I hate being white American. We have no culture or identity. Any identity people are proud to have stems from either foreign countries or consumerism. Especially for Latinos, Asians, blacks etc. I'm considered a non native/invader here while Europeans view me the same overseas (I'm English, Scottish, Irish and German). We are teased for being cultureless. I wish I wasn't born.
I hate being white American. We have no culture or identity...
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Your culture is WWE and nascar and diabetes before the age of 25. Yeah kys
we are teased but white americans (for the most part) are a nation of rebels and outlaws who didnt want to suck the crowns dick anymore.
stop feeling sorry for yourself nigge.
america is a better place to be than most considering the times we live in.
Yea. White people enslaved niggers, that's where it all went down hill.
You're culture is cock clipping.
>caring about what non americans think
You don't deserve that flag faggot.
i didnt even think of this until i just thought hard about how china is trying to save its citizens
meanwhile we've got cheeto in briefs know-wat-im-sairyan?
>I hate being white American
we're literally the most advanced race on earth.
>We have no culture or identity
kid, we are the definition of culture and identity.
everybody else bitches and complains that they aren't us.
but minorities born in america who i live around all believe the same thing. hanging out with minorities is seen as "culturing" or "enlightening myself"
>everybody else bitches and complains that they aren't us.
Exact opposite, they tease us for NOT being like they are. immigrant parents are cool. being here since the mayflower isn't.
you mean the dictator of communist china is trying to keep his work force from becoming ineffective and rendering his nation powerless.
we are a nation of cultureless consumerist white people. i have to lie about my ethnic background for people to change their attitude to me. if i said something different they would slap me with all the same white american stereotypes and baggage. its crazy.
did you get that sentence from MSNBC?
dude, wtf is your deal?
your shit is retarded and all fucked up.
>Be America
>Go to the moon, win two world wars, invent rock & roll, pioneer the movie industry, and have practically everyone on Earth copy aspects of American culture. Just to have some pathetic loser whine that he'd rather be a broke ass European.
its been like that for a while now.
and who do you think did this to a once very promising nation?
It's funny because American culture is so normal and everyone does some form of it everyday that people think that they don't have a culture.
Pure American dominance.
My ancestors settled here before the American Revolution. We have worked and bled for this land. Fuck you and your lack of pride in our heritage.
>who is responsible for the identity of white people
...white people? who would want to be american or northern european? even they tried to escape their shithole by coming here.
I've literally heard this same song amd dance from weird minorities. They suck so much ass to hang around.
This. Euroboos need to fuck off.
> white American
>My ancestors settled here before the American Revolution. We have worked and bled for this land. Fuck you and your lack of pride in our heritage.
t. son of racist, boring white people who stole land from the innocent natives and now get called cultureless by minorities.
based and revolutionpilled, britcucks still seethe to this day
You didnt do shit nigga
>american culture is normal
consumerism isn't culture. i mean actual culture like mexico or kenya or japan.
We have a culture sweaty try Lovecraft and the banjo
Coming from China 2 that's harsh.
>muh science muh war
>this is culture according to white people
is breathing oxygen white culture too?
Lovecraft was british. Also he was catpilled
USA whites have many culture
>school shootings
>1+1 bomb end of war
>bombing people for oil
>shart in mart
>animal lovers (who else would willingly live with niggers?)
>jesus walking with dinosaurs
>die in hospital because forgot to tip doctor
>democracy (you get to pick which jew fucks you in the ass for 4 years)
And many more, dog bless.
Ah yes, drug cartels, such culture. Oh, and bringing the whole town out to murder a boy with a fire tire, my god. And don't get me started on the HONORIBRU PEDOPHILES, my lord the culture!
>who is responsible for the identity of white people
i never asked this question and im wondering why you posted it?
the jews and the world banks user... the jews and the banks...
for fuck sake, have some pride.
if you dont understand the founding of this country then i cant help you with much else so probably just kys
Only yankee scum have no culture
What do you mean?
America is everywhere. America is everything.
The clothes I wear. The language I speak. The internet I use. Sometimes, the cheapest food and best tasting food I eat.
All because of American culture.
Consumerism has nothing on that.
but they did. i still get called cultureless by minorities with cool immigrant families. wonder why that is.
He was an American.
>I'm considered a non native/invader here
That's not true. The United States was created for, by, and of white people with European descent.
What? He never left America and all his stories take place in New England wtf are you talking about?
>we're literally the most advanced race on earth.
Post colonial mutt races aren’t an actual race
We lost WWII, if you haven't noticed yet. Your Boomer "talking points" are increasingly irrelevant in the obese muttified mess that the US is rapidly becoming. You're appealing to the dying white past. We're looking toward the grim future.
Lithuanian whites have many cultures like... being Russia's bitch?
>Your culture is WWE
Don't they have a national holiday in Leafland dedicated to this guy?
you could always move to one of those countries.
as the saying goes, "if you don't like it here, gtfo."
American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and Jackie Robinson while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers.
Literally why do you care? Those minorities literal use YOUR language to to call you cultureless.
>We lost WWII
Well you helped win it militarily but not for America
>jews are responsible for white people
you are proving minorities right by saying this shit, there's a real reason they call you racist and insecure about your lack of culture. they don't need jews to change this perception, they just have to talk to white people like you.
when polcels cry americans have no culture. What do you call this polcel?
