Wtf is going on. I thought it was only supposed to be bad for old and sick people??
Wtf is going on. I thought it was only supposed to be bad for old and sick people??
if they announced it was airborne aids that repeatedly tears through your lungs what do you think would happen
I bet nothingburger posting would be at an all time high saying it's an attack on trump and true american patriots
People will realise how corrupt our government really is when we find out the truth.
>airborne aids that repeatedly tears through your lungs
>otherwise healthy
>clearly obese in the picture
I think the government is going to take out some Yung guys, too. Good to take care of the competition and harvest some organs
>Otherwise healthy
>Can tell he's overweight just from the face crop
Listen, Tubbymaru, a diet of mayo and fried chicken isn't a corona cure.
Uh oh, how long can they keep a lid on the truth
>I thought it was only supposed to be bad for old and sick people?
except for all the young health people who also die
The guy in your picture is obviously a fat fuck, far from healthy.
Everyone already knows Australia is a fascist censored shithole
He’s Asian.
Name literally 2.
>no vaccine
>throw the kitchen sink at it
Gee, I wonder if all of the different (((treatments))) have anything to do with it.
cope harder nigger
Xing chu
Pixadi chin
kek mad fatty
Fuck the wash your hands fags. Washing your hands wont stop you from inhaling virus particles. We learned that from one of the cruise ships when it was found out the virus was traveling through the air ducts from room to room.
this chink faggot had asthma. fake news bullshit.
Tucker Carlson broke the truth to normies earlier today.
SARS-CoV-2 is a SARS variant
you dont fully recover
why is he chinese
It's only bad for non Whites. Hail coronachan.
>new jersey man
>coronavirus patient
Every fucking time.
(((One post by this ID))). SAGE
Fucking clickbait NY Post
>As of Monday, he said he feels a bit better, but is assigned a nurse around the clock to monitor him.
>Cai said he's been told that the hospital has a station ready for him in the ICU should his condition worsen.
>"They say I should be OK, have a strong will, vitamin C, get sleep," Cai said.
>New Jersey patient
Looks like a white man
not to mention that the infections have a weird way of surging shortly after the antiviral fog is used on an area
If SARS affects mostly sick people, wouldn't they generally score lower to begin with?
is it airborne though?
>Iranian nurse
>29 year old doctor who warned us
Publish age range of people killed so far 0-107.
>virus particles
You schizos get crazier by the day.
>80% could no longer work
Jesus fucking christ man
>Be u
>Be a shill
>Ask stupid ass ridiculous fucking questions to try and derail
That question has already been answered in this thread and its been verified across the world and by multiple news outlets for months now. Youre a fucking moron.
Come on you post for China, can you not tell one of your own Asian bros?
With that said, this virus is incredibly lethal. While theories about bioweaponry may or may not have merit, the virus’ stunning combination of symptoms, targets, infection vectors and mutations cause absolute mayhem in the body. At first pass, the lungs are attacked; this leads to pneumonia, the degree to which is dependent on several factors, including race, gender, and age. The damage to the lungs is caused by the immune system being induced to overreact with cytokine storms, with T cells ordering what amounts to a tactical strike on themselves, and the surrounding tissue, in order to kill the virus. That damage also reaches the heart, causing inflammation and tissue damage. During the course of initial infection, the virus also infects nerve cells, which are almost entirely out of the immune system’s reach.
They do not want to cause panic and anymore economic disruption than necessary. The Chinks did not lock down 200 million people and do the things they did because they were concerned for the old and infirm.
The ability to infect nerve cells is, while not unheard of, extremely rare. It is common knowledge that HSV integrates itself into nerve cells, effectively “hiding” beyond the reach of the immune system. HIV similarly hides in immune CD4+ T-cells and remains latent for years. Herpes is mildly symptomatic; breakouts occur occasionally, the immune system handles them, and the virus remains dormant. HIV, through a different mechanism, acts similarly, remaining dormant and latent for so long as the immune system, and any medical treatments, can keep it in check.
Neither of these diseases, however, cause such severe symptoms while in latency. SARS-CoV-2 acts very differently. Rather than remaining dormant, it continues to replicate, spreading throughout nerve tissue, no longer vulnerable to the immune system. While doing so, it also spreads back into the body and causes reinfection, 100% of the time. Due to the way the virus attacks CD4 immune cells, in the same manner as HIV, the body is unable to develop immunity. Reinfection is just as deadly, perhaps moreso, and inevitable. Heart damage continues, and can be lethal. Pneumonia is actually milder upon reinfection, as the immune system is largely exhausted.
