25-30 MPG in 1940

Why hasn't gas millage improved in 80 years?

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>15-50MPH in 12.5 seconds
There ya go.

>safety regulations
>environmental regulations
>more power to haul around amerifats

They haven't gotten much lighter over the years either I imagine.

Bump .

They get your money directly at the pump. Then the oil wars secure all kinds of other potential capital.

Heavier with all the environmental and safety features. Definitely safer though, even if the car falls apart bumping into something.

because the internal combustion engine cannot be improved, cars will never fly, they will never get better. This is it. We have peaked.

>82 horse power from an I6

Theres only a certain amount of energy you can get out of gasoline, it hit max energy levels in the 40s so no overall improvement since then

You've never heard of a Prius? They may be a bit faggy, but they get 50mpg. My motorcycle gets 100mpg.

It has but that tech is not available to the average consumer.
Never forget Tesla's disc based engine was more efficient from the start but they went with this piston engine so they could 'sell more gas'

you're supposed to run on fumes

You are forgeting something.


They could make engines that get 100mph, your truck could get that. They need to keep gas consumption steady though, it keeps money moving.

Yeah it's not like they ever designed a ceramic one or anything.

EPA making catalytic converters mandatory.

Kills your HP and cuts your gas mileage in exchange for no longer being able to kill yourself in your garage.

yeah send me a pic of the ceramic engine in your car rn. They have been spamming the ceramic engine meme since the 80s and nothing has come from it.


Because you need to burn a lot of fuel to move a 4000 pound shitbox

>Why hasn't gas millage improved in 80 years?
It has, but each iterative improvement hasn't really resulted in big improvements in efficiency because consumers don't care nearly as much as expected. They prefer safer, more comfortable cars and regularly buy bigger when the opportunity presents itself.

Makes me wonder if there are different engine designs that can work a lot better than the conventional ICE engine that everyone recognizes.

Emissions "standards" prevent any new technology from being utilized.
This is also why cars are so fucking dangerous - corrupt federal government.

>Makes me wonder if there are different engine designs that can work a lot better than the conventional ICE engine that everyone recognizes.


Fuel has been adulterated. In the 1970s practically all fuel was 100 octane. Now the regular fuel is 85 octane and lower. That is a 15% drop in volume efficiency of fuel translates directly to mileage.

because of physics? just wait until people realize there's a limit on the speed of digital electronics, too.

Engines be thermally inefficient

I think they bottomed out in the 90s before all the safety regulations made cars round.

To trigger liberals

Attached: coalbased.webm (864x992, 1.17M)

Fucking based

Ethanol is higher octane than gasoline.
Cars can run off of Ethanol and in the US they almost all did, until they coronavirus tier memed ethanol out of existance, because oil shills.
>durr who will eat all the kern that was genetically engineered for etha-fucking-nol in the first place

Don't eat that yellow shit. Corn is a grain.

As funny as it is, this is technically battery and a bike cop faggot will run you through the ringer for it.

>15 to 50 in 12.5 seconds

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Compressed natural gas (the kind in your gas stove) for 125mpg

You should know

>you can literally make a still and grow your own fuel
>all it takes is a fuel line/pump swap and a tune and you'll be getting similar MPG.

This is viable for.. corn farmers really, but if you're in that position it's worth doing.

>Fuel has been adulterated. In the 1970s practically all fuel was 100 octane. Now the regular fuel is 85 octane and lower. That is a 15% drop in volume efficiency of fuel translates directly to mileage.

you have zero clue how cars work.

Those are popular here. They're cool because you pretty much drive for free but damn the car gets slow.

Gas mileage has improved by huge amounts. But safety standards are also climbing making cars heavier. Just look at the weight of a 80s Honda civic vs a 90s, 2000, 2010 etc. Each generation gains like 100lbs or more due to increased crash safety. The 2020 civic engine would probably get 50mpg if you swapped it into a light as fuck 1980s civic chassis.

We need anons to make Ethanol Co-ops like we did with cannabis. Sell fuel wholesale, country anons can distance themselves from the Oil jew.