>g*rmans still seethe
I just want someone to nuke the USA
Youve got
>niggers instead of castrating them like the muslims did
>israel uses you by proxy
>hyperconsumerist trash
>trannies are considered godlike there, lots of tranny grooming gangs
>oversexualization, full degeneracy
>shitty democrat vs republican dialectic
>country founded by freemasons
dont get me wrong germany is bad right now as well but goddamn look at the fucking usa
you did however spawn some great music art and people, but overall its a sad country
>I hate being white American.
Then kill yourself.
No one likes you, nor your completely deluded views about white people anyways.
Purge your inferior self from society. The world needs real men, not morons such has yourself.
Mongoloids left in 1991, now I am your bitch as well as EU's, "independence" my hairy ass.
>they tease us
Then they,
>immigrate to our country, leaving their shithole behind
Its a coping mechanism, for non americans, kid. They hate us, cuz they aint us...
Bravo Hans.
not an analogy
Mexico has: clothes, music, unique food, unique traditions and holidays, unique attitudes.
America is 100% corporate to be commodified and exported.
Lovecraft was Anglo American
Well put Hans...never thought about how much they like them niggers
>not enjoying being liberated from all culture
Not all of us have diabetes you know? Some of us have something to live for that wasnt cooked up by some 600 year old inbred sperg, who thought his lesion riddled ass was superior to anyone who wasnt unhealthily pale and baby dicked.
>Lovecraft was Anglo American
One of the last
>why do i care
because they have a point. theres a big difference between them and i
>hur dur speak my langauge
cool, they speak the language of slavers, mcdonalds, and bombing brown people. oh whag culture. tell me what our national food, clothing, dish, and dance are. oh wait.
sound like a black larper to me
America has tons of shit. It's just normal to you so you don't perceive it as cultural.
>We have no culture or identity
Oh stop it. You're being utterly pathetic and letting the rampant anti-Europeanism get to you. America has plenty to be proud of, and plenty to bemoan - like literally every other country.
>g*rmandog still seethe
You know that the clothes that I wear to work everyday are American.
Modern Christmas is an American tradition.
The Americans are still so productive that we are still trying to catch up, and those that can't, leverage their productivity by stealing from them.
You need to understand the extent of America.
I'm literally blonde and anglo saxon but whatever, keep proving me and minorities right with the racism.
much respect to the based jap in the thread but im sorry we literally dropped 2 atomic bombs on anons county and hes defending us.
nuff said.
jap user is based and is welcome to join the ethnostate.
>they have a point
Lmao. They left their shithole to come here. They literally agree that america is superior in every way.
This is REAL american culture polcel.
If they're so proud of their 'cultures' why do they live here? It's because our culture is superior.
or it could be for economic opportunity. that's it. they dont give two fucks about white people "culture", they are happily reminded of our shortcomings and are glad to be born to a colorful unique heritage by comparison.
Where's the last 2%?
America is a human refuse heap, every ethnic group that other countries want to throw in the garbage they just send to America instead.
are you stupid?
You sound like a disgusting faggot-ridden loser who lives with his parents.
>I wish I wasn't born.
Me too, kys, disgusting troglodyte and quit degrading America with your filth.
>school shooting
It’s good exercise dodging bullets since we could use it
Yes that’s usually how it’s done, we believe in killing our enemies unlike leafs
Not even in the top 10 but okay
>bombing people for oil
Again, that’s usually how it’s done. Can’t resist our repo’ing your oil if you’re dead
>shart in mart
Just get a better diaper duhhhh
>animals lovers
Yes we actually care for wildlife unlike China who eats them or lithuania that uses them as sex toys
>Jesus walking with dinosaurs
Dinosaurs are a juden lie and never existed
>Die poor and stupid in some poor and stupid hospital because you’re poor and stupid to begin with
The Virgin Kleptocrat vs the Chad Burgsys Cultist
BARK BARK BARK squeals the g*rmandog.
The past was yesterday, tomorrow is the future. We build together
you suck at loving life or else you would make your own
i bet your family is equally worthless
Its not. Ask them what shithole their from, and have fun with the stories of prostitution for tp and food. The stories of cartels and gangs terrorizing them. THATS their culture, and they run from it, to american arms.
>"I've totally swallowed the kike propaganda that my nation wasn't forged over hundreds of years by colonists, patriots, and pioneers. I wish I was a gay European!"
Kill yourself faggot. (Especially if you're just a kike shill like I suspect you are)
>keeps pointing to consumerism
god stop proving me right
>The clothes I wear
Not really American, more like European.
>The language I speak
You are obviously an American. The English language is not American.
>The internet I use
That's an invention, not culture, but I guess it does count somewhat.
>the cheapest food and best tasting food I eat
The American culture is McDonald.
>Oh no I have to live in one of the greatest countries to ever grace the planet unlike all these foreigners that are desperate beyond belief to live here even illegally.
>They keep bullying me about my lack of culture after they spent years trying to immigrate to my country or risked criminal charges to get here and speak my language :c
Post nose OP. I can smell the bagels on you.
Oh no Americans killed a bunch of people? It's almost like what every other country has done before we were even created.
What difference does 2% make, its nothing.
One blind man leads the crowd.
black slave (my grandma's grandma on my moms side held 40 slaves. surname was Thompson before you throw a retarded accusation that I'm a jew).
JapAnon, if there is ever a war with China I will help you put chinkoids in the ground.
Where is the "When you leaving MEME" that talks about Nordic Celts having inhabited the all the Americas before any Asiatic blood influenced the land?
When are you heart cutters leaving?