>be hardline "Nat Soc"
>always redpill normies on the holocaust
>take a break from Yas Forums, take 6 months to lose weight
>people start treating me positively
>girls start approaching me
>people smile when they see me, where before they seemed like they couldn't wait to be rid of me
>realize the world isn't as shitty as I thought
>the realization hit me like a train
>the nazi bullshit was just me being a bitter incel
>acknowledge that there's tons of evidence supporting the holocaust, you'd have to be insane or delusional to deny it
>realize that ALL people on Yas Forums who claim to be hitlerboos are fat/deformed/5'4 incels and this is their only way to feel relevant in life
Anyone have similar experience?
Be hardline "Nat Soc"
I was never a fat piece of shit so I don't know
No faggot leaf, get out
>s-stop being pro white
No. Also your propaganda doesn't work if you aren't an out of shape disgusting incel desu. Nice LARP
Absolutely OP. I lost weight and improved my attitude and people really started to come around and treat me with respect. I haven't gone for being a full-blown faggot like you on the right, but let me know how that works out for ya.
opinion discarded
I don’t get it, I’m not a fat and retarded lead
Shaming doesn’t work here
>be me 6'6
>be taller than u
>be better looking and stronger than you
>be not Canadian
>be more educated and have better job than u
>be actually white
Immediately neck yourself faggot kike.
take it from a lifelong Chad, the honeymoon phase will wear off eventually and you'll get tired of women acting like high school freshmen around you because they seem to think it's attractive. this world is absolutely controlled by a blood sucking elite cabal of bankers and military/intelligence.
you look like a low power bottom
what did you do to lose weight?
good for you leaf, i used google images and could not find the image
now get buff, a good job and a family
go back to nat soc, not white trash neo-nazism, nat soc
No I've always been really good with women and I am openly racist. Females seem to be fine with it. I've had an absurd amount of females before I decided to change my ways. I just don't want to live around people who I don't consider my equal.
>pro white
>American flag
Like pottery.
nothing more insufferable than a fat fuck who gets an ego because he finally achieves a normal weight. fat people are permanently ruined
This is the kind of shit you have to post to get replies. Virgin effortpost vs chad concern trolling
Go be a faggot somewhere else.
Went from being a fag, to an even bigger fag
He cute
Me either , op is a fat fag
Let me guess? Did everybody clap afterwards?
keto and crossfit
Sucking dick and eating only luxury soups
I would rather chill with left than right
Nice story fag
>not being well adjusted and also understanding the JQ
>thinks he was ever NS in the first place
>not realizing WW2, NSDAP and the holocaust are just one small fraction of the world history JQ
i second this.
not fucking neck yourself leaf
>redpill normies on the Holocaust
Did you actually do this IRL? Please tell me you didn't
right is a totally different person, looks like a fag so it probably is OP
>realize that ALL people on Yas Forums who claim to be hitlerboos are fat/deformed/5'4 incels
Natsoc larpers are usually shitskins and manlets
>Now I take it up the ass while Tyrone watches sportscenter
Okay, yikes. I knew this post would be controversial, but is all of this really necessary? Why do you feel the need to personally attack me for merely sharing my experience? Could we just take a deep breath and try to be civil here? Just... yikes.
>A girl smiled at me today... welp, I guess that means that a global banking and media cabal and the intelligence agencies they've infiltrated don't secretly run the world.
OP destroyed, he was only trying to find people to belong to.
Living the meme.
>tfw got injured badly then screwed over financially
>penis started “fluttering” in male presence due to my fight or flight response being broken
>had to cut ties with all famlily members and friends
Just wanted to be normal but got screwed over by society.
Don't take life or the internet so seriously.
But also don't be a fat ass. Unironically, /SIG/.
Be a better person so you can be happier.
Oh, and I know you're logged into it.
Delete your social media.
>acknowledge that there's tons of evidence supporting the holocaust
Blonde hair and blue eyes, nigger. Stay mad
Being nationalist an anti-zionist is a core aspect of my identity, and IMO a key lesson of your journey should be realizing that some people (the old, the indigent, and the simple minded) dont need to get your rundown of slovenian politics that you learned about on a finno-ugric isometric cooler enthusiast image board.
Also this is fake and gay and I took the bait, shame on me.
Based. How will leafs ever recover?
I'm expected to believe someone's gonna come in here, declare himself an ex hardcore nazi, and posts pics of himself being fat?
Not even a leaf is that stupid
>bitter incel
now you just look like a beta incel
No, i dont larp as a former incel for mister sheckelberg. Whats it like?
>gay reddit tier reponse
Fuck off back to plebbit
Look at the world. Look at the objective facts. Now that a girl smiled at you, you believe that you can re-enter the simulated reality and forget hard truths. You yearn to be asleep because you are a bitch and will always be one. How can you call yourself a man when pussy sways your perception of reality to such an extent? You have the mind of a teenager.
no one calls themself an incel, its just some buzzword for normies.
What if I'm good looking with a family and house but still hate(((bankers and media moguls)))?
You’ll always be fat on the inside!
>JUST haircut
No, you’re just a faggot, girls approach you as their gay best friend
What a gay LARP, OP. You trannies are getting desperate tonight.
dont ruin their narrative
Who is that, the fat kid at your school kike?
Congraz on realizing 99% of the hatred online boils down to "she won't give me any attention". Enjoy your new life OP.
you have a big head
so u only eat meat now?
did you appetite shrink
While I mostly agree, memeflag, I do think there is something to be said about the husky man who is able to live a successful life (job, wife, kids, etc) who then also fights his natural weight and becomes fit.
I liken it to a friend who you always beat at basketball by a point or two but then you realize he had been wearing a 25lb weight suit for practice and he just took it off and now he's going to dunk on you.
Basically, if you know of a fat person who is making it through life successfully, he has all the more reason to be prideful upon losing weight. You were making it while skinny (easy mode). Idk
White girl married to a Nigerian here. No girls approach you, you’re still an incel.
Like why are white guys so toxic? They go from being a fat nazi to a skinny twink and then they act like the king of the world..... like dude you aren’t.....
Hitler was a manlet retard. Pretty hilarious all the manlet hatred. Imagine how bad lanklet life must be when you dont succeed. At least manlets have a valid excuse (retards like you constantly deride and underestimate them)
Ban this fag for trolling, sage.
Yaaaas queen slay the white supremacist body shaming fascists.
Nah, i'm not a fucking leaf without a fucking personality.
Just wait, it'll hit again. Did the same thing, lost weight, got fit, started reading and going out more and started having a great social life. Then I started noticing how people are towards one another, how shitty and Degenerate most people are and how doing the right thing literally just because it was right was a foreign concept to most. The more I acted like I ddint give a shit the more attention from women I got, the more i acted like a pig the more slutty they acted. I was disgusted how society functioned and how people not only acted but treated one another. I kinda see the whole nazi/natsoc appeal but hating people based on color and not character is faggy as fuck and most self proclaimed nazis are inbred trash who would go straight into the furnace. The only way to build a strong cohesive society is if good men and women work together to fix this shithole we call a home
This mf thinks there’s some kind of reward for being a decent human being but there isn’t. Like a “nice guy”
So it’s slavery but with blonde girls?