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Starting a career in mechanical engineering to create a more efficient method as per keks will

>the crime or tort of unconsented physical contact with another person, even where the contact is not violent but merely menacing or offensive.
>physical contact
exhaust is a gas not a solid
otherwise we could sue each other for farting in elevators

>2020 type r k20 engine making 300 hp in a CRX

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Yes ethanol is higher octane, but ethanol has less energy per volume than gasoline. An ethanol car will het worse mpg than a gas car because it takes more volume of fuel to equal the same amount of energy. But ethanol is a bio based fuel and is carbon neutral. Every molecule of CO2 released was CO2 before the plant absorbed it and turned it into a sugar through photosynthesis.
Octane does not equal btu/volume.

Because we're using nearly 100% of the energy in gas and have been since the 40s.

>98 honda civic ex coup : 35-40 mpg
>90 honda crx si : 40-50 mpg
maybe don't buy gas guzzlers

Problem is that it's a cash crop that gets popular to grow fast and thus depriving farmland for other crops which brings their costs up so you end up with costlier feed/produce.

our engines are still only ~50% thermal efficiency.
At best we can double the engine efficiency. The only way to get better gas mileage after that is aerodynamics/regenerative breaking.

This is why "range extenders" are being heavily researched. They can make a gas engine that has really high efficiency at a specific RPM, and then use it to drive a generator and motors. Diesel-electric locomotives have been doing this for years now.

My civic gets over 40mpg on the highway. 2016 model

Gas engines are nowhere near 100% efficient. They aren't even 50% efficient. All the heat in the exhaust pipes, heat dissipated by the radiator etc. Is wasted energy. BMW experimented with making the exhaust pipes boil water and have the steam turn a turbine that produced power. Wotked just fine but the added complexity makes it way too expensive compared to the small amount of power recovered. Very efficient though. Just not practical

Because explosions haven't gotten any more efficient. Engines have a cap on their efficiency governed by thermodynamics.

Hybrids can give you a giant mpg boost with regenerative breaking and other tricks. We can also make very powerful vehicles that are also very fuel efficient.

american truck drivers scare me. most drivers in the states are barely capable of driving and this is only made worse by them mistreating a utility vehicle as a toy.

The crime of battery constitutes unlawful physical contact. I'm not sure how this would qualify but it is based none the less, fuck bikers.

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>85 octane is less efficient
Uhh.. have you ever seen an engine before, user? You dont seem to know much about them
Before you sperg out and cry, I'll spoon feed you a bit.
Octane ratings are more about stability than power. As gas is compressed in the cylinder, it is intended to be ignited by the spark plug at a precise timing. Using octane that is rated too low for your particular engine set up can result in a premature detonation, commonly called "pinging" because of the sound (i guess).
On most engines, it doesnt matter. They're designed to use the cheapest gas you can get, because thats marginally better for sales and they dont give a fuck.
Higher octane is usually for engines that run high compression, forced induction, or a nitrous oxide sprayer. On a normal car, you won't see any difference (aside from comfirmation bias that fucktards like you are very prone to).
Hope that helps!

Only that wasn't happening in the USA, because we produce 1/3rd of the corn in the world already.


I mean Teslas get 95 mpges

Depends on state.

In my state the harm only has to be implied or threatened eg swinging at someone or just saying you're going to - because diesel smog isn't healthy to breathe, and it's nonconsensual, you can find yourself in court arguing about it. Especially if one of the blinded bikers gets hit by a car or goes teeth first into a curb or some shit.

Just a heads up.

>Especially if one of the blinded bikers gets hit by a car or goes teeth first into a curb or some shit.
well we can hope at least

this is probably the reason. what does a crossover weight? 4000lbs? that's two tons you're accelerating every time you go from a stop light. every time you get on the high way. every time you pull out of your driveway. two tons.

Sounds like a liberal shithole but I could be wrong. Good point though, it depends on the state.

>it's just carbon dioxide bro

i suppose i should root for electric cars though, even if i'm not interested in owning one

they're helping the environment by filtering it through their lungs

>In my state the harm only has to be implied or threatened eg swinging at someone
That's assault, not battery.


I only say this because I ride my bike, on the bike trail around the lake, because I'm not a faggot who wants to pretend I have to ride my $1500 bike on the road to get a fucking workout and there's total faggots on both sides of the argument about who gets the road.

No one judges the guy with 3 duis on a bmx bike, because that's what you should ride in the city, off the main fucking road because you're basically a pedestrian.
These faggots who got coal rolled riding tight curves uphill deserved it, no argument.

produces revenue