Well Americans, what say you????

Well Americans, what say you????

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You’re welcome.

You're free to move pretty much anywhere on earth.

>A jew kvetching about freedom.
Feel free to fuck off back to Weimar Germany kike

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She has another country in the Mideast she can move to.

This is so petty and childish and cliche but it’s so fucking true.

Yeah I doubt she has any college debts or has ever worked a minimum wage job


Jew complaining about the Jew debt machine, that's novel

The US has problems just like any other country.

with that being said, she's right though.

>Well Americans, what say you????
People will defend this. I don't know how but they do.

When I get sick of working in my 70's I'm going to find a pedo on the sex offender registry and then kill the fucker so I can retire to free food, free healthcare, and free housing.

That's my retirement plan

ITT: kike slave retards defending their right to be kike slave retards

Too bad, so sad

learn to provide more value. Be a better worker.

The fake “humanitarian” virtue signalling kike cunt should find it’s way into an oven

she, like all americans, has the freedom to make poor life decisions

Kikes creating bad conditions so other kikes can "save" us from them while promoting FAGGOTS, NIGGERS, and REDDIT HUMOR is a schmood.

Average IQ of El Salvador is sub 90. This post doesnt break that rule

>and everyone clapped
could be worst

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Typical college education

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All that education and still learned nothing.

>minimum wage

How's the weather in tel aviv dickhead? I hope the one good rocket the Palestinians have manages to find you


Soooo she's a completely low-effort unambitious whore who doesn't have any work ethic or skills? Yeah, sounds like life should be hard for her. Dumb cunt.

I didn't do any of those things. No student debt, got paid to learn a trade, live within my means and can afford to fuck off for a few months at a time if I really want to. Sounds like someone got memed into believing an underwater basketweaving degree would make her a millionaire.

I'm so tired of retards acting like everyone is a stupid, poor fucker like them, and it's someone else's responsibility to fix it for them. FOAD.

No she's not.

Now ask yourself. What did (((they))) have to do with the prices of health care that make it this unaffordable?

>I hope the one good rocket the Palestinians have manages to find you
i am coooommmiiinng

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>gf goes to college
>has 100k loan
>makes 180k

I also have never seen any job that pays 7.25. They're all above 10.

I'm voting Bernie fuck it. It's all going to come crashing down when I was doing the right thing but the country is 23 trillion in debt already so why the fuck not.

She is a Jew, not an American.

as an american that isnt even remotely true.

Jewish agitator who wants:

#1. Communism (total and absolute control over the goyim)

2#. Gun confiscation (to allow for #1)

Fuck off, commie kike. Die in a fire.

Thank you mein Trumpenfuhrer

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>dumb poor faggots cares about declaring bankruptcy and getting free healthcare that way

1. It's not your right to force other people to pay because you're sick. Get insurance, or accept the fact you'll have some debt. Make small payments and negotiate. If you don't have insurance most hospitals will cut your debt way down.

2. Don't take out loans to go to college if you can't afford to pay back the loans. Work for a while and save up money for classes. Go to community college which is much cheaper. Apply for grants and scholarships. You don't need loans to get higher education in this country.

3. Deaths from mass shootings are insignificant compared to many many other sources. It's just media fearmongering. You're 1000x more likely to die in a car accident than a school shooting, but I don't see people advocating that we should ban cars.

4. Minimum wage is enough to live. If you're doing minimum wage labor expect a minimum wage lifestyle. Don't expect to have a car, a fancy apartment, buy a new iPhone every few months, and eat out at a restaurant with the girls 3 times a week. If you want luxury you need to gain some valuable skills and find a better job, don't expect it to just be handed to you for doing grunt work.

Basically any part time job for 16-21yr olds

He won’t even get the nom bro. Keep up.

7.25 is minimum wage for minimum skilled labor. For teenagers. Who want money to go to the movies or save up for an Xbox. My highschool girlfriend worked as a server and saved up for a brand new Mazda Rx7 back in the mid 2000s. As a server she made 2.15 and hour plus tips. She also paid for a portion of school. Now how the fuck is it that my dumb cunt ass ex girlfriend can do that and this kike whore can't?


15 % of jews are kicked out of the tribe and have to fend for themselves with the rest of the goy. you guys don't read enough.

This image is very sad


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Women shouldn't go to college or work.

>not even trying to hide the weisberg

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why? he's sold out

>hello fellow white people

>accept that you will have debt because if you get sick fuck you you're on your own
>but dont take out any loans you cant afford!
Stopped reading there. Go be retarded somewhere else

Go somewhere else. If it's that fucking horrible... Go somewhere else and start your dream.. go to China and eat bat for protein because it's not real communism. Change that into the communist Utopia you all want. Prove that your communist big government is a better way of life. What's stopping you.


And its HER tribe thats causing all of it.


Well you can fuck off to Israel if it's that bad.

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Imagine a world where you can’t go bankrupt to discharge your debt

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How do we implement socialism to slim down fat fucks in America but then stop before we all die?

Like she said. She is a woman. She can do what she wants. Quit trying to oppress her with your misogynistic patriarchy. She is perfectly capable of failing due to her own, empowered, life choices. She doesn't need you man-splaining this to her. Hear. Her. Roar.

Give up your guns. I am certain they will fix the other complaints when you capitulate them. Fair is fair right? And you are dealing with individuals who believe in fairness, they most definitiely view you as an individual with rights and not free range human cattle.

wants to voluntarily take loans and not pay them back, jew behavior.

1.) Get insurance
2.) Don't go to the big-name expensive university fresh out of high school and spend 4 years binge drinking. Don't get a meme degree either
3.) I agree with this point but taking away guns doesn't address the growing mental health crisis. Look at Europe with mass stabbings and rammings.
4.) Minimum wage should be raised but not to $15
5.) You don't realize how much freedom you really have. In many countries you wouldn't even be allowed to read for being born with an X chromosome. You'd be shot for having the audacity to criticize the government. Check your privilege
6.) >berg


A 90 IQ is high enough to not be able accept judeo-capitalist propaganda justifying your exploitation. The Grug cannot rationalize his chains. The spic is correct and is at least one of the like 200 El Salvadorians that isn't living in my country at this point and is alright with me.

There's a huge difference between medical debt and loans retard.

Congress, POTUS and SCOTUS take money by force from average poor Americans to "bail out" Warren Buffet and GoldmanSachs....time after time.

This but unironically. It is my RIGHT as an AMERICAN to act like a total retard and fuck myself over with awful, impulsive decisions


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I'm doing just fine, parents were low income, but was able to get a good job with public school education and trade school and can even afford to buy a bunch of guns. My healthcare plan is not bad, at max I pay 3k if something goes bad, but I've already budgeted that and more in my HSA. Currently saving up for a mortgage but on track to get one in two years. Why aren't you succeeding?

>twitter image
>”So, , what do you have to say about this?

I say OP is a fucking fag. The only thing worse than the retards who actively pursue likes/retweets for endorphins are the giga-retards who pursue (you)‘s on an anonymous internet board for the same reason.

She could have been born in some favela or a shanty town. Wouldn't have to worry about any of that.

> You aren't entitled to people's labor. The reason medicine is so expensive is because you vote for corporatists.
> College is a service, not a right. You are consuming other people's labor and resources. College is optional. If you choose to take out a loan it's your decision and don't blame others for your future problems.
> Either move to a place with a lower cost of living or work hard to get a better pay rate. $7.25 per hour is easy to live on if you're smart.