Committee of 300 Edition
Continued discussion from
Committee of 300 Edition
Continued discussion from
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what would you like to know?
why is biden being pushed as the candidate if he is such an alcoholic? just because he is easily controlled?
No no no. We need a recap of the entire thing. Don't point people to a link to follow, they're too lazy. Screen cap some significant moments and post it
Theres people that sound like satan on the phone calls
My boss talks to them
Shit is scary
because bernie would be proved wrong on all his standpoints by trump in one debate.
biden is just a smug cunt that doesn't even understand how to accept the fact that he's wrong because he's a psychopath.
can't allow the normies to see behind the curtain.
Literally built for BBC
thats fair.
so quarantines will start on saturday night monday morning for the coronavirus, right?
arethe quarantines just a ploy for government control?
autofarms and automines exist.
why do they need people any longer?
Gay jew faggot larp
So, what are some major mile stones to look forward to? I know you cannot be specific, but I'm willing to take a biblically confusing prophecy.
Also, any info about that 11/3 Seattle attack that was supposed to happen? Still looking for closure on that one.
Uhhh i live in Denver, am I fucked? Are they going to shut I-70 down soon?
ravens starving is the crows that have invaded populated lands, there will be no food for them and the areas will be scorched earth.
it's not even a larp, just gay
>Also, any info about that 11/3 Seattle attack that was supposed to happen? Still looking for closure on that one.
what about this?
>i-70 is the only way over the mountains
get out, transplant. this isn't your home.
Dumb nigger, I am from here. The only way out is east into the rural South
nothing is happening, everything is normal. its just a flu, next month it will be forgotten
who ever raised you is a retard because that's what you've grown up to be. where do you want to go? you can get there from Denver without ever driving on an interstate, occasionally a highway, and mostly on dirt roads.
Is this LARP or is it Evangelion level shit?
>occasionally a highway, and mostly on dirt roads.
It's a major drug highway my dude. I live off it in Ohio.
It takes too long on short notice to not take the interstate dumbass
>Committee of 300
this retarded meme
what happened to MH370
Crows that have invaded populed lands? Who /what are the crows?
Also how deep does the Molech worship go? Are there any other entities that the general public should educate themselves on?
What dark knowledge shook you the most?
Stop samefagging your gay thread faggot
What is really the army exercise Defender 2020?
nothing ever happens
Quick gestalt? I'm confused
crashed by psychotic navigator.
>Crows that have invaded populed lands? Who /what are the crows?
actual crows.
>Also how deep does the Molech worship go? Are there any other entities that the general public should educate themselves on?
evil entities (demons) exist, however, no entity is more evil than man.
>What dark knowledge shook you the most?
knowledge is light.
as for "secret" knowledge, rhesus positives are the genetically altered ones.
rhesus negatives are the pure human strains.
adam and eve were thrown out to be with the "other peoples outside the garden".
that's why rhesus negative didn't show up until around 35,000 years ago.
most of humanity, is in fact, monkeys.
Read the whole last thread
Didnt see any worthy info
Arent “insiders” hear to drop info in critical times?
THE HORN of the LARP hath been blown - all LARPers shall assemble upon hearing its clarion call.
They did and then got sleepy
This. Once warm weather hits and word of a cure is out it’ll be memory holed.
Funny how NY and CA are bitching about emergency funds since they’ve been cut off for being sanctuary states. Emergency funds are the only money they can get.
Ok summon the low level FBI user if he is not wondering in the woods
Summon purple user from Denver, if he is not sleeping
BD wherevar you are, come to the light
>Once warm weather hits and word of a cure is out it’ll be memory holed
this is the beginning of the stand, user.
You sound like Frank, m8. This isn't promising.
>he reads the words on the screen and hears them in a voice in his own head
you're the one sounding like frank to yourself.
So why's every two-bit cult rising up and trying to grab power and goals these days?
they want to be the vessel for the black parade.
it’s another episode of /x/ invades Yas Forums whole thing reads like an actual fanfic episode of xfiles.
Why aren't the big boys doing anything about it?
I love syfy but they fucking stopped after commercial break
Yo do people turn into monkeys as they become more mixed race?
because the devil must have his seed on this earth before the king returns.
there's only one race.
earth isn't some mmo.
you can breed with other nationals.
I just tracked back to the beginning of this thing and it is one of the weakest LARPs ever.
nice hot opinion, 1 post.
how's that delusion of grandeur that you're an authority on anything treating ya?
When's judgment day?
sometime around 2040, exact date is not known by anybody.
So we gotta put up with a full generation of the circus? Man, hasn't there been enough horseplay, it's been two millennia already.
this is nothing compared to what hell is in store for earth.
remember, every person alive today that is under the age of 18 never knew a world before 9/11 and the nanny state.
how will they know to treat people properly when they only know over-structured schooling?
youth brigades are real things.
>how will they know to treat people properly
Uh, the Teachings of Jesus Christ? You know, found in Our Holy Bible. The right way to live life has been there all along!
FBIAnon from 2015 was better. This one sucks.
lol were you the guy who shot somebody while while dancing?
It's literally a guy saying he was pissing his pants as he heard a speaker phone convo.
It's also a guy (if ANY is to be believed) who works for the big bad man.
There are no good details. There is literally nothing except "go innawoods".
Wow. Been hearing that since 2012.
Is Q real?
Yes, please. I woke up, showered, and am checking in for my morning dose of redpills before I go be a wagie for the day. 'Thread #4 bros, check the link which links to the one before which also has no context!' means nothing to me.
If you go back to the first one it's this.
Literally a garbage LARP by a guy pretending to be on the lam, using a cell phone, and he's bugging out USING THE CELL PHONE.
Interesting couple of threads. Not sure what to think so far. Notice someone else pointed out the possibility of voice modulator to explain the demonic sounding guy. Maybe someone's pulling 'scared FBI user's leg? Some funky new 'insider threat' program, to see who's liable to bolt in a crisis? Trying to reach the 40,000 ft perspective now: overarching purpose of this operation? It's a fear-up, clearly, but to what end? I thought limiting panic was the primary objective, this does the reverse...
Hi gang. I don't know any of you, but I feel kinda like I do.
That phone knows it’s user