>b-but student loan debt is unfair! I-its a scam! I have 40k in debt!
B-but student loan debt is unfair! I-its a scam! I have 40k in debt!
Realistically there's no way to dig the nation out of student loan debt, just let the bubble pop and burn the schools who blew that bubble up so big
You're an idiot.
The marxist universities and the (((loaners))) are the enemy.
If the government weren't ZOGed they would not pay a cent, rather sign a paper saying the debts are forgiven and the loaners have to take the loss.
If you are on the side of loaners your mind is Jewish property.
can be paid off.
This. How long you think it will take you reckon?
>defensing usury
The absolute state of boomer cuckservatives
Never went to college (union welder), but I was wondering, what's the process of getting a college loan? I'm assuming you sat down with someone and they went over how everything worked before you signed the dotted line, right? And at what point did the whole thing seem like a good deal?
>that pic
Please lurk moar
>loaners take the loss
>america ruins its credit forever
>bond yields have to increase 10 fold
>america can no longer borrow money from china because people will expect the government to default
you cant just flip off creditors when you have a debt based system.
All the bubbles are going to pop at once. There is no escape. This is the super volcano of economic depression.
>I don’t care
Congratulations on this monumental accomplishment you’ve managed to obtain. You’re a real winner.
>expecting literal high school children to read the fine print/do math
>after 18 years of state brainwashing telling them to blindly go to university or they'll be poor losers
>b-but its not fair
>its usury you stupid boomer!
boo hoo i dont care
Everytime we have this thread is just shows large swathes of Yas Forums do this:
>Be incapable of empathy and gloat about it
>Think every single college student that has ever existed is automatically a liberal Marxist
>Can't figure out that not every degree is a feminist studies degree
>Will lie and make up stories about working 3-4 jobs and being a full time student and saying they paid off their debt
>Will be as judgmental as humanly possible just to keep up all these assumptions and memes against college students
>Will reveal that they're jealous of students if they didn't go, but wont admit to it
>Will try to meme that all college students are the hot female sorority girls they can't fuck.
>Doesn't understand the economy was shit years ago and lots of students graduated with no prospects of jobs
>Doesn't understand positions are limited and getting jobs is difficult, which makes it hard to pay off loans
>Doesn't understand or flat out refuses to accept that graduates DO want to pay off their debts but are having trouble for economic reasons and not everyone is some bum that wants someone else "to pay for their stuff."
>Not accepting that highschool and college students are basically lied to in order encourage more lenders, saying "THEY SHOULD HAVE KNOWN"
There, I saved you a thread. This is all it boils down to every night we have this thread.
I don’t have student debt I know plenty that do. Some think this is great I can live for free get drunk and be at summer camp for 5 years. They didn’t think ahead. That’s why they like socialism. It’s instant gratification like social media basically.
very proud of you for using your 'i' statements! no one can argue with your personal feelings!
> I'm assuming you sat down with someone and they went over how everything worked before you signed the dotted line, right?
You're assuming wrong. Nope. Nothing like this ever happened, your parents just signed you up for it. You're told to fill out a FAFSA and then they give you just sign the accepted forms and the colleges get the money you need to go.
they could have gone to community college like every other poor high schooler did. they could have had responsible parents like every other high schooler did. instead they spent a bunch of money they didnt have and want me to pay for their 4 year party school on the west coast for a communications degree
Pay your debts you irresponsible roastie. Stop being a lowlife and begging for handouts.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is College Debt Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Loans Like Nigga Change Yo Name and Address Haha
>>loaners take the loss
>>america ruins its credit forever
>>bond yields have to increase 10 fold
>>america can no longer borrow money from china because people will expect the government to default
And this is bad how?
You are worse than a boomer.
Well user, the hot sorority girl didn't fuck Yas Forums so student loan problems are a way for them to get revenge on the people they think DID get to fuck the hot college girl instead of them.
>Pay your debts you irresponsible roastie. Stop being a lowlife and begging for handouts.
How many did you hit? Lets see:
>>Think every single college student that has ever existed is automatically a liberal Marxist
>>Will try to meme that all college students are the hot female sorority girls they can't fuck.
>>Doesn't understand or flat out refuses to accept that graduates DO want to pay off their debts but are having trouble for economic reasons and not everyone is some bum that wants someone else "to pay for their stuff."
Three points. Yas Forums is a fucking hivemind.
if america cant borrow money, america can never run a deficit again without mass inflation
if you earn 60+k a year which should be realistic in the US you can pay your loans in 2 years tops.
HOWEVER If you end up enrolling in a useless degree or a not passionate about it or you're a slob who spends his/hers money on avocado spread and booze and you miss classes you pretty much deserve to be in debt. It's no one's fault but yours.
>they could have had responsible parents like every other high schooler did.
>"Why didn't you just get born from the right parents?"
