What does smoking cannabis feel like?

What does smoking cannabis feel like?

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You feel slow and relaxed and sounds are really something

Lethargic paranoia


It feels like the jews are winning.

like the air is made of soup

that's about it. dumb people use it to go into sleepmode and smart people use it to communicate with dumb people.

Like this but imagine it was described better and less faggoty by someone who is not a maple syrup nigger

Everything is funny and bright. Also you might get real hungry

It's a tamed nigger mindset simulator, 10/10

Feels slightly better than normal but also slower

Makes everything really funny, you get really hungry too and sometimes you hear things

Sometimes it makes me feel like I can't breathe and the entire world is falling apart and there is nothing I can do about it and everyone is looking at me, and then sometimes it makes me sleepy.

The best tho is when I get blackout drunk and smoke a blunt, and then it's like a strobe light in my head and I'm on a marry-go-round that is paying bass really loud, and then I vomit and sleep in the bath tub.

It's awful. You start hallucinating shit and go partially deaf/blind for like 6-12 hours depending on the strain. You are stuck in a (mild) dream like daze for weeks to months after. Many never realize this and continue to abuse the substance wherein the effect becomes permanent.

The first few times its really amazing. It will pretty much make you trip if you take a good hit the first time. Do it too much, it just makes you hungry and tired.

When I tried the first few times it was very mental, not at all like the much more physical high of alcohol, but after using it for some time it became more and more like alcohol and more and more boring, there was hardly any mindfuck, just feeling a bit cozy, at first there wasn't any coziness at all. And then it made me stupid which is one reason I quit.

Feel like a kid again, not knowing anything and everything is a new experience.

Depends on your tolerance level how the affect feels imo. If you've been sober for a while, it can be really fucking intense. If you've smoked every day for three years, it's just like every other day.

like permanently severing your relationship with God

like when you plop into a big cushy couch after eating a delicious steak dinner.. that feel

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Imagine that thing you were going to do today, but then you decide fuck it I just want to sit here and play video games. That's the feeling.
Also it's why Bernie Sanders voters don't go out and vote even though Bernie want story decriminalize. My sides. Weed is degenerate

what are you thinking and doing right now? okay, it’s that + dude x weed and if you’re extra high, minus reality, divided by your religious belief

You feel sociable, more relaxed (insofar as you do it in a comfy environment), and can enjoy things far more.


It can make me feel rather cold so I have to snuggle and turn the heat up.

Feels good if you have no anxiety

Everything seems more significant. You are dulled in the mind a bit sometimes. Some people are really creative when high. Food tastes better for some reason. It’s a pretty good drug to do occasionally. Stoners are fags though.

It didn't make you stupid, it made you realize you were stupid.

like shit mostly, edibles are were its at. completely different high.

depends, it's different depending on sativa vs indica, what strain, your tolerance, etc. etc. etc.

It used to make normies absolutely intolerable to me, and made me go super autismo to the point of just wanting to be alone playing vidya.

relaxed, paranoid, hungry, and horny at the same time

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It's very strain dependent, some make you slow and sleepy, some make you hyper aware to the point of paranoia, some are just relaxing and mellow. I enjoy them all in moderation

like warm apple pie

Everything becomes amplified.

Just dont think sad/evil/depressed/anxious thoughts and you won't get freaked out. Train yourself to only think happy/optimistic thoughts.

Cannabis only heals those who want to be healed.

Honestly, it's not for everyone. I get slight paranoia from it.

Pretty overrated desu

Eating is more hardcore, you are so high that when you close your eyes you want to trow up and when you lay down and fix the ceiling everything is moving on it's own, your skin start to feel hot on the inside but you are cold has ass, oh yeah and you have brain latency like you have 1000 ms ping

Minimum wage.

when you first start its euphoric and hallucinogenic. after u get addicted and become a heavy user its just makes you lethargic and tired all the time. the good parts only happen when ur tolerance is low.

I have a family member who got schizophrenia as a young man in his 20s working at a night casino.

I'm apparently in danger of that shit too and turns out that's no shit either. One night I was doing weed with some of the boys and it did not sit well with me.

If I do it more it might actually fuck with me long term and surface the crazy in me. I don't wanna get schizophrenia in my lifetime, but what the fuck is even that? The description is so vague and the mental illness side of things seems to stab in the dark as well.

Just how little is known about the human brain and it's diseases and illnesses? Are we really just not there yet medically and psychologically?

