China threatens to cut off all medical supplies to the US. COVID19 is a bioweapon aimed at the US! It's plain to see now. This is an act of war. We are seeing the initial moves in World War III right before our eyes. We've asked for a happening, we're getting it. God Bless anons! Stay safe!
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Well screw you too Ching Chong
I'm sure the drug company wants to lose 90% of it's business and wont leave China
OK neocohen
looks like america could stand to become a little more self sufficient then
stop buying shit from chinks all together.
They just mad because we made fun of them for eating bat soup.
wow, shipping off all manufacturing to chinks to increase the GDP was so worth it!
The quote in your picture doesn't go along with the title above the quote.
China is collapsing, this is their way to cope
I agree. All off shored industries vital to the health and safety of US citizens should return to American soil at once. No excuses.This is a matter of true national security. Should never allowed them to offshore in the first place.
Americans aren’t know for their reading comprehension
Where are grandma and pop-pop going to get their medication from now
America!! Fuck yeah!! Comin your way to save the motherfucking dayyy yeah!!
Time to choose sides world chinks or burgers
What's it gonna be?
>It's plain to see now. This is an act of war.
Is there something we can't make? Sure it might take a few months, but we designed most of the medical ingredients.
It actually is a nothing burger though
>let's give America a reason to move their manufacturing back onshore
Yeah I don't think those business savvy chinks are that retarded.
If the stock market continues to bomb, china has zero leverage as there is no continued incentive to remain in China while rebuilding supply chain and manufacturing capabilities.
Deregulate the drug production market and have it like China where they can sell APIs direct to consumers although somewhat grey market.
They are, but globalists are even dumber since they're the ones who transferred all the medical supply production to China to begin with.
Take a look at the old factories in Detroit and ask that again. it would take years to rebuild the manufacturing infrastructure, that's why Trump walked back all his promises to bring the industry back.
Lol they're just going to move to Vietnam or Indonesia, Mexico at best.
USA needs special economic zones with no laws like China if there's going to be any US competition.
Oh look. It’s fake. But also gay.
It's not just grandma and pop, but. It's the community hospitals, trauma centers, teaching centers and so on who all use an overwhelming majority of supplies and drugs made in china. This is Chinas power flex. It would significantly impair health care until another source of drugs and supplies were found.
Yeah and we’ll use prison labour!
Everybody wins!!
the drug companies don't control the manufacturing.
Post in-meat market prices to end horror!
But that actually makes it sound like China is on the brink of collapse.
Nuke these fucking chinks
I hope they follow through on this shit. It would be Uber Reckoning 5000 for our transgressions
Everyone knew this was going to happen
implying its not the jews
that's where your wrong kiddo.
There is no drug we cannot make here in the US. Reactors and fermentation tanks are easy to build and run. It only went to slant land cause cheap labor and no environmental regs to shave dollars. Like you said, it'll take time. That is all. Oh, and your drugs will cost more.
I guess it would be pretty fair to dismantle China's government if they actually compromised global medicine distribution during a pandemic.
Ban all medications. Only the strong will survive.
Not if, it will happen
>offer them help during their outbreak
>they refuse it
>then complain nobody helped them
>now telling us to fend for ourselves
China was a mistake.
If there is WW 3 i'm gonna try to be the last to get recruited while i cuck everyone out of their wife.
Keep it up chinks we got sars3 all ready for ya
We'll call it corona extra
Cjinois death rattles
America can't make shit in America because of muh labor laws and minimum wage being too high. The only way America can produce in America is to have automated factories where there is no minimum wage and labor laws
They're giving masks and supplies to Europe and Asia, but not America. This is payback for the trade war.
> COVID19 is a bioweapon aimed at the US!
Take your meds.
The fuck are you on about, we make domestic medication in the US. We get imports of some but it's not like it's 100% imported.
Man, the Chinese are terrible at reading the current state of geopolitics. Who ever thought these guys were a threat?
fuck off (((YOU)))
>would take years
we could easily do it in months, except nobody is going to be willing to invest in 'human-powered' factories these days, they will be drone factories with 15 high paid engineers running a bunch of automated machines instead of 1500 button pushers + admin and support staff. bringing manufacturing back to america is not what most americans think it will be
more evidence this is an act of war. we need to raw dog china into submission.
That’s the whole problem about bringing industry back here. Kikes are so fucking greedy that they’ll just charge more cause it’s made here with better people. Fuck this clown planet, I don’t hope death on anyone, but I hope the Chinese subverted agents get what they deserve and the Chinese get it to.
>medical supplies
>for a respiratory illness
>that has no real confirmed treat ment
What are they going to stop exporting oxygen tanks?
Go shill reddit you faggot
The most j*wish post I've read today. Fuck off kike.
This proves that Trump has been right all along.
Bringing back jobs and manufacturing to stop relying on the chinks.
