Was Michael Jackson an anti-semite?

>"They Don't Care About Us" is the fifth single from Michael Jackson's album HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I, released on June 16, 1995. It is a protest song and remains one of the most controversial pieces Jackson ever composed. In the US, media scrutiny surrounding allegations of antisemitic lyrics were the catalyst for Jackson issuing multiple apologies and re-recording the song with altered lyrics. The singer countered allegations of antisemitism, arguing that reviews had misinterpreted the context of the song, either unintentionally or deliberately.

So what about

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we all are, if you think about it

I hope so.
That'd be kinda neat.

Yes lol.

must consume the child

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>anti semitism
>semitic languages
The island of Malta is/was originally Semitic speaking. Now they are 80 percent English speaking.
Anti Semitic technically means you are against any English speaking person. Prove me wrong got shot


Prove me wrong

This thread sucks

OP is a faggot as always


this, lol

also I think the reason Michael was framed as a pedo, blah blah blah was because the kikes realized through his wealth & influence, he was powerful beyond their control. And even though he might not have done anything that would have implied he'd harm them, they, in their typical slimy, pathetic, jewey ways, came up with the whole pedo slam.

Then, the "Jew me, sue me" line realllly pissed them off and by that point, I think he was just like, "fuck it. fuck em." Unsure about his death, though, whether there was any (((funny business))) going on or if it was just a genuine addiction and fatal overdose.

He was red pilled before they white pilled him in the end

He was probably beaten andor molested by old joejackson. But once money’s were offered to him for him children musicians he became a cog in the wheel of the car of the Jewish music industry. It’s a thought virus that feeds on greed and lust. Which is in all of us to a degree at least. So in a way he was Jewish but he was also antijewish, through being a vicarious sheep in the industry.

Good analysis. Interesting that the kikes even feel the need to shill anti Michael Jackson crap on a daily basis.

I personally go the polar opposite way with Jackson. I think he was something like an H.H.Holmes regarding his Neverland Ranch and the secret rooms in buildings ect, and maybe like Gilles de Rais in terms of depravity. I think they covered up exactly how repugnant he was, downplayed it as if he was just a kiddie ball tickler. The world probably couldn't handle how bad he was, not to mention how he leveraged the system to cover it up and let him proceed. There's a lot of tyrants out there like him

>Was Michael Jackson an anti-semite?
he dealt with jews his entire life - what do you think?

>he kikes even feel the need to shill anti Michael Jackson crap on a daily basis.

like the holocaust, too. same strategy, i guess.

any evidence, schlomo?

Check out this MJ song where he accuses the CIA of killing JFK.


based lyrics

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Clearly the semites are anti michael jackson.

he was a faggot child molester

MJ was amazing and jews framed him and stole from him. maybe murdered him



The father of one of the first boys that was supposedly assaulted blew his brains out because his kid would no longer speak to him after he grew up and learned he tried to frame MJ,

Your digits.

His mason doctor.
This freaky shit

schizos on Yas Forums will try to convince you he dindu nuffin

So was the father in on it, user?

He was black so he did dindu nuffin.
Niggers... amirite??

they wanted the beatles rights

Yes, thats why they framed him for pedo shit and killed him. They put him on drugs to make him have the mental age kf a child, then when he associated with his fellow children they had him run through the legal system, and then killed him.
After he died, every single one of his accusers confessed that he didn't do anything to them, and they accused him for money.
He was a victim of character assassination, and actual assassination.

>They put him on drugs to make him have the mental age kf a child
If he was just fucked with as a child chances are he would turn out that way anayway alone. This bigger picture user. It’s a largely self sufficient system of thought influence.(weird way to put it but that’s all I got).
All these passin throughs

this user gets it.

So who’s they and what are they gonna do with the rights to Beatles songs? Make sheqel’s from the goy?

>Jews were killed but not gassed in herds during WW2
>White culture and Black culture and most other cultures do not integrate well, even within the same country
>Racism is an inherent aspect that can only be evolved passed, or be forcefully integrated
W-were fucked right?!

jews you kike. In the song They Don't Care About Us he even talks about Martin Luther.
Nogs thought he was talking about MLK because nogs gonna nog but he was talking about "On the Jews and their Lies" Martin Luther.

So are you saying Jews were behind Protestant Reformation?

The goy that nailed his diary notes to a church door right?

Why are you trying so hard to derail the thread?

Please enlighten me user. What’s this thread about?

Your the one who mentioned Martin Luther. Sorry fren

mentioning how history's most prolific anti-semite outside Hitler himself is named specifically in the selfsame song OP asked about is why I brought it up.

Trips fag bro

Your saying M damn Jackson is second worst to Hitler? Literally what nigger?

Hes talking about luther retard

he knows what he's doing, he is literally incapable of not pilpuling.

>doesn’t matter
Stalin fills that. some us President are higher kill count than Luther. What’s the point nigger

Wacko jacko was a pedophile, like many pedophiles he was a victim of the jewish pedophile elite and bad parenting.

>had to look up pilpul for this context
Dude you didn’t even make a point. You said derailing. I’m still on topic. Your a moron

Hi newfriend!

Do you think its our first day on Yas Forums or interacting with an obvious kike? Your whole routine is rote my man. We all know what you are doing.
Your post above even autocorrected guy to goy when asking if I was talking about Martin Luther after saying I was talking about Martin Luther.

He was most definitely woke on the JQ

leave him alone, he didnt like what they made him do... Michael will be saved.

>who’s “our”? Are you speaking for two?
>I literally intentionally typed goy.
You sweet summer child. You are a moron

And what is rote? Do you mean wrote?

how uneducated are they raising you heebs nowadays?


>habitual repetition of something to be learned
Your still a moron

And not white

Why are you derailing the thread senpai. Thriller was my favorite album

Back to the question
Can one find any of those recordings of calling kikes leeches?
Seems like countering allegations of antisemitism is antithetical to that, but I would assume that he had to after they've started busting his balls because of the original lyrics
Would he really back off though

Only 69 not 50

>Can one find any of those recordings of calling kikes leeches?
Like lyrics in a song or what user?
I think it’s more or less Hegelian Dialectic. That is to say if the lyrics are seeming to expose said Jewish tendencies it could still be profitable through reverse means. Of that makes sense.

Well I answered anyway sorry big guy.

Everything is antisemitic.
Jews call each other antisemitic if they disagree with each other.
I honestly don’t know how people don’t see through the bullshit, it’s blatantly obvious. Bless Michael for calling out the kikes.

Damn shut the fuck up wise goy, the links are above

Have you known Jewish people in your life that with subjectively flip flop between referring or affiliating themselves with being white? It’s infuriating just for the inconsistency

Checked finally
Just tryin to think fren, no big deal. I’m socially retarded remember?