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Gee, it's as if a mind altering drug can make a schizo even more schizo.

bags of sand

>What does smoking cannabis feel like?

It's important to not smoke a lot, I only take a puff or two if I have any. But I feel like I am more in tune with the electr0magnetic energy fields, the fields of human consciousness, and I go into a trance and tune in with the human hive-mind.

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>It's a tamed nigger mindset simulator, 10/10


When i'm really high, I imagine thats what being a black person is like 24/7.

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It feels like lying on your back in a body of water. The way the waves softly pat your head. How comfortable your body feels with the water hugging it. You pick up more details in every song you listen to and conversation you have. Acting seems so phony you have a hard time suspending your disbelief, it's like you're acutely aware of how much of a production the thing you're watching is. When you start to think about something you really fall into your thoughts, and the thoughts just zig and zag till you're left wondering why you're thinking at all. Being touched by a girl feels like heaven, and the warmth of her vagina enveloping your cock is almost sentimental. Also you eat like a fucking pig and if you take just one bite of something you're gonna keep eating till you're finished with it, whether it was a morsel or a whole fucking birthday cake, that one bite locks you into a feeding frenzy. It's a nice time, just don't do it too frequently or you'll just be bored all day. You'll sit around and be bored and won't even do anything else to change it. Smoke it after a long hard day of work, or after a nice date, or when you're with an old friend. That's the best


In general. Smoking some pot should give you that warm cozy feeling eating comfort food does. Maybe with a hint of paranoia

When I first started, the effects were way stronger and more profound feeling
Now, after years of smoking, it's just a buzz

as someone who hates weed and tried it,
this is the most realistic one, it literally feels like you have 1000 ms lag and you blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.

You feel like a fucking idiot who forgot about life, priorities, struggles and obligations. You feel tired / lazy yet completely content doing absolutely nothing. You more or less just want to eat and be entertained like a child.

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you disappear up your own ass and think about yourself and make plans for the future that you'll never do cause you'll be smoking weed then too.

There's two kinds. One gives a body high and one a head high. A body high shuts off your brain and is an intense physical euphoria. Everything is funnier and your senses such as taste smell and touch are heightened and all release a great hit of dopamine. Sex on it is fantastic.

The head high makes your head race, you'll be thinking of things (banal things mostly) but you'll think you're smart as hell. It does help you see the world in a different light though and helps you evaluate the world in a different way. It's why artists like the stuff. It also fucks up with your perception of time. 30 minutes will feel like 10 seconds but at the same time you'll realize it's been 2 hours and it felt like 5 minutes.

Good stuff but thank god I don't have easy access to it or I'd probably be high fucking thots every chance I got.

it's a lot like getting high, but more like getting stoned though

the very first time I smoked it I was a junior in HS... I can recall thinking it seemed to slow time down. I was walking with a friend and it seemed like my motion was delayed in some way. That was not the kidn of drug in your image which is much more potent .. that stuff crystalizes your thoughts so whatever you are thinking becomes like a solid object into which your brain is fused... so you better be thinking some beautiful righteous thoughts because you will be totally welded to them

>they think that smoking weed or eating "edibles" is the actual Final Boss

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Got out of military and hooked on percs.
Flushed them down after a few months friend recommended medicinal marijuana
Didnt like smoking made me paranoid and anxious
Liked edibles after had half of a cookie and 20 min later I was watching Bob Ross videos
Tincture drops before bed helped me sleep big time

feels fucking bad now that you reminded me im out FFS fuck you buddy

Don't smoke a lot because the trance you go in good be too deep and it could slow your heart too much. I smoked too much a week ago and it messed up my relationship with time for a full day and I sat on my couch all day in a trance, and it sucked.

That's why I try to only take a puff or two, I still go into a trance if that's the case and tune into the electromagnetic energy, but its not overwhelming. Some people say marijuana is harmless, I don't believe that. Too much I think is dangerous.

Like this but hetrosexually, and way skinnier

Stick to alcohol and painting. You can be the next Van Gogh.

I don't like it, makes me anxious

It's like your brain getting a boner.

Basically it allows you to put up with the kiked up bullshit. That's exactly why I smoke and exactly why I shouldn't.

