The people panicking over this virus are pessimistic fags. Let's assume it is some huge apocalyptic shit, would you rather go down like a worrying ass bitch or just enjoying every new day with a breath of fresh air? Stock marketfags are being pussies right now. Snap out of it and lets get the ball rolling again.
Whales eat 100million tons fish in a year, while world's all fishermen catch 20million tons fish in a year. Whale is enemy of mankind. Whaling should be legal, it's delicious and it's a good source of fuel. For the people that hunt whales, this is a very profitable activity. It is clearly not easy to hunt down a huge animal such as a whale, and as such they turn into heroe whenever they do manage to do so, and they get a lot of profit out of it. Fuck whale, the minke is not even endangered. Not our business what Asia does anyway. Whale is the cow of ocean with more meat, fat is useful too Humpback whales such as we see in Hawaii every year in the summertime will eat up to 2–1/2 tons per day. They also eat schooling fish such as capelin, herring, sardines, and whatever else they can get. Do the math. They're sea jews always crying about muh extinction but there's millions of them and they destroy the planet. Fuck whale. They dumb as fuck. They come on land, evolve, then go back in water like a retard. Live in ocean but need air... Fucking stupid. There are zero anti whaling facts, no whale has ever been extinct by humans or Africans The late Dr. E.J. Slijper, who was a world authority on cetaceans, said " seems improbable that an animal which propels itself mainly with its tail should need a more highly developed brain than, for instance, a monkey which uses all its limbs so skillfully."
I was reading a book series recently. It was alright except it claimed that radios work in deep tunnels and referred to magazines as clips.
Reminder the government did nothing about corona cuz my stonks. Now stonks are ded now the government is doing something. Its literally retarded. This country is a literal joke. Thank you russia and saudi arabia. Eat shit boomers and muh coping just a flu nothing burgers. America should invest in education and tax jeff bozo. Eat shit kikes. Fire is coming niggers.
Then stop telling me the wear a jacket if I want to fish in shirt and shorts at 30 degrees Fahrenheit, that's my business. Also churn some damn butter.
Post them groups. My local range doesn't allow cameras. They are severely paranoid. 20 bucks gets you free bottled water and they change your targets whenever you like.
>be me, a Jew >coming home from diversity presentation at nearby preschool >See “The Rape of Corey Feldman” playing at local theatre >”finally he releases his child sex vids!” >buy front row tickets immediately >bring lube and my wife’s son >get to theatre >lots of excited jews in fetish wear >everyone came with their child sex slave >Feldman gets on stage to thunderous Hebrew applause >pre-porn trailer starts >old Feldman kvetching about saying the J word for 15 mins >”ok but when do we see the cp?” >film about to start as I unbutton my pants >feed cuts out >major blue balls >crowd gets riotous >Feldman runs on stage >”Guess we got hacked, no refunds” >dead silence > >...REFUNDS?!????? >it’s like anudda shoah Feels bad lads
It’s your responsibility to warn your parents and family about this. It’s time to sit them down and have a chat. It might not work but ir is your obligation to try