The meme that finally brought down Trump

>the meme that finally brought down Trump

Attached: JOEPEDO.jpg (1024x512, 94.51K)

Is it okay if I save this to post to my friends?
They'll get a laugh I think

Tone down the disrespect you lying dog face pony soldier

yes please share it everywhere lets build momentum behind Biden, we can beat Trump

> Joe >Pedo

Attached: 237AB6A5-746D-42CE-B957-1566D065308B.jpg (125x119, 3.48K)

>wtf im a cruz missile now
Why is the left so violent?

>Not Torpedjoe

C'mon now.

no not like that


>> Joe >Pedo



Attached: 1581145511809.png (912x905, 1.23M)

A phallic-shaped water dildo with Biden's head on it called the Joe Pedo. Not a lot of thought went into this.

Pretty sad how the first decent dem memes are just biden false flagging to fuck with bernouts.

You got it _WRONG_, O.P.

just 'cause you 'meme' it does NOT make it true! [in fact, your crappy meme is just WISHFUL THINKING, not EVEN REMOTELY based in truth!]

Attached: Trump.The.Invincible.png (1338x1034, 1.55M)

>Not a lot of thought went into this
Kek but probably a lot of money

Ok magatard, how about you hang out with the
TRUMP BOYS and get the CORONA VIRUS from drinking CORONA.
>I'm going to vote trump and get CORONA VIRUS

how do I delete the thread



i already saved it

This can’t be real, someone please tell me this is a troll

It has to be

sure boomer, sure. his granddaughter instinctively raises her skirt when he kisses her. He has been fucking that pussy for years.

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Attached: laughing rei.jpg (156x205, 12.06K)

>thinking a pro-Biden person made this

I'm thinking a decent amount of thought actually DID go into this. Just not in the way you think.

self-BTFO of the year


Attached: 0eink.webm (998x602, 2.86M)

>doesn't know what State he's in
>doesn't know what year it is
>forgets he's running for President, thinks he's running for congress
>claims Democrats will take back the House of Representatives this election

He is literally senile. He should be in a care facility with locked doors so he doesn't wonder off and get lost or hurt himself. Both my grandparents went though it. Once you are as bad as Joe you have maybe 1-2 years tops before you can't even remember your own children.

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Fellow democrat, to delete the threat it's easy.
So click that the arrow button
click on the settings
click on delete
then click on delete permanently.
This is how you delete thread and rekt those MAGATARDS WITH CORONA VIRUS

You fucking idiot kys and tell your boss that you fucked up and get someone better in your place

Attached: 1583798197407.gif (868x766, 3.82M)

Kikebook volunteers.

oh if this is real my sides

Attached: 1573587407684.jpg (599x449, 68.37K)


... is going to bring down Trump?

>hello fellow flaggot

Biden's a pedo, who knew

that's the creepiest fucking thing i've ever seen.
she closed her eyes too.

Put me in the screenshot.

Attached: 1582083799743.jpg (960x518, 38.08K)

Goddamn, even when they meme halfass decently they go completely off the rails with this shit. It's like they want to fail.

Joe Pedo it is. Thanks ShareBlue

Attached: 50 gorillion.jpg (300x318, 8.63K)

>>the meme that finally brought down Trump

>You call that a meme?

Pic related. Also, the filename.

Attached: TheGame.jpg (587x327, 34.51K)

>JOE PEDO 2020

Share it everywhere!!!

Tippity toppest keks

Any got the picture of biden in sunglasses telling a zoomer to help him open a pdf on his iphone?

Attached: CB9F99F1-F1B5-4DF2-9330-B3EB44BB78FD.jpg (1444x2592, 1.29M)

Sorry but clearly that Mark 24 tigerfish is going to miss

Check out the guy in the Chicago t shirt.
He is jealous as hell of joe's tongue down her throat

Fucking ironic memeposting lol

What was that

Attached: XxIBKdSj_400x400.jpg (240x240, 15.02K)

Off with you MAGATARD go get rekted by the BIDEN BOYS
>I'm going to drink corona extra

>no not like that

Look out below! Here cums the JoePedo!

Attached: 894.gif (480x360, 1.27M)

I'm pretty sure OP made this and is actually pretending he didn't make it pedo joe on purpose.
Anyhow good job OP, you don't need to fake it anymore.

fixed it for you.

Attached: joe-pedo1.png (1000x500, 615.95K)

Gepetto made a little wooden boy

JoePedo got wood from a little boy

Don't vote for Biden, he will fuck the economy harder than he fucks his granddaughter.

Riden with Biden takes on a different meaning when alone with grandpa...


>til it was joe himself who made this meme


i'm jealous too user, I want a piece of her pussy also.

Hoe deep does the rabbit hole go user how deep !!!!

anyone else notice how she's lifting up her skirt

he kinda looks like he's realized he's made a huge mistake and is wondering where the exits are.


The DNC is aware Joe is the one with dementia, not the American public right?

Attached: 1515142408508258023.png (861x646, 498.74K)

It's sad that MIGApedes have only one meme for Biden. The left is dominating the 2020 meme war.

Trump is unironically finished. This stock crash and his inaction on coronavirus is the straw that broke the camel's back.

Did you not read post user???

I'm with her

Watch out USS Liberty, here comes Israel

Lifelong political retard beats billionaire who created an international company. America deserves Joe.


Attached: 1583412679342.jpg (1024x570, 61.08K)

something tells me one of you more artistic fucks made this and put it out there.

>that flag
>that post
GTFO Leaf, you wouldn't know a good meme unless a dog fucked it

Attached: 155102658501715072697250275.jpg (913x1024, 83.72K)


You are unironically finished.

Damn right user.

Attached: joe-bide-and-grand-daughter-ap.jpg (1200x800, 95.32K)

this is a good troll

the english teacher wins again!

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Attached: 1583805035164.jpg (800x600, 263.98K)

My fucking sides

No data mining faggot.

>how do I delete the thread

Attached: 1523908225420.png (210x195, 100.71K)

Attached: d59ea80e94cc3d3b9ce4f16ba824ebc325dbb9a7854201d027252da18298fe89.jpg (500x710, 73.59K)

looks like what I would expect of a bidenpedo he is way off

I posted it in this thread

topest kek


it's obviously a troll.
it's the oldest gimmick on this site.

fucking newfags.

kinda obvious but 6/10

>Joe pedo
>Joe Biden is a pedophile

Yes, please share this meme.

Attached: soy.jpg (125x122, 2.28K)

memeflag faggot calling someone a new fag....

>tfw your home city is in the background and Trump is Theodore tugboat.

The left can't even get the country right. Its in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Attached: halifaxskyline.jpg (960x540, 100.71K)

haha look at all of us pretending this is real hahaha please make another epic screenshot with all the responses hahaha hopefully someone uploads it onto /r/Yas Forums for us hahaha i fucking love this communnity hahaha


KYS like


Attached: N-pepe.png (657x450, 42.92K)

Durrrr...what office am I running for again?

Attached: Joe-Biden.jpg (625x302, 13.22K)

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Rear admiral biden reporting for duty, lemme at them kids, I gotta massive torpeedy to deliver

Put my

Attached: 1583625461178.jpg (599x804, 74.26K)

She has been groomed since infancy to love being grandpa's sex slave. The public needs to know about Joe's pedophilic activities.

Joe doesn't know where he is either.