You feel as if the rest of the world is in a bubble of glass and you are rubbing up against it like a bad windshield wiper



Everything becomes a profound thought or experience. Music feels enhanced, flavor is enhanced, you can lose yourself in your own thoughts pretty easily. You find humor in weird things, your brain makes connections that aren't usually there. You become tired, but sometimes you can be energetic. It's easy to become scared for your own safety, wondering if you might die. People say it dims anxiety, and for a while with me it did as well, but I have always had my anxiety enhanced on weed after my open heart surgery. I smoked it every day for around 4 years, tried again a couple months ago and it just wasn't for me. All in all, it was fun while it lasted, but now that it freaks me out I see no reason to continue.

Marijuana is good and profitable to industry if it is utilized properly. It is an intellectual stimulant in that it provides external velocity to your thoughts and has chief value in associative linkage.

It turns all your senses to 11, everything tastes better, smells better, sounds and colors are more vibrant and things are funnier. If you're feeling paranoid about getting caught smoking or are otherwise on edge then it will make you paranoid because your senses are more attuned so you'll notice noises and details that you normally wouldn't and that can creep you out if you aren't relaxed and comfortable.

Sativa is a mild stimulant and makes you feel a little more energetic like coffee while Indica is a mild sedative and will make you feel a little sleepy.

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smoking weed before you eat or jerk off or have sex and then having a cigarette after any of those activities while you're still high off the weed is a great combo

no, I it made me stupid and made my memory worse, in between highs


I always enjoyed the back porch on a summer evening with a pipe full of Old Toby, didnt care for joints

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oh also you become extremely forgetful

It's like this. You hear things. Footsteps. Voices. Whispers. Beeps. Boops. Sometimes it's louder. Yelling. Screaming. Explosions. Knocking on doors. Sometimes you could hear neutral shit. Voices just talking. Sometimes they talk to each other. Sometimes you can talk to the voices. It ain't always bad

You see things. Colors. Shades. Shadows. Sometimes it's "LSD" esq and the world will sort of morph. Shapes apear and disappear. You might "see someone" just to turn your head and whatever it is is gone. I hear sometimes people get it bad and they can see demons and shit

Everyone hates you. You're not walking fast enough. Slow down. You're too quiet. You're too loud. Stand still. Move around. Your hat is dumb and your ugly. So ugly. This is why everyone hates you. No one will love you because you're so fucking ugly. Don't look at them they hate you you ugly bitch. Go home and sit in a dark corner away from everyone else so you're not taking up their air

Also FBI is after you because George Washington fucked a dinosaur in another dimension because your soul made a deal with the devil or some shit

Something like that

makes senses more vivid: music and sounds get better, food gets better, sex gets better but you wouldn't know because most of Yas Forums are kissless virgins

>I don't like it, makes me anxious

The only people who get anxious with weed are people who have a lot to worry about or are generally failing in life.

You shouldn't be smoking the stuff. I think Weed should only be consumed by people who got enough money in the bank to not worry about life and enough self-confidence to brush off criticism from others.

Songs sounds more interesting, funny shows are funnier and gaming is more enveloping.
Try it and get back to us.

I can agree with that

Not bad lol

I usually end up just reading my Bible. You can’t ignore the spiritual realm when high.

there are few greater pleasures in life.

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>tfw got really high once and went to purgatory
>god was there, not paying attention to me, but judging me none the less
>I was sentenced by someone else, who told me that I was going to burn in hell for eternity when I die for the sins I've committed, and that nothing I ever do can possibly change that

>I'm an atheist

might feel like a comfy saturday morning, you're on a perfect adventure and everything is gold. You're 10 years old in the best way possible. Everything is fresh and vibrant.

or, you hear a noise like a riot very far away. There's something wrong with your skin and skeleton and you dont understand it. Why is the air so thin, why cant I breathe this air there's no air I need air. my existence is separate from my physical existence, I inhabit my body, I am in hell.

Bags of sand...

I read one of the Harry Potter books high. It made me think it was good. This was years ago though.


overrated desu

I smoke so I'm not in constant pain from back injuries. If you smoke it just to get high, I understand, but it isn't exactly good for you. Inhaling smoke is never really good for you, but, whatever.


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Your eyes feel weird. You’re slow and forgetful. Your muscles are relaxed and you feel sleepy. Things are generally funnier. Music is better.

shit that normally would piss you off doesn't bother you

Yeah, I deserve hell. Not contending that. But there is someone who paid that price. It’s ridiculous but god is amazing and long suffering even for a sinner and the least of all Christians like me...

it affects erveryone differently

it feels like oxygen deprivation. if you blow out air as hard as you can for like a minute its pretty similar so it basically feels like killing brain cells.

nothing it doesn't do anything to you it all a placebo effect

haha this