Finding a Job

Why the fuck is it so hard to find a good job nowadays Yas Forums? I graduated a year ago with a Computer Science degrees and there are no fucking jobs; I followed the meme's and did Coding bootcamp and that did not lead anywhere.

The tech industry is filled with disposable cheap Pajeets and SJW's that don't get much work done. Its not surprising why countries like China will over take the West soon.

Out of desperation I even tried to find a dish washing job that pays $14.25 CAD an hour; they needed someone with at least 1 year of dish washing experience, a criminal record check.

Why does every fucking company out there advertises themselves as a 'family' or being a "fun company".

I'm living with my parents now, so my expenses are low. But this can't last forever. I can never find a proper job.

My only choice is move to some cheap shithole like Cambodia and do freelance coding or web development to scrounge enough money for meals and meager rent.

Hopefully one day my boomer parents will pass on their house to me then i'll cash out and push it all into some kind of dividend investment portfolio and spend the rest of my life on the beach.

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>there are no fucking jobs
Go to USA

t. neet

Anyone here could have told you that software jobs are being replaced by pajeets.

ive had 2 coding jobs with a unrelated degree you're just autistic so nobody will hire you

Yeah, I have to deal with you Candian fuckers on my teams. Can't your economy produce anything other than syrup and disappointment?

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Get into sales you idiot

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do small jobs on codejob sites to build up a decent portfolio & network. Within 2 years you'll be pulling 300k with your own business easy.
Prepare to fail though because success is the result of a string of failures.

immigrate to america, get your naturalization, then work military? no competition for those jobs. i think the problem is you're starting in canada.

You need to be more aggressive w/ pursuing shit. Move somewhere rural and cheap. Work remote.

Women and Immigrants ruined everything. Women turned the recruitment process into a psych nightmare and male bosses still want a perky face and tits for entry level positions. If you're a dude you're fucked. Businesses in Canada love to put ridiculous experience demands in their job postings so that they can bitch to the gov't and demand more immigrants to pay less money. The whole system is rigged, that's why I'm getting the fuck out of Ontario especially.

>why I'm getting the fuck out of Ontario especially.

You think Ontarios bad? Try BC.

BC stands for Bring Cash.

>computer science

ok tranny

Because Canada is a multicultural heaven and important cheap labour chinks and pajeets is now the norm.
And don't you dare say anything against it, stupid NEET loser racist!

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Sheit user, you've got a worse victim mentality mindset than niggers there

have your dad get you a job, that’s what everybody else does

Why do you need a job?
Surely with your education you can make a small, useful program or entertaining game and release it yourself to try to make some money.

Why did you do a coding bootcamp if you have a computer science degree?

>shithole like Cambodia
Go to Vietnam, much much better.

Boomers replaced you with something more profitable for their own wallets

It tells you all you need to know. He has a degree but no portfolio, no resume/internships, nothing beyond the piece of paper. He needed the camp to add a credential/work product.

It's funny that you say that because I quit one job on friday and literally walked into another place and was hired on the spot, I whent from making 13hr to a starting pay of 16hr

Just got an email from that detailed the jobs I applied to recently. Each of them had around 100 applicants. This is in a small city in Wyoming.

I think its time for a new way of APPLYING for jobs. Using popular job sites like Indeed just lumps you in with a fuckton of other nameless, faceless people. It's basically a crapshoot.

i wont even show up for 16 dollars per hour.

Are you in the GTA user? I can probably help you for real. Let me know as soon as you can so I don't get distracted

Yea go to those places in real life and always ask for the manager in charge, never settle for speaking with any one else

Just lern to coad.

Well we're on different waves my friend for me and what's available to me in my area that's the best I can do with what I have short of moving out of state so I'll take it especially if that's my starting pay while I'm training

Its called making choices and you are bad at it ... only got highschool and i make 38$ an hour , awesome insurance , retirement plan ... my wife is a super nurse , I own a huge land and I'm doing great .... enjoy picking a stupid career choice and deal with it ... you clearly can't work with ur hands , you are weak and will always be underneath me ... enjoy

Lmao leaf at dishwashing job. That is because of pajeets as well. If a pajeet comes over as an international student then they will work 2 or 3 dishwasher jobs. None come to learn. Just make back money spent on visa and get permanent residency

I see nothing wrong with that.

