get some number, idiots call this a "conspiracy".
Imagine if the number added to 666, holy shit, these clowns would make threads every minute.
the jews stole that star too you know. it's not some "evil star of some devil whose name appears only once and never again", it's an ancient symbol which describes one of the hermetic laws, "as above, so below. as below, so above" which describes the duality of existence. jews are like the progressives, parasites who appropriate things without understanding their meanings and corrupt them.
This is like in Deus Ex (the first one) when you're leaving the biotech company, Versalife, and Tracer Tong calls you on the infolink to tell you that he's decoded the genetic sequence of the grey death and to his surprise he finds illuminati numbers all around, more precisely the foundation date of Bavarian Illuminati.
Man, this game really was something.
Symbolism is symbolism dude. I hate the stories, but I know they are allegorical. I know the symbols. Both the stories and symbols have been around a lot longer than Judaism.
That's the side I want to track down. T first Masons, the first priesthoods. The cunts that built Goobekli Tepe
I know Freemasonry is comprised, and would of been for a long time. I have some hope that there is a rabbit hole somewhere that will lead to some cool shit
Plus I'm half Maltese, so being Knight of Malta would be sick, especially with all those underground temples and megaliths dotted around that small country
Yes it does. You are literally foot soldiers for Satan. Illumanism ran through the mystery schools uniting them at the core. Weishaupts great work was in convincing the global elite that a return to Babylon would be favorable over the prevailing Abrahamic order and they have been at work ever since.
You do the handy work for the devil and smile and back slap each other, swearing secret oaths of protection and fealty to one another.
No war for humanities liberation could hope to be fought without first rounding up and burning down every Free Mason and every lodge.
Solomon used to make altars for Moloch and he adorned them with the star and sacrificed children in the altar.
It's demonic.
There are 33 Adenine nuclotides at the end of corona rna chain
define judaism
Thread about the 33 number all over this case:
>jews are like the progressives, parasites who appropriate things without understanding their meanings and corrupt them.
solomon was a jew. he did what jews do, corrupted a symbol for his own purposes, and as a bonus to make the goy fear it without knowing what it is, making him easier to control and abuse. if the goy doesn't know the universal laws, he is bound to fall into superstition which the jew can easily use to his advantage, like the shit you described, transforming a piece of shit human into a supernatural monster.
>They are crashing this civilization with no survivors.
Yes, would be 100% based degen. Because the only thing slavers want to do is kill all of their productive and valuable slaves. I'd love for this fucking degenerate cancer of a species to destroy itself in the name of their laughable delusions. Especially knowing that it's the slavers who own the world willingly destroying themselves in the name of some faggot ghost nigger. So many faggot niggers died from AIDS already, but these retarded children of slavers think that one particular faggot nigger ghost is better than the others. Will be quite fucking cheeky when these fuckers realize that their faggot nigger ghost isn't more powerful or valuable than any other faggot nigger that died of AIDS in the streets. The concept of "equality", as tongue in cheek as it is from the faggot slavers, really holds true when you worship godforsaken sentient ghosts. At that point, the fucking degenerate niggerdom and faggotry is the only god in existence.
>"Fuck hard facts. Subjective consciousness is supreme." - Degenerate Slavers
When you realize that the only possible aftermath of existence these retards worshping faggot nigger ghosts will be subjected to is an indefinite and infinite exacerbatory procession of the most petty and insufferable cancer known as conscious thought. Every fucking trival petty niggle that faggots on the street and on this website bitch and moan about. These things will burn like the sun in the sky. These gripes and complaints, so unjustifiable in their baseless indignation, these will be the sun that breathes life into the aftermath of this existence. Every single niggle of indignation felt by these degenerates a godlike star in the sky, the matter, the plants, the animals, all rationally and proportionally petty, trivial, unjustifiable, and baseless when compared to this immortal god-sun made of a plank second of a single human complaint. Fucking disgusting.
Well, this isn't going to go very far.
I'm literally a Freemason telling you the shit I'm involved with is nowhere close to what you think, it's a huge disappointment to be perfectly honest. Really PG
Its involved with charity and community events, fucking wholesome to be honest
I literally googled Freemasonry Aus, put in my paper work, passed a police record check, then was aloud to join. It's fucking easy
You could join if you really wanted to, it's that fucking easy. See for yourself
Two sides to every coin. The spear can be used to fend off an attacking animal or stab your neighbour to death.
Freemasonry is that. It's up to the cunt wielding the spear.
>he adorned them with the star and sacrificed children in the altar.
Grades under 30 are kept in the dark from what is really happening.
These faggot retards are behind everything, wake up.
they are the "they"
all going straight to hell
Thanks for the heads up cunt, had no fucking idea
Oh wise memeflag, please go on. I’m so interested in your opinion
been obvious since day one that secret societies were involved.
media suggesting cashless society...
italy has a strong anti vax movement...
You’re just funding it
Dude, they don't want the truth. They're either kike agents attacking an opposing group, or they're just idiots who don't want to learn anything about masoney, lest they realise they've been wrong the whole time.
Hope you enjoy hell faggot
Holy shit this guy gets it.
duurr let's allow secret societies in our country, what could possibly go wrong
Unfortunately the masons control all sides. app did you know tea is PACKED WITH FLUORIDE?
Ill check it out thnx hans
Fuck. I switched to tea from coffee.
I see a lodge in every town/city I go to.......they're aren't hiding well....
They're good a bullshitting and keeping useful idiots around to say, no we aint doin nuffin, we wuz a good boi. On our way to praise jesus at the local church
Because masonry has never been a secret society.
And my point was that if a group is secret, how could you ban it? Any two people talking at any time could be a secret society you don't know about.
who you trying to fool? Almost all important figures are masons, even judges and police join.
And they're SWORN TO SECRECY, and to help a brotha out
Also if you reach a rank where you know too much and leave on bad terms or tell people secrets. Their motto is what? slit your throat and cut your tongue out and whatever else........Sounds like a gang, a violent evil cancerous gang
follow Zachary K Hubbards work
also use this website for ciphers
you can activate and deactivate ciphers
>If he is a mason he has sworn to lie to all non Jews.
>But once again who knows how deep I goes.
they wrote the Bible, named the calendar, created the alphabet and language according to a mathematical code.
They constantly project self made prophecy into the public.
Its why Lincoln and Kennedy have those weird connections that even normies know about
>What do you think masonry is? It's a sect of Judaism. Their symbol is literally a stylized star of Remphan
Just understand that you learned about the "Star of Remphan" from fucking Yas Forums.
The website which only like 10 users understand the code that these satanists operate by.
Everyone else still has not put their egos aside and asked creation to show them the truth
>they wrote the Bible
try again
maybe the NIV, NLT and ESV or other pozzed translations
Acts 7:43
“Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.”
anons learn about Mer-Ka-Ba.
Your body is a tuning fork.
Kabbalah is a tradition thats totally owned by satanists now. (doesnt matter how the tradition started look where it is)
Your task as an immortal who chooses to be born and die over and over again is to remember what you are here for.
Remember abundance
>I know Freemasonry is comprised, and would of been for a long time. I have some hope that there is a rabbit hole somewhere that will lead to some cool shit
leave while you still can retard.
Solomon drawing a Geometric shape (which God created by the way) does not make the shape satanic.
Thats like saying a hammer that is used to build homes is satanic because Solomon smashes babies with one