Why is it ok for Hawaii to be dominated by Japs but unacceptable for California to be dominated by Mexicans?

Why is it ok for Hawaii to be dominated by Japs but unacceptable for California to be dominated by Mexicans?

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Mexicans are stupid.

Hawaii is far away so nobody really cares about it.

because you aren't just in California you're in every state and you're spreading like wildfire. i know it's not just Mexicans, it's all hispanics, but you really need to calm down because we don't want to learn your shitty language.

the funniest shit is when an obvious flip or nip has the balls to call you a haole

Hawaii is a place you go on vacation to, not live.

Fucking this. If they weren’t shit tier immigrants then it wouldn’t be so bad, I fucking love calling health inspectors on Mexican meat markets.

now that's an idea. i should try that with some of the restaurants around here.

Fuck Mexicans bunch of no life niggers all I hear from them is how much better mexico is when all you have to do is look at the last person in charge. He’s in a federal maximum security cell

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Why is it okay for Am*erikkka to keep us around as a colony?

Japs aren't raping ever white girl in their school and shooting and beating up every white guy left in the area. They aren't obnoxious. They keep their homes clean and repaired. They pay taxes and contribute to the economy and local community. They don't deal drugs. I've never met a jap pissing himself in public and then asking me for money and producing a knife when I say no.

Japs are pretty ok folks.

Also, whites weren't huge on Hawaii. Pretty sure the native population is pissed though.

In Japan you don't see headless bodies sawed off by narco cartels swinging from a bridge?

Just a wild guess user...

hawaii is one of the most corrupt states ever. apparently if it's not the corrupt cops and politicians and mafia style gangs running things, its the xenophobic neighbors who still think hawaii is we wuz sugar cane territory

As stated by other racists in this thread. Japs don't ruin everything they touch.

Japs are clean polite efficient and civilized.

>pissing himself in public

WTF, is there a story to this?

Japs and other asians bring diseases like Coronavirus to America.

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take your own advice pablo. all good things must come to an end.

Right Wing Safety Squads to the rescue.

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Because Japs are objectively better than native hawaiians.

Mexican American here

Why do you white guys cry so much? Every day you complain about beaners and niggers. No wonder white women are fucking Tyrone and Diego

STFU, Trap Factory.

Mexicans are brown

At one time during the early 20th century, 100% of the pimps/human traffickers were ethnic Japanese. Then they bought their way into state government positions, the local oligarchs filled the government with them as racial control.

The old plantation masters had their own "Kalergi plan" for the wage slave plantations -

>Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos brought in as laborers. Mixed around so they would not organize.
>Portuguese brought in as "Luna" slave taskmasters because of their larger size, Catholicism and experience in the slave trade.
>Niggas were sorted by color this way.

Even though the families were and still are white supremacists...

>Whites from Russia were given the absolute worst conditions and housing to keep them isolated from the local whites and from mixing in.
>A surveyor said Hawaii's working condition for the Russian workers was "far worse than conditions in Siberia, sometimes they were denied wages".

So in modern attempts at enslaving the island, they put the Japanese into state worker positions and they form little nepotistic enclaves that do the bidding of international organized crime. Same with the Chinese.

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Because you'd be dead without us dumb colony

only newfags post pepes.

HAWAI NEWS - 3/4/2020 More convicted Japanese cocaine dealers make an entry in local political positions to fill gaps left by federal conviction of ex-police chief Kealoha and wife, the deputy prosecutor. "Tsuneyoshi (one of many who was convicted in 2000 as part of a ring which prosecutors allege imported as much as one metric ton of cocaine into Hawaii from California. At ten crack cocaine rocks per gram, one metric ton (1000kg / 2200lbs) is 10 million rocks with a street value in excess of $100 million dollars. According to the US Department of Justice, 16% of persons arrested in Hawaii test positive for cocaine." Councilmember Ann Kobayashi is employing former methamphetamines addict and Broken Trust figure Milton Holt on her staff. Holt is of course infamous for using a KSBE credit card to run up five-figure bills entertaining legislators at Honolulu strip clubs and hostess bars. Now he has his fingers on the Rail budget.

HAWAII NEWS will not currently delve into the exposed LGBT pedophiles employed at the capitol at this time, due to our current focus on government officials running amphetamine distribution networks protected by H.P.D. Remember, state and federal tax deadlines are coming up soon, ask your tax preparer about any meth or cocaine use or sales related deductions/political campaign contributions/anti-Trump PAC donations for Hawaii state taxes. hawaiifreepress.com/ArticlesMain/tabid/56/ID/25037/Cocaine-Another-Tsuneyoshi-Running-for-Honolulu-Council.aspx

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Native Hawaiians hate white people and love japs.