Seriously you gotta reply quick bro b/c I'm pretty busy atm, are you in the GTA?

user don't do minimum wage job. Just ride clown world and become a NEET. Get on disability. It's very easy. That will be another red pill for you. Once you see how easy it is and how every immigrant is abusing every government program

Lol 16$ ... I make almost triple ... you are bad at life ahahah ahah

Is this a tech job?

How's it goin', sparky? Cross any wires lately?

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LOL ... you will be poor all ur life , single and childless... when everything goes down , we will murder weak people like you .

>the intrepid canadian shitposter has analyzed boomer typing styles and is now putting it out into a throwaway thread to see the types of responses he'll get
I applaud your dedication to the craft.

>If a pajeet comes over as an international student then they will work 2 or 3 dishwasher jobs. None come to learn. Just make back money spent on visa and get permanent residency
And I'm probably sure that they live like sardines too, fuck these animals have no standards

I have connections in IT management at multiple big five banks in tdot, yeah. I've already helped several irl friends who have done really well. If I can talk to him a bit privately and am sure he's not just an incompetent sperg I can definitely help him get a resume through at the very least

I make beer

You need to be black. Whites aren't wanted anymore.

>Seriously you gotta reply quick bro b/c I'm pretty busy atm, are you in the GTA?

nah im in Vancouver, BC. sorry man, thanks anyways...

You are not my kind ... all of you are so weak and sad ... use a rope

Not bad just wasn't born into a very privileged environment like some ppl, I have to carve my own way through this life so again I'll take what I cant get that allows me to pay my bills while I'm going to school, I'm very good with my money and I'm doing quite well for myself. I have no debt what so ever, a very good credit score, pay my bills, pay for school and I'm still able to save with what I'm making, it's really not a hard thing to do at all.

I'm a bartender, there's a lot of jobs serving drunk roasties.

why the fuck do you type like that?
what in sam hell are you trying to accomplish?

A 1.26 differential equals "almost" in your world. How much wire lube do runs across your gloves in a given day?

Oh shit. Sorry. Full respect.

Unironically this.

>what in sam hell are you trying to accomplish?

hes just one of those weird fucks that grew up in the middle of nowhere and never left his little hick town priding himself how much wood he can chuck onto his truck.

Canadians who try to live in a modern society are actually struggling to get by. Pay no attention to that weirdo.

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If you're looking for a job, I heard FEMA will be needing lots of crematorium operators soon.

lel I have no degree and make 140k as a SWE. I received no less than six LinkedIn recruiting messages today. I work from home in the house I just bought. Oh and I'm a white male. The market is on fire, something's wrong with you

Idgaf about what you have to say ... You had a nigger president ... get in line mutt

>I heard FEMA will be needing lots of crematorium operators soon.

Im getting so frustrated in the world, that i'd happily get a job stuffing people into incinerators.

I wont even care if they're alive or not.

Damn that sucks, sorry I couldn't do more. My advice for what it's worth would be to pursue some certs. Too many certs without real job xp can be a death knell for your resume, but if you get the right ones it can be huge. I recommend PMP for projects, CISSP for infosec maybe, possibly agile though I never gave a fuck about that much. Idk my knowledge is somewhat limited when it comes to the actual technical side of IT as I've always been on the governance side of things. ITSM can at least get you through the door in some places though afaik, maybe some ITIL cert wouldn't be bad.

Good luck user. I've worked in tech up there and I know it can be brutal with infinity incompetent poojeets and chanks. It can be hard as a white guy to get in there, which is pure evil if you ask me. Keep your head up user, keep trying and you'll make it

>they needed someone with at least 1 year of dish washing experience
this is how you weed out the idiots, so people like me dont have to waste our time in person.
in reality experience can play second fiddle ounce you have an inperson interview.
ive hired staff in the past simply by them passing a simple test, thank you for your application, i dont have anything for you at the moment. come back in a week.

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>He fell for the coding meme
user I...

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The market for things like that is too saturated. He could try but unless he cures cancer then his app will probably be a complete flop. Like everything else, the Chinese companies with unlimited govt handouts just churn shit out until everything else is buried.
Even if he was good enough to make a video game, same story. I do agree though, he needs to find a way outside of the career pipeline.

come up with your own program and start a business retard, you're not supposed to work for other (((people))), especially not globohomos that want to replace you.

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