6d chess
Would now be a good time to invest in making drug labs in the US? looking for a new investment
They pay for it though retard. Chinks dont go to work they will just source it to pajeets
They make our drugs you fucking retard.
This is what Trump has been trying to do from day one.
The world is going to give war a chance?
No the kikes are way way too fucking greedy to start doing this shit. Oy veyy too much time to build a factory and too much money.
>Mutts laugh at China
>China stronk, China eradicate Coronavirus in China through policies only a Communist Dictatorship is able to implement
>VIrus Spreads to Mutts
>Who raughing now?
That and Winnie the Pooh memes. Blizzard knew. (They're still cucks tho)
You ain't from around here, are ya, boy?
Ok boomer
His hair getting real grey
you can kiss your ass goodbye, then
it will just go to India or mexico or some other 3rd world shithole but I agree
Tfw disabled veteran on vetbux. It’s my turn!
Total NPCs on the top and bottom results.
Our political and business leaders have failed us. Every single one of these bastards and bastardettes needs to hang.
That said, the Chinese probably wouldn't make this kind of threat unless they themselves feel threatened. They're a wounded dragon and they're lashing out. This is a very dangerous time.
good trump should stop being a faggot and harp on this shit.
>Chinese state media lies about virus deaths marks them as pneumonia
>buys mobile crematory ovens
>officials aren’t allowed to report any new cases or they get jailed or fired
>internet traffic is slowed and censored heavily so no doctors can leak behind the scenes and they go to prison for leaking
Shut, the, fuck, up.
just look at her fucking tits
Wow that's worse than I thought. 52% of the population confirmed for idiot NPCs.
Covid sandwich? Sorry, empty buns.
#DoomsdayPreppers #WhosTheSchizoNow?!?
mobile crematoriums
This. It's why people voted for him. Not the wall. People wanted him to bring jobs back to America, manufacturing back to America, and to become independent and self sufficient instead of propping up China's economy with our bullshit trade deals that incentivize corporations not to build or manufacture in state.
They are a wounded paper tiger.
>Oh look. It’s fake. But also gay.
Our realities from birth have been nothing more than layers upon layers of deceit. I'm not saying all this shit is completely fabricated but the full truth is no where to be found.
you seem sensitive about not getting your hormone pills on time bro
>china sells belts and benzos to the US
>the US sells food to China
Im ok with a few benzo junkies dying on the sidewalk if theyre ok with 80% of their population boiling tree bark for food
Jesus Christ. The NPCs are now using the term against normies. You prepped for the apocalypse because CNN told you to. Eat dicks mongrel NPC.
I wonder if this has anything to do with Trumps economic announcement for tomorrow/today (March 10th, 2020)
He won’t stop being a fucking retard Jewish kike faggot because muh stock market. If he actually fucking cared all Air travel from China would be banned. But that isn’t the issue now, if he would have stopped Chinese New Year and the gay ass spring festival we might have 0 cases. But nooo
It's not even a valid threat, stupid chinks.
They do that and we’ll cut off their food, see who gets dead faster chang
Dude fuck off, the act of war was initiated a long time ago by the Jewish. Your ignorance on the subject matter and how it relates to current events doesn't mean that this is an act of war from China's part. Our mass media is owned by Jews and Zionists. They lie all the time. For goodness sake they consider themselves "god's chosen people" but they can't even run their own country in a civil manner.
China has their own people to take care of, and America isn't supporting China. China announcing that its drugs are for domestic use and banning exports is the right thing for China to do. Next time, don't rely on Globalism you fucks. They can only manufacture so many considering the state of their work force and they have their own people to take care of. It's pragmatic. Hell, America's government is doing an act of war against our populace by that logic considering they have even made statements like conserving masks for healthcare workers. China doesn't have a choice and the fact that these Jewish owned establishment would seek to utilize the Hegelian dialectic in this situation to edge approval for a war that no one wants or can afford proves that the Jews want everyone dead. These people's stories change day from day when it comes to the corona virus because they're too busy trying to find a way to control the masses through the narrative. The shit is bad and it's a bio weapon. But China didn't make it. Hell their structures can't even stay up. They most certainly do not have the intellectual prowess or finesse to craft such a weapon. Which country in the world has the most military expenditure? The United states of Israel.
This is just scum that do not deserve what their lives trying to create war during a crises they gave rise to in order for people to divert their eyes away to other issues than these sick and demented people. These people who play the victim while claiming things against their enemies that they themselves do. The ultimate projection
>COVID19 is a bioweapon aimed at the US! It's plain to see now.
Talk about projection fuck off
putting an end to the made in china era would be the greatest thing to ever happen in this country. the amount of things we trust one nation to manufacture is complete insanity.
Get fucked when the food-lines begin, you NPC leaf faggot.
What is the full quote? Looks like neocon beating the war drum.