London Scientists will PAY volunteers £3,500 to be infected with Coronavirus to develop vaccine


>Volunteers could be paid £3,500 to be infected with the coronavirus as scientists race to find a vaccine.

The Queen Mary BioEnterprises Innovation Centre, London, is recruiting 24 people for the study. They will be injected with two weaker strains of the deadly virus – which has killed more than 3,800 people worldwide – giving them similar respiratory symptoms.

Participants will be injected with two less serious strains of the virus, called 0C43 and 229E.
To get the pay check, participants must stay in quarantine for two weeks and eat a restricted diet. They aren't allowed to have contact with anyone else or exercise.

Doctors working on the study will assess their response to the vaccine while wearing protective clothing and ventilators.

The testing is part of a $2bn global effort to find a vaccine for coronavirus, as Europe has experienced a huge surge in cases in the past two weeks.

Researchers in Seattle have also begun recruiting healthy volunteers to participate in a clinical trial for a vaccine developed by the biotechnology company Moderna Therapeutics, according to The Wall Street Journal.

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lol how much is that in REAL money?

ROFL what
I wouldnt take that shit for a million

Sort of implies they have a shortage of coronavirus patients, which is strange because we know this isn't a hoax.

What is like weird symbol? Is that a euro? Or a lira? Or a pound? Or a sheckel? Like I seriously have no clue how much money that even is. Use dollars next time, fucking retard.


I'd do it for $300

its for a vaccine, so I assume the volunteers will be vaccinated first and then infected

Around $4500

bout threefitty

fucking brainlet

>they end up developing a vaccine that only works on niggers

valid question

85.50g of gold

>burger education

>real money
>worth less

Imagine the people desperate enough to let themselves be infected with a deadly pathogen for less than 5 grand..

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i want to get infected to have the virus in my antigenes memory like the geezers today who cannot die of the plague because they had it 100 years ago.

this is what thinking ahead of the brainlets looks like.

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Isn't this the UK's version of People/TMZ/?


should be at least $300,000, even then I personally wouldn't do it

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Awesome, I hope they have massive uptake and a great research experience!

Why would a vaccine help prevent someone from being infected


It's a good idea, kek. You will get a top-tier treatment, money and anti-bodies to fight the infection before complete collapse of healthcare system. NEETs should go for it

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I'd do it for 30k GBP but so would lots of people
They're just going to prey on the poor and weak and that's a goo thing

oh. I feel kinda stuipid now

I would be willing to do it. But not for the cash. For a chance to make history.

that's a really shitty pay if you have to stay in their cuck cuarantine for two weeks

Given the past sars vaccine track record, its likely one will die from the vaccine and horrible complications it causes rather than from the actual virus itself

Thanks but no thanks
Also £3500 isnt really that much given one cant do shit for those two weeks, eat restricted diet and no exercise.

even with a 0.1% fatality rate that's a pretty sketchy deal, and you have to stay for for two weeks, there are people who get paid more than that for doing fuck all, you'd have to be pretty desperate

Perfect for the "just a flu bro!" people, go get the sniffles for a week and make some bank!

Why, you are going to do it for free soon enough?

That’s a reason that makes sense to me at least.

>coronavirus can reinfect
>vaccine works
pick one vax fags

I can't trust the NHS to only inject me coronavirus instead of something worse.

If this doesn't scream "desperate", then I don't know what does.
What the fuck is even happening.

>vaccine works on all strains

Not likely.

its just a flu retard

It's about 1000 Big Macs

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it's all FIAT currency anyways

I will get infected anyway.
I could get paid for inevitable, why not?
I could get immunity much easier via weaker steains.
I could be a moral person that helps to develop cure.
Where do I apply?

>They aren't allowed to have contact with anyone else or exercise.
Sounds like my normal lifestyle
Maybe I should have a go

What a dystopian hellhole. You know its going to be young, white, poor people abandoned by the royals in exchange for muslims

you might live through coronachan's embrace.
the 'vaccine' however is a far higher risk
if it doesn't kill or cripple you for life on its own it might end up amplifying the virus or your immune system's deadly response to it

Thats more than y'all make in a year!

I'd sign up, I need money and I'm not afraid of the yellow flu

lots of brown people in London

>t. potato nigger

lol history for what being the dumbest goy?

3.5k means the world to poor people and nothing at all to the rich, so this is just a scheme to send the poor in as cannon fodder to make a vaccine for the rich. They should pull names out of a hat completely randomly, make the burden the same for everyone regardless of class or wealth.

>two weaker strains of the deadly virus

They should be safe enough. The live attenuated virus didn't have TH2 hyper-immune response in SARS with animals, and I'm guessing they've already done animals with this.

They're not even trying to be subtle anymore huh.

except that this is a highly mutatious virus which will have a different shell next generation, making yourantigenes useless against that "new" virus.. thats why people keep getting the flu and dont immunize against it


Double it and give me an extra two weeks off work not from my sick leave or annual leave and I'll do it.

Why risk human lives when UK has plenty of worthless niggers?

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At least they're asking, instead of dragging homeless of the street to test on them.

whoah the meme real

It is a shitty tabloid, but often reports on events the rest of the MSM completely ignores


This. 2 weeks basically in hospital prison. Not worth it.
But there are enough shitskins in London, so they don‘t have to pay volunteers good anyways.


I'm interested. I won a gold medal literally two days ago. I am extremely fit and healthy. If anyone's body can beat it, it's mine. I've already sent off the application and I'm going to chat to them about it before making any commitment, but £3.5k in two weeks would be great right now.

UK hospital food.
I don't want to die suffering.

Gold medal in what?