However, by the time reinfection occurs, SARS-CoV-2 has reached the spinal cord, and begun infecting the brainstem. This is where it gets really hairy. The brainstem controls, among other functions, autonomic breathing. The loss of the brainstem is effectively the death of the patient; however, as the brainstem is largely concerned with autonomic functions, we may not even notice initially. COVID-19 patients in critical care were noted to be “unable to breathe spontaneously.” This occurs in 100% of patients.
Im gonna die if I get it.
Do you genuinely believe this shit? I mean it’s pretty bad, but airborn aids? I think more would be dying
Before we go on, let’s recap the transmissiblity of this virus. It is carried in both droplets and aerosolized in exhaled air from asymptomatic patients: it is found in stool: it survives on surfaces for up to 9 days. It is effectively the common cold, in that most people will eventually get it.
With that said, what we find ourselves with is a virus that causes heart inflammation, viral pneumonia, and brain damage, hides in the nooks and crannies of our bodies to reinfect us indefinitely, and is as transmissible as the common cold.
What can we do?
It is well past time in the United States for a complete, total lockdown. This virus cannot be allowed to grow exponentially. With such misleadingly less-severe cases, the proverbial ocean around the iceberg will, very soon, drain, and we will see the full scope of an exponentially spreading, ultra lethal virus. Trials cannot be allowed to go on for 12 months or more. Treatments of various kinds exist, and are being tested to good results. Enough is enough. This virus is so incredibly lethal that it is quite debatable whether the world will still exist by the time these studies are completed.
While we wait for the CDC and their months of regulatory red tape to work through, nearly all of us do, or soon will, have the most lethal virus the world has ever seen slowly making its way up our spinal column. Withholding these treatments amounts to deliberate, bureaucratically administered genocide. By the time COVID-19 rears its ugly head in full view, with people spontaneously dying in the streets around us, it will be far too late.
Trips wasted on this fatty
Fags ARE sick people. Fuck off OP.
Yeah but the media desperately needs a photo of a victim who isn’t 80
>>You schizos get crazier by the day.
"Milton, who studies the spread of virus particles in the air, said recirculating air on a cruise ship’s ventilation system, along with people living in close quarters and in communal settings, make the vessels vulnerable to the spread of infection."
"“You’re going to amplify the infection by keeping people on the boat,” he said."
Eat shit CCP shill.
Neck yourself fatboy
>White people below 60 and black people
Completely healthy
> It is carried in both droplets and aerosolized in exhaled air
those are the same thing, brainlet boomer
Chinks confirmed for weak faggots
Supplies its another chink aka a coronian
They locked down over 900million
They locked down over 900mill people.
The population of the usa is 350 mill for reference.
>CCP Shill
Nah bro thats a domestic CIA glow nigger shill
They run /x/ now ever since an actual fucking alien came on the board and verified it was an alien by flying in front of a live NASA satellite feed. It was begging for fuel like a nigger for is faster than light ship lmfao. It seemed to be evading some kind of authorities, flew over peoples homes at request, said our planet was like some kind of galactic rest stop area???, and then said someone had given him the fuel he needed and took off.
The photo of him flying int front of the sattelite is scrubbed and i no longer have a picture of his wierd pointy purplish craft but if u looked under Myziam that guy was for sure real.
Anyways after they happened they basically 100% took control of the board with 24/7 spammed slide thread and they call anyone in a legit paranormal phenomenon "schizos".
Its the CIAs favorite word and it actually works pretty well. "Schizo" "tin foil hat" and constant gas lighting on their preferred methods. Havent really seen Commie chink shill say "schizo". They usually say weird haiku like shit or call us fat pigs or gaslight , etc.
I'm just glad that the fucking jew york times is now a reputable source on /po/. You re.dd*t refugees sure did a number on this place.
>confirmed by cdc for 'aerosol spread'
>Calling someone a schizo and telling them theyre crazy for making a statement verified by multiple agencies and health organization.
Yeah dude im pretty sure the schizo here is you (unless ur a shill in which case FOR SURE go fuck yourself)
>>evading some kind of authorities
Nigger alien confirmed.
China recently launched a social media campaign called positive energy for china or someshit. They pay 80-300 bucks a post praising china, downplaying china's involvement with Corona-Chan, and try to stop the name Wuhan flu from becoming concrete by playing the liberals and calling it racist towards Asians. CCP also created the name "TrumpVirus"
>multi-replying to the same post
>need to reinforce your world view
Call me a shill all you want. The real issue here is that you mouthbreathers wasted your entire life damaging your body and mind. Now that the MSM is pushing fear porn down your throat, you are panicking. You deserve to die, because you never cared about yourself before this moment. This is God's punishment for disregarding all of the signs in front of you.
airborne and aerosol spread aren't the same thing
You have been warned
You didnt die though, so its okay xDDD
Panicking? Nah Chang, The fun is about to start.