Antifa pedos on suicide watch

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Haredi_community

>Corcoran is a former civil servant who worked with the Irish Department of Arts, Heritage, and Gaeltacht. In 2009, he was found to be in possession of over 7,000 images and 21 videos featuring child sexual abuse and torture. He was handed the lenient sentence of 3.5 years suspended—meaning he never served a day in prison. The decision caused outrage amongst Irish commentary writers, one of whom used Corcoran’s case as an example of Ireland being a “pedophile’s paradise.”

>In February of 2020, seven Russian antifa members were sentenced to 6-18 years in prison for planning bombings intended to disrupt the 2018 Russian presidential elections.

Of the seven, one of the principal figures, Arman Sagynbaev, was revealed to have a disturbing history with women and girls.

How shocking

>Seven women came forward to recount details of their experiences with Sagynbaev, some of which have been translated to English. The women, some of whom were as young as 14 when they had their experiences with the antifa leader, were all horrifically sexually assaulted. They were used as domestic slaves, forced to shoplift, routinely beaten and threatened into performing degrading sexual acts, and one was even infected with Sagynbaev’s HIV.

>Some of the abuses were so unconscionable, “leaving no room for doubt,” that Anarchist Black Cross—a network of activists supporting political prisoners—withdrew all assistance from Sagynbaev during his legal battle with the Russian state. They also removed him from their list of political prisoners.

no wonder they are defending grooming gangs, they are one themselves

not surprised

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pretty good


There are more left-wing pedophiles than right-wing? Wow! I had NO idea!

Whaaaaaaat, the people claiming to be good and against nazis were actually trying to cover up they are worse than nazis!?!?! I'M SHOOOCKEED.

Then again, liberals don't consider pedophilia worse than hating jews. Look at James Gunn for example.

What the fuck is that thing on the right is it even human?

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Antifa Ireland:
>AFA Facebook Account

>AFA Twitter Account

>Former Civil Servant and leader of Antifa Ireland, Pat Corcoran, caught with child porn.

>Facebook post highlighting conviction.

>Indy Media does damage control after Corcoran is exposed. Comments claim people knew about the case before the conviction.

>Youth Defence article exposing Corcoran's links to Pro-Choice Groups.

>Facebook post claiming Corcoran was back working with Far-Left groups after conviction.

>Antifa Ireland advocates the sexualization of children in deleted interview.

>Political Irish Thread on interview.

>The Journal pushes Pro Antifa article, gets ripped apart in the comments.

>r/Ireland thread on article.

>Degenerates are degenerate.
Wow that is a very big surprise, who could have guessed?

Based tater keeping it bumped with good digs



WTF did I just watch

The plague killed off the surplus population and the renaissance occurred.

Corona is our savior. Breath deeply my brothers for a glorious future!



Surely these are the end times.

Sidenote for the amusement of the thread
A small group of conservative college journalists set up a Twitter page @IrishAntifa about 4 months ago. They have been posing, quite well I would add, as lefties for months and lured in loads of antifa types and a few days ago started posting screen caps and audio recordings of the shit they were saying. Still regularly dropping info. Was quite a good sting

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Antifa are diseased faggots and pedos

>worse than nazis
thanks for the boomer take

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oh no. pictures. the horror.

ANTIFA is all problem 100% of the time. They have successfully collected every garbage human within the country and formed a group.

It's easy for Nazis to mock these gatherings but it's been proven than dance and good vibes are a natural cure of cancer, tuberculosis and COVID-19. Brave men, women and children expressed their feelings this way in the death camps of Auschwitz. By coming together in this way and radiating good vibes Nazi party leader Adolf Shitler was forced to commit suicide,

Listen buddy, love is love and love is a force of nature. Nature doesn't respect m*n-made boundaries like age or gender. Science has proven that fear + stupidity = racism, fascism and hate. Just remember that.

Sander 2020

ok groomer

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How unexpected

ok groomer

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Hey little boy... Would you like some candy?

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What a shitty bait. You are not even trying.

Anything anti White and Communist in Western peoples backyards should be mercilessly slaughtered down to the last retarded child raping, HIV Positive antifa faggot.

I bet kikes are involved.

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The false-flaggot is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a shill, shitty bait, faggot, Polish, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him shitty bait and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out."

garbage people doing garbage things. Not much of a shock

Gender = Man Made, now I know you're a lefty retardo LOL KYS quickly

They also have a JEWISH problem. Almost like the two are RELATED.

no shit. ANTIFA = socdem trash run by the CIA, and your alt-right ecelebs are the same type of mockingbird glowniggers.

the antifa near me used to throw parties for jr high school age kids but all the antifa guys were druggies in there 20's and 30's it was gross!

>Mfw this is a well known fact and women still support him because hes right and they know it
B-b-but drumphf said grab them by the pussy

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Kikes, Yids, jews, non Whites, wanting to rape White peoples children? No you couldn't say?

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Pretty much every organization has a pedo problem once you start digging a bit

You need to be sick in the head to think the way antifa does, so being a pedo isn’t far from normal for then

This. Any position of power draws sex freaks of all kinds, especially if that position allows easy access to potential victims.

here's bernie with NAMBLA pedophile allen ginsberg. they were buddies back in the 70s and 80s

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Like these kikes?

or this kike?

or how about this kike?

Maybe this kike?'s_Haredi_community

Maybe these kikes?

Or how about dead kike?

(pic related)

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or how about the kike woman that adopted and abused my mother and her sister?

Adolf was a jew, natsoc is a larp, you have to go back and dilate

>Those who collaborated with pedophiles in the past are pedophiles themselves

Color me surprised.

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They also have a coprophage problem.

So there are the faggots who project themselves onto everybody that " whites can't dance"?

Antifags latest PR blunder big fucking surprise. How are they going to defend againts this. Stick around faggots

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Alt rights not real CNN. I Never see any Alt right generals in this website. Which means you guys are full of shit.

Ok groomer.

Ok Groomer

This would be funny if it wasn’t obvious the whole-fuck-ing-time.
Not funny...... you know what I mean

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