The girlfriend is hounding me about marriage. I don't believe in getting married in the current year...

The girlfriend is hounding me about marriage. I don't believe in getting married in the current year. Can Yas Forums give me just one good reason to get married?

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>girlfriend is hounding me
don't let women do that.
tell her to quit hounding you about things.

It shows you're committed to building a family. If you've got concerns maybe consider a prenup but just be gentle about the concept. Otherwise what are you doing wasting your time with this girl? You ain't gonna live forever, especially with the apocalypse in its prologue phase

If your end goal isn't to have children asap then you're probably not fit to be a father anyway.
Eh, I guess that's a no true scotsman.
OP, marriage is a commitment to work towards building a family, your legacy. If you're both white you should be working to do this. Our culture is fading away and we need people to bear the torch of our generations into the coming struggle.

fornication has consequences

She wants your money.

Never marry if she’s hounding you for it

do it fag DO IT FAG

I can give you 40 just watch this guys videos. Absolutely brilliant. Happily married and breeding my wife regularly

I would only get married if the woman agreed to a very specific set of rules I would set the terms of. I hold sole power in the relationship and if she is disobedient she must submit to whatever punishment I choose.

I see no point in having a screeching harpy who divorce rapes me.

Marry her you incel faggot that’s the end goal

I don't want to bring white children into this fucked up world that hates them just for existing.

No hymen no diamond.
If she was a virgin when you met, then marry her ASAP because that's unicorn tier in this day and age.

Otherwise, have fun but dont fall for the marriage meme.

No Woman will accept that if you lay it out like that. You have to be so dominant that she understands her place without you ever having to even say it.

Why don't you just let her go so she can find somebody who wants to marry her? If you don't believe in marriage, find somebody else who also doesn't believe in it. Women only have a few precious years of healthy childbearing ability, so wasting her time like this is immoral.

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The end goal is happy, self-fulfilled children to carry on your legacy. Can't achieve that with a bitch riding your ass / stealing your wealth the whole time.

You realise women incubate those babies right? you should be a man and support her so she can grow your babies

>falling for the diamond jew

Oy vey goyim why not just give her a black lover since your gonna kike yourself? Or better yet why not just bend over yourself and let her fuck you like a jew would?

I got.married
Created a stable relationship for kids, Mother has the same last name

Defacto can take the same shit as married

Cause what the fuck else are you going to do? Life isnt that serious if you end up getting a divorce who cares. Dont be a pussy

Yeah, it also depends on finding the right woman. Most girls are naturally submissive but some are more so than others. It's funny because they're generally happier when they aren't in control or making decisions.

I'm improving myself still right now, going to start looking for a woman in the next year or so. Got no interest in a normal marriage between equals though. If I get married, I would have all the power and that is that.

80% of divorce is initiated by women


The saying is hyperbole you enormous faggot. Obviously diamonds are like scheme, but the sentiment is still valid. If a woman isnt a virgin, shes only good for a quick fuck, but not for anything long term.

Besides, any woman who would actually demand diamonds isnt worth their price.

That's fine, just recognize that women are retarded and dont know what they want. You have to lead by example, if you just tell a woman to obey you her first impulse will be to get offended and storm off. You have to be dominant without making her feel forced into anything. If your actions make it clear that you are in charge and shes along for the ride, then she'll end up realizing she likes it after awhile.

>Can Yas Forums give me just one good reason to get married?
If you're a masochist and into fem-findom.

Yeah that's the whole reason why it's necessary lmao. Most unhappy marriages are that way because the woman doesn't fucking know that she doesn't enjoy being in control.

Married guy here.

DON'T DO IT!!!!!

she wants to post on facebook how she's as good as her friends who have gotten married. as soon as you put a ring on it she'll stop sucking your dick and she'll get fat.

I just got married to my HS gf after 6 long years of being together (was in college n shieet). We did it on the leap year, 2/29/20. Its such a based date, my marriage is gon be based af

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Then you've already lost.

Admire your stoicism, it takes true guts to persevere like this.

Married here as well. 20 years. HS sweetheart. Zero complaints.

Just leave her if the idea of spending your life together isn’t worth it

It is our duty as bulls to have as many wives as possible and plant many’s seeds, what would Joseph Smith do user?

>Can Yas Forums give me just one good reason to get married?

If she's asian, do it. If she's a white roastie don't waste your time, money or energy. Beta orbiters and boomers can get fucked...If you wanted white people to marry, then you should have taken women's rights away. You didn't, and now you can deal with the consequences.


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>. Can Yas Forums give me just one good reason to get married?
Other than you can afford to lose half your shit, no.

>Otherwise what are you doing wasting your time with this girl?
He obviously wants her companionship. Other than religious purposes why bother getting married other than to offer up half your shit to the gods of divorce?

Dump her. Don't let her take half your shit and make your life hell. If she was marriage material, she wouldn't have to hound you, you would know it.

>your legacy
If he does have a family his legacy will be a rock with his name on it, unless he cures cancer or some shit like that. His name will go as far as his grandkids after that no one will remember him, or you for that matter.

If he was an incel he wouldn’t have a gf

What has he lost?

Pre martial sex leads to unhappiness

Until she files for divorce on the go grounds of reasons

So throw her a bone.

>It is our duty as bulls
Really? Where is that written?

It sounds like you already got the milk and the cow wants you to dedicate your life to her now. One of the best reasons to get marrried is to avoid sin.

>she wants to post on facebook how she's as good as her friends who have gotten married. as soon as you put a ring on it she'll stop sucking your dick and she'll get fat.

Are you a man? NO, there are no reasons.

Are you a woman? Wamen generally experience greater happiness after marriage.

Are you a fag? NO, there are no reasons.

And she should not be a shrew, keep me away from my friends/hobbies, and generally take my stuff.

>One of the best reasons to get marrried is to avoid sin.
desert kikes are such brain dead faggots

>if you end up getting a divorce who cares.
My retirement and personal income does

Just tell her no and see how she reacts. If she is willing to make sacrifices for you then sure. If she just gives up, then no she was not marriage material. Either way your going to be less happy afterwards.

>The end goal is happy, self-fulfilled children to carry on your legacy
Another one with the legacy bullshit. No one will remember you past your grandkids. No one

I asked almond a year ago ... we already got a child ... i told myself that it's the right way . I won't lie to you , she is now always happy , and feels confident about our relation. I felt proud and I don't regret it at all . We are waiting for our 2nd child . I wish you luck and I would lean in FAVOR , since I'm not a beta mgtow fag .

You are a huge fucking coward and definitively not a man

If she was a virgin, marry her, if she wasn't, don't.

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If she's not fat and never touched niggers, then just fucking do it.

I'd argue the experiences you have building your legacy, whether or not you're remembered for it make life far more enjoyable for both you and the person you're building the family with. Where once you might've been filling shallow wants and wishes you then instead are bringing joy and wisdom to the next generation and get to watch that joy. Marriage who knows but children add a lot of depth and joy to life. I'm married and it's great but I know that's not always the norm.

>t. 15 year old retard

Tell her you’re never getting married but that you’re fine with knocking her up and supporting her for life

if you love her get married or whatever