Easily the most apt moment for this: FPBP.

East Asians are ok, honorary whites.

HAWAII NEWS - 3/3/2020 Governor Ige proclaims "state of emergency" due to Coronavirus outbreak. Governor claims "The proclamation also gives the state funding flexibility and allows the governor to suspend any laws that may impede the efficient execution of emergency functions." creating a de-facto state of martial law to go with all the other de-facto prohibitions on exercising constitutional rights.


Most other Hawaii corporate news affiliates bury this story with news articles about "What songs to sing while washing hands" and news articles about senior citizens in recreation centers dancing.

> Governor claims "The proclamation also gives the state funding flexibility and allows the governor to suspend any laws that may impede the efficient execution of emergency functions."

This fucker is trying to enact martial law, but he can't legally, so it is a "de-facto" martial law.

>The police cannot ever order you to stop video recording. Not legally.
>Remember you are dealing with the only unaccredited police force in the U.S., and the only Sheriff's dept. that has never had basic training or standards, and they and their bosses consider themselves crime lords using the government positions they have as a con.
>Your kids are worth $2700 minimum, per child seized, not including how much they get in "kickbacks".
>They claim to be able to seize your assets without charge and sell them without compensation before trial.
>The state government has tried to enact the nullification of the second amendment. THE second amendment, as in the U.S. constitution one, not some local version.

If you have loved ones in Hawaii, warn them. They will ALWAYS try totalitarian, communist shit like this and try to hide it.

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Because japan isn't a shit hole country.

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Please fucking vote to leave my country you spic nigger. WE PAY FOR ALL YOUR SHIT!!!

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Yas Forums prefers states with a black majority over states with a latino majority for some reason.

Cause the whites there are based.


South will rise again Yankee cuck

Because Hawaii isn't really part of America as a nation, its a colony which never had a white majority.

Because they stay on chink island. Mexicans dont stay in california.

Southern Senators were against Hawaiian statehood because they knew the nonwhite senators would vote for desegregation.

because there's no such thing as a state with a black majority, there are only black majority cities which are only sustainable because they're surrounded by white suburbs and white trucking companies that deliver food from a white man's farm. latinos are actively trying to outbreed whites while also disagreeing with all of the fundamental values of the US Constitution.

I has a white majority on all but one island stupid mick

Uh maybe cause most people never thought of Hawaii more than a vacation place while California is seen as an important part of the country?

Hapa girls are hot

Black make up 12% of the population and falling, latinos make of 16% and raising. Why shouldn't whites be worried?

Fuck you

You cunts know damn well you’ll never leave us cuz the sex is amazing and nobody else will finance your lifestyle

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something something financial burden

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So close, you almost made a real sentence.

Asians traveled across the now russian-alaskan sunken pass to explore the world or otherwise migrate to new lands. Ever notice how north american natives, south american natives have close resemblance to asians?

The native Hawaiians don't like having their land overrun with foreigners.

Do you have a different source? Seems like Vox Day may be biased towards Latinos and Blacks.
>As far as a key purpose of the U.S. Constitution, according to Day:
>As you probably know, my argument is that the Posterity for whom the Constitution is intended to defend the Blessings of Liberty consists solely of the genetic descendants of the People of the several and united States. Posterity does not include immigrants, descendants of immigrants, invaders...

The majority of Americans want to cut you subhumans loose, and I'm pretty sure a plurality of Puerto Ricans want total independence too. Not sure why you're even still around desu. All you do is suck up gibs and give beanoids a jumping off point into the country.

k memeflaggit, idk maybe it was over 50 per cent white before 1950, but currently its at around 27 per cent. That's not really the point though, despite statehood its not really any more part of America proper than Puerto Rico or American Samoa are, despite statehood, so that's why its not the same as California and basically all the Mexican border states getting overrun by Mestizos.

Just goes to show its not about whether someone is native they're just anti-White.

positive influence vs negative influence
some cultures are not necessary

California is core part of America while Hawaii is just an overseas colony that somehow got statehood. Ideally neither should dominated by Non-Whites but Cali especially so.

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You would too if all the powers of the world were against you and people still thought you had privilege. Not even White but I can see it.

Why do you brown guys shit up countries so much?

its loaded with military and has dozens of uses to the feds. its definetley a state and more important then Nebraska or faggot Puerto rico. second whites are a minority state wide but county wide they are the largest demographic except for Honolulu county