How will you spend your corona pay?
Trump announces Corona tax cut
and just like that, all Democrats dropped out of the 2020 race
And the states will call it taxable income and charge you for it
Mike and Don both look retarded lol
Payroll taxes are for businesses.
So basically more corporate tax cuts.
Payroll taxes is for companies , Trump doesn't give a fuck about you.
When your fighting over a can of tuna at Wal Mart and the FEMA officer is telling you to move along you will get what I am talking about.
I wonder if hell cut it for companies as well as workers. companies can keep their contribution to social security too. so no money goes to social security
funny. republicans have wanted to kill social security for 80 years. now they can start on that and the peasants think the republicans are doing them a favor.
>how will you spend your corona pay?
On hookers and blow.
I will it to buy the same shit I always buy but at higher prices since every retailer and service provider will know everybody got Trump gibs.
This. That's the case with employee discounts here in good old NJ.
>not a paycheck wagie
>no tax cut
I'm gonna buy soooo much toilet paper now
How about idk, paid leave lol
Also a stay of execution for jobs
I'll buy a coffee with the extra $3 I'll be getting.
Oh wait... my company pays payroll taxes. Not me.
Guess I'm not getting shit.
It's what I've come to expect from this administration by now.
A virus is raging and this numbfuck cuts taxes because people stopping spending is tanking the economy.
People are stopping spending because they're not confident in his ability.
Know what he could do to help people with their confidence in spending and thus improve the market?
Not suck at his job.
It's been a while since I was a wagie, but I'm pretty sure you pay half your payroll taxes and your boss pays the other half.
>national debt $23 trillion
>more tax cuts will raise debt
>nobody cares
We don’t deserve to be saved
