what a clown world do we live in, we are totally not prepared for a Corona outbreak in Belgium because somebody like this is our minister of health. There is limited medical supply no communication. Doctors in our country are warning us anonymous cuz SHE DOESN'T TAKE RESPONSIBILITY !!!

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Peecha chakka no corona. boonowa tweepi solo. Hoooooo hooo hooo hooo

Amai, frieten zijn toch gezond?

Minister of Lard

And nothing of value is lost

Apparently there would be 10x more cases than reported here, because we do not have enough testing kits.

So this is what we get in return for the 54% tax rate. Amazing.

this virus has been around for 2 months and no preparation whatsoever. And now they are going to confiscate masks from civilians who were prepared. unbelievable

>triplechin woman as minister of health
are you honestly surprised? How can she keep health of whole country in check if she can't keep hers?

The best part is that this lardmaster is a doctor

>because we do not have enough testing kits.
This the KUL is the only center to run down these tests and they can't follow.

This whole situation is a joke, if they don't start communicating more, the people are just gonna fall into full panic mode


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the fact that thing is "health minister" is a slap in the face to reality itself. unfucking real what travesties of common sense happen when women have political power.

Minister of donuts.

Enjoy your virus hehehe

It's a nothingburger anyway. Who cares.

this !


Attached: 1FA40921-0CB4-4A6B-A147-5F2D51195D20.jpg (310x385, 28.42K)

Her chins chin has a chin

she looks healthy!

Attached: 598b847e64f10.image.jpg (840x578, 196.67K)

oh, c'te truie !

Attached: HideousEthicalChinchilla-size_restricted.gif (558x251, 2.37M)

A corpulent demon of nurgle has corrupted the ministry of health. Purge it.

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I feel for you, bro.

*Chinese Coronavirus

Weird, because fatty boombas are one if the groups at actual risk.

You think that's bad?
Our leading State Epidemologist went to fucking Somalia to help them setup a pandemic response centre right as we started seeing our own first cases of actual Swedes getting Corona.
This is after weeks of trying to downplay it and telling people not to get masks because they totally don't help swear on me mum.

Attached: 1579789074360.png (686x526, 174.19K)

They only test here if you are a traveler, have close contact with a traveler with symptoms or symptoms + confirmed contact with a covid 19 carrier.

Bosses won't even pay workers who self isolate without specific medical notices, kek.

>we are totally not prepared for a Corona outbreak
implying you aren't happy about it.

How does one go around confiscating masks?

She must eat soft food cause it seems like her teeth should be worn out

Honk honk

Corona is a hoax. It’s a real virus but the effects are minimal. Pretty sure I already had it and now my girlfriend does about 24 days later

What the fuck is that thing, is she real Windmillbros?

The masks help stop carriers from spreading it. They should not have told people it wouldn't help, because it would be healthier for everyone to wear them anyway if they are infected. Slow the spread.

It's for boomers. Not enough beds and treatment to go around as it is. Want to slow the infection rate so they can get their treatment and not overload the systems. Kids and shit don't even get symptoms.

Why is your health minister obese?


You guys are getting tests?
In America Coronavirus is just a myth and the only test are like 4000$ if you were wrong about having wuflu.
Take your chance and step up! Are you gonna be financially crippled with the normal flu or just crippled with wuflu and a hospital Bill?

America's fucked and I don't even care. The rich be fine tho. They always are.
Like how when rich folks are losing too much money on stock they just pause the economy.
Imagine if you could just pause your bills the way rich socialists do.

>fat lard
No shit.

>Virus you say? I'l just eat it

PS. specimens like pictured are more likely to be killed by coronachan, so there is a positive to this.

Why is Belgium like this

Brussels has the worst case of Muslim infestation I've ever seen.

Looks American

Yea but at least your country isn't racist anymore. And that's not important than stopping the spread of a deadly virus. Get a grip bigot

You should know more than most, half of the people in Belgium are Frenchies.

This, fuck that fat pig we should be in stage 3

Nee man te dik,


We don't actually have a government since December 2018

Sauce ?

Also this, (((they))) believe it's a nothingburger, we'll see, my guess is that tomorrow we'll be at 500-600 confirmed cases.

I absolutely agree

We putain t'as vu ? C'est une honte qu'elle ait une (voir 2 mdrr) place au gouvernement

I know that feel bro

Also the parents of a guy in my school were tested both positive and the kid (more than likely infected) had classes like usual. Fuck this system

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We pay her 10.500 euro a month per cabinet job to eat as much as she can... tax free.

ah, she enforces the diet of other people by eating the stock. unexpectedly smart.

Belgium is the next Italy.
Our "minister of health", not even a week ago, said that antibacterial handgel and masks are useless.
"It's only a flu".
After 6 days of Corona virus testing, the government simply stopped doing the tests and voila, no more new sick people!

Several schools left this week on a school holiday to Italy, government said it's fine, no reason to panic, quarantine doesn't work.

Buckle up everybody, I have 4 weeks of food, water, toilet paper, beer and books.
Sorry for those who won't make it.

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> Come to school if you don't have symptoms goy.

Absolutely fucking retarded country.

It's gonna come back and bite them in the ass. They're taking it way too lightly. Supposedly we only have 28 new cases today, it's complete bullshit

Attached: Belgians after migrant buggering.webm (640x360, 1.1M)

she eats the currywursts so we dont have too, she is not the fat we need but the fat we deserve

Pretty sure that's how it is for most of the world too. If you're suspected to have it then going to a hospital would just spread it to everyone there in the case when you actually have the virus.

I hope this isn't real, but I think it is.

Absolute kek, I guess they tested 200 samples

a total lardass can't handle the responsability of keeping her own weight in check why should she be able to handle the responsability of governing the people?

Fat people shouldn't be allowed to vote.

we take incompetence to a whole new level.

Well she has a healthy appetite eh?

It's real... Was on La Une during the military parade

It's like a national talent

It's real. 2019 national holiday.

Fuck Belgium. I would walk the same way if I were to walk in this parade.

Oh no, you wanna laugh, here's what the ministry is saying
« La tendance observée ce week-end se poursuit ce lundi. Au cours des 3 derniers jours, les laboratoires ont détecté respectivement 31, 39 et 28 échantillons positifs au Covid-19. Il n’y a actuellement pas d’augmentation exponentielle du nombre de cas. Les retours de vacances en Italie sont maintenant derrière nous et les personnes malades savent qu’il est très important de rester chez elles, pour éviter la propagation et protéger leur entourage. Cette situation permet de ralentir temporairement le nombre de cas. »
Basically, "it's fine guys, everything is under conrol", what a load of shit.

Wait for boomers to kick out their own children from hospital beds to lay their own greedy asses there.