Can we admit that communism is the future?
Now that the dust has settled
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Communist meddling caused this. If true capitalism had been tried then markets would be backed with hard currency.
It was always the future user.
Social democracy works just fine tho.
Really now?
Cope harder capitalist scum.
anarcho capistan? pass
Communism is against white interests.
That will eventually be pushed left also. You can't halt change user.
>true capitalism
Same as the "not true communism" argument.
Mid-wit bugman.
>It wasn't real capitalism
white is but a color.
communism is fine for small populations. Not nation sized ones. Try again.
The only future for the communists is the bullet
See? This is what happens whenever there is a thread about economics on Yas Forums. Someone claims that communism equals ... black people? What?
Howe many black people were there in the Soviet Union? Not many.
Do you even know what economics is?
mUh cOmMuNiSm iS dE wAy
>implying you can convince billions of niggers to abandon idpol
>implying China is Han nationalist
>implying it's in my interest to become a puppet of 3rd world regimes
I'm just going with what has been objectively proven to work as opposed to putting faith in some pipe dream that has never worked.
The economic underpinnings of communism (namely, a centrally planned economy) became obsolete in the 60s. Communism is literally stuck the past.
>Implying that communism is the same as immigration and dairy substitutes.
You distance from reality is fucking surreal.
Ew antifa?
Authoritarianism in general is the answer. It was foolish of western society to allow the atomization of individuals to occur. We could have solved so many issues if we coalesced and acted like the pack animals we genetically are instead of listening to dickhead enlightenment thinkers, the original virtue signalers of their time. Bunch of "I'm unique" faggots have ruined western civilization
yes but worldwide talmudic communism AKA hell on earth with brainchips
>implying that idpol isn't a plague affecting many people
>implying China is communist
>implying that solving and stopping various world issues such as climate change, poverty, etc. is being a puppet
I'm not against NazBol or Strasserism in theory, although I do oppose arbitrary land-grabs of farmers/ranchers' land and the land of people in rural areas.
>le Soviet Union was white
They were only white because it was a shithole that nobody wanted to immigrate to. They actually tried some outreach programs encouaging US niggers to move to the USSR because it was so progressive and egalitarian and handed out free gibs. They also funded/armed Robert Mugabe and tons of other shitskins who killed whites and worked against our imperial interests on the global scale.
>race isn't economics
Wrong, you can't separate biological reality from economics. Niggers are a net loss to the economy in most cases, and are inherently less efficient than an economy consisting of mostly whites.
going the way of full on degradation of the individual OR collective ISN'T the answer.
instead a marriage of both would solve many issues
Because communists push multiculturalism maybe?
No. Communism is based on lies, manipulation, deceit, subversion, and destruction and is a tool of evil jewish elites to destroy civilizations to control the population in hopes of bringing their Moshiach to the world who is the literal antichrist. This isn't the future. And this isn't the future you want. Truth will always win in the end.
antisemitic bastid
I unironically voted for Bernie Sanders. I know Yas Forums thinks communism is for idiots but I'm going to get all my school debts paid for and a guaranteed job. Sorry if I don't see the down side?
>implying that idpol isn't a plague affecting many people
Most idpol is just rational tribal self-interest, you just call it idpol because it goes against your egalitarian idealism. Also, it's impossible for a few white trannies on the internet to convince 3/4ths of Earth's population to abandon idpol, so your argument is a non-sequitur. Since idpol can't be erased, we must respond to rival tribes by being tribal ourselves.
>>implying China is communist
That should be a big de-motivator for you then. China teaches its citizens Marxist theory from the time they can first read, yet over a billion Chinks still can't form "true communism", so you should probably stop pretending you can ever achieve it.
>implying that solving and stopping various world issues such as climate change, poverty, etc. is being a puppet
We already have the UN for that. I'm not against economic or environmental treaties, but the majority of lefties' bullshit is about using state force to punish the "global north" for being "exploitative".
Well that's because your an idiot.
>White only cuz it was a shithole
in case you've forgotten, it's not like the US is a prize either. Lead in Flint's water anybody? the pressure of big agro, big pharma, etc.? Before you say move to Cuba and shit like that, don't forget THERE WERE people who did in fact do as you suggested.
>Says blacks are a net loss
>Forgets own white poverty history, inbreeding.
>also forgets countries like Botswana
Real capitalism has never been tried.
Literally the ultimate goy hive for the Jews to exploit. Gtfo jew.
I’d honestly like commies more if they didn’t support the parties that want more government. It’s like they’ve never read Marx.
Your smears mean absolutely nothing anymore and are actually a tactic that communists use to silence opposition. This isn't working anymore. How about instead of smearing someone's character, you actually look at the people responsible for collapsing civilizations and attack their actions?
as you should, voting against your own AND everyone's elses interest isn't going to benefit anyone.
This is a co-op game after all
noooyou can’t do that your shortsightedness will doom us alll
Bernie Sanders isn’t a communist. He’s a nanny state faggot.
>hehe nice try kid
>don’t vote against your own interest
that’s how a mousetrap works
Misspelled failure
>Can we admit that communism is the future?
If America goes communist can we deport the rootless cosmopolitans to Israel?
Economy is down because of OPEC negotiations failing. Had nothing to do with Corona virus. Trillionares price fixing petroleum by controlling production.
>muh Flint
The Flint water crisis was the fault of the leftist Democrat nigger city council. It's literally niggers, lol. That's why Detroit and Baltimore are shitty also.
>muh Botswana
Really scraping the bottom of the barrel aren't you? There is no African country that remotely compares to Western countries in terms of HDI. Also African shitholes depend on European colonial infrastructure and white/Chinese STEM masters to maintain or build anything. Watch "Empire of Dust".
I thought you commies were supposed to be logical materialists, but you keep insisting your idealism that all races are "equal" must be true because to think otherwise hurts your fee-fees. I kinda see why tankies hate you anarkiddies.
If faggotry and starvation are your thing, then yes, communism is the future!
get a load of this absolute fucking retard
> “There are some who say that communism is the wave of the future. Let them come to Berlin.”
name a communist state that didn't start out as socialism. you are afraid.
>people responsible for collapsing civilizations
The rich? Yeah we know
>communism isn't nanny state faggotry
nigger what
Stuff is free but all you get a prison cell if you don't work
None of those were real communism. Real communism has never and will never be tried. Mainly because of the massive power vacuum a society with no hierarchy creates.
*implying China isn't Han nationalist
If this happened in a backwards communist country you wouldn't here about it because stupid shit like that is the norm
>:Big Pharma
Despite being 4.4% of the worlds population the US is responsible for 63% of healthcare innovation
>Big Agro
Ok sure, the farmers union is a little annoying but I do see the value in having crops grown here at home, from nationalism perspective.
Also, sage
>idpol is rational tribal self interest
First of all tribal self interest is bullshit cuz we are all the same species, namely human. 2nd of all, keeping a fellow team member down just because they can hurt you also means they won't be able to help you either.
>Implying Chinese haven't been fighting for communism
You forget that the Tienanmen Square Protests were FOR communism rather than against it. They were protesting the inequalities gaining under
The UN was primarily made to prevent a 3rd World War, granted it has done a lot to help in health issues, but hasn't been that effective. If your main issue is of the left "using state force to punish the global north", know that not all leftists support state force anyways.
Orthodox Marxism is globalist and opposes nationalism and racial tribalism. The majority of Marxists in the West are cucks for nonwhites, and the majority of Marxists in other countries see it as a tool for robbing/subjugating white countries.
That's material reality, and it doesn't always align with your philosophy books, sorry.
>cuz we are all the same species