This is how fucking retarded Yas Forums is.
>b-b-but they coulda woulda shoulda
But they didn't. If you do not see how having a large percentage of your countrymen laden with debts they can/will never pay off, you are too stupid to post on the internet.
I don't care about any of your dumb roastie excuses. Pay your fucking debts. You have zero valid excuses. I paid off TWO degrees. If you can't do that it is only because you are a loser. Which is not anybody's fault but your own.
>if you earn 60+k a year which should be realistic in the US you can pay your loans in 2 years tops.
>if you earn 60+k a year which should be realistic in the US
>if you earn 60+k a year
>the US
realistically, if you change your name, how long before the system catches up to you?
Die in the gutter, trashy trash.
>I paid off TWO degrees.
>>Will lie and make up stories about working 3-4 jobs and being a full time student and saying they paid off their debt
The trolling and lying is so fucking obvious here. You stupid fucks do it in every thread on the subject. Hence the list is so comprehensive here. It's the same exact pattern in every thread on student loans. I'm pretty for sure you're a spambot.
Is healthcare free for blacks tho?
I know it's free for the spics in CA.
40k is easy to pay off if you got a good education, otherwise you're a retard and deserve to starve
>25% of all the posts in this thread come from this one salty bitch
No, you're just a loser who can't figure out basic things and yet still feels entitled to an education that you obviously were not even suited for. I never worked more than one job at a time in my life. I lived at home after I graduated and saved money. That's how I paid my debt. If I can do it, so can anybody. It is nobody's responsibility but yours.
Make better decisions.
>People lied to me and I believed them and it turned out badly.
Welcome to life. Caveat Emptor.
most family and friends that live in the US earn that easily. Of course all have higher education and are not trade fags or store clerks. Also your gas prices are fucking cheap compared to EU and you can find an okayish place to live and not waste money on useless shit. Fucks sake I went on a WAT(work and travel) uni program on a fucking mcdonalds tier job and could save a decent amount. however no fucking expensive and unnecessary shit. It's perfectly doable.
they can pay it off, they just have to live at home and save money. instead they want an insane economic advantage of a college degree and all the connections they get from college on top of making people who have an economic disadvantage like high school graduates and trade workers to pay off their debt. maybe if you dont see how having a small percentage of the people worse off in the economy paying for retards who cant into finance is an awful idea, you shouldnt post on the internet.
Your butthurt isn't going to pay your bills.
>takes out tens of thousands of dollars and goes to an out of state school
>begs for productive people to pay off the massive debt
this is how retarded women like you are
Ok golem.
>> deny reality that a majority of college students are young women
>>durrrrrr more facts and numbers more college students are liberal
>>cant do basic math before borrowing money
>> WAH I didn't analyze and study the job market before getting a NON-STEM degree as most women do!!
have fun cuck boi, you seem like a socialist who cries how unfair the world is while your live in female roommate "cheats" on you even though you pay her rent
>Just live at home
This goes back to what the other user said about shitty parents, most kids get kicked out at 18 and are expected to get their own place when they graduate
get to work roastie, 200k isnt gonna pay itself.
My God you're thick.
None of that would matter because the entire financial system would have collapsed, and a better system built from the ashes. When America can't pay it's debt to China and refuses to ever do so, what do you think the Chinks are going to do? Answer: nothing.
So you mean they knew when they were 18 they had to sink or swim and they STILL went through with buying a degree they can't afford?
Not only do I not want to pay for these people, we should be talking about a way to efficiently kill them all off for the betterment of society.
Don't let /thedonald/ cuckservatives get you down, they are mostly bitter newfaggots anyway.
>When America can't pay it's debt to China and refuses to ever do so, what do you think the Chinks are going to do? Answer: nothing.
Uhmm privatize foreign business ventures to cover up debt and dramatically reduce import resulting in shortages of pretty much everything except food and mass unemployment due a broken economy ?
they arent gonna do anything because they make passive interest on the money we borrow retard. we pay them every year.
>none of that would matter because we could just destroy our economy so my egirl doesnt have to pay off her loans
>i swear a better system will come out of it, there wont be massive riots and looting and rationing and unemployment
if you get kicked out of your house at 18 then you should have considered a community college instead of racking up tens of thousands of dollars of debt with no savings and nowhere to go once its over.
>Make the government
No that's you, roastie trash. I don't need your worthless corrupt government in my life. You're the one who needs to get bailed out by the government because you're a fucking bimbo who can't even manage your own life.
it is a scam. when you open credit to people who have literally no way to repay it you're going to see people not paying.
it's the same reason the housing market crashed. the government forced banks to give loans to non whites, W wanted to gain Hispanic votes. how did that one work out.
well you don't give somebody a 150k loan when they're making $10 an hour. the same applies to student loans, you don't give a loan to a shitty liberal arts gender studies major and expect to ever get paid back.
however if you aren't a total retard you can easily game the system. I took out close to 200k, got 2 master degrees. worked as a teacher in a title 1 shithole for 5 years and my debt was forgiven. they're were so desperate for teachers willing to work at those places they had student loan forgiveness programs. I have no idea what things are like now but forgiveness programs were the first thing I was looking into when I took them out.
>America stops paying its debt
If America just suddenly said it could pick and choose what debt it paid money would become worthless. It's not just china that owns us debt. Hell even I own a little.
I’ve met too many bitches who use large amounts of their student loan money to fucking party. They can take the responsibility for signing their name
making sorority girls fuck you isn't that hard. sell them drugs and you'd be surprised what they would do for you.
Your parents did it for you? So basically you signed a contract with out reading it? Dude they litterally made you understand it and learn how interest works and a whole bunch of shit. Basically youre as bad as nigger?
Theres also millions of responsible young white people that are delaying having kids because they have +50k loans. You really want to keep white birthrates down just to potentially spite the hot girls that rejected you?
>So you mean they knew when they were 18 they had to sink or swim and they STILL went through with buying a degree they can't afford?
>Not only do I not want to pay for these people, we should be talking about a way to efficiently kill them all off for the betterment of society.
When your dying on an operating table with a bullet in your stomach I hope the doctor who went to medical school looks at you says
>Well you should have seen the bullet coming and just dodged it user. You did this to yourself by not dodging the bullet. That's about the same level of logic you are trying to operate under here.
universal healthcare and tax paid tuition is immoral
this site has always been overall right wing, even during the Yas Forums days
Except that's not going to happen because I pay my bills, woman.
>money would become worthless
So what is it now?
Seethe and cope brainlet. That's the only reply you're worth.
its overwhelmingly a black and female problem.
>50k loan debt with no plans to pay it off
fucking based. Do you have any idea if this works for international students ? I might consider a MA degree or god forbid a PhD in the US.
>they could have had responsible parents like every other high schooler did.
People should just swap parents for some rich ones? I wish I had thought of this.
It's actually a very fair loan, one of the best you can get. The problem is for every person who knew what was up, got the smallest loan possible, made their education work for them, then paid it off, there are MILLIONS of retards who kept hitting the "free money" button. They will NEVER pay that money, the bank gave crap loans, it did a LOT of bad business. What should happen?
>you getting shot is the same as a person taking massive tens of thousands of dollars in debt over 4 years with zero plans to pay it off and no where to live afterwars
>however no fucking expensive and unnecessary shit
That's right, leave that shit to your debtors to buy off your payments.
Seethe more, loser. You won't get one red cent out of me.
>You really want to keep white birthrates down just to potentially spite the hot girls that rejected you?
This is Yas Forums so... yes. I'm glad another poster recognized this pattern. I literally said happens in the beginning of the thread and they fall right into it like the automated spambot NPCs they are.
And you'll never fuck a coed girl.
A fair exchange. You die homeless in the street like you deserve to, and I don't get to fuck a coed girl. I'm glad we could reach this agreement. Now run along and stop with your virtual panhandling, loser.
>Something bad happens to somebody
>It's automatically their fault
Let me spell it out for you directly since we all know Yas Forums can't fucking read and zero reading comprehension. So phrased more directly -- I hope when bad things happen to you, people personally blame you for it no matter what happened. That's all you faggots are doing in these threads.
good, i dont want her super aids ridden hole anyways.
I have no idea how it works now. I graduated in 2010 and was forgiven in 2015.
just looked it up. I was a poorfag so I qualified for Perkins loans. I was in the Perkins loan cancellation program for teachers.
seems like military service, teaching, nursing or working at a non profit will qualify you for debt forgiveness.
have you thought about teaching ESL? you're bilingual and you don't have to speak the language of the students you're teaching to become an ESL teacher.
Learn to fucking read Yas Forums. Oh wait, you dropped out of school to play LoL all day and couldn't make it to college.
well if you arent responsible for taking out the loan then who is? and why should i have to pay for it?
t. Fox.
Taking loans doesn't just "happen." They FORCE YOU into loan counseling, they make sure you understand what you're doing. You know damn well these people just skipped everything they could to hit the free money button.
>I'm so smart I graduated college with an easy-to-get unmarketable degree, but yet I can't figure out how to get people who didn't make the same irresponsible mistakes I made how to pay for them
And you never will. We will never, ever pay for your debts.
They go for stupid impractical science degrees and humanities degrees and then double down with a master's in a last ditch attempt to make money because it theoretically increases your salary but not if you have a degree in psychology. Then they bitch about the wage gap
No one, literally no one, is saying you have to pay for anything at all. Literally no one says this. Yas Forums just makes assumptions and attacks it's own assumptions. Again, out of jealousy and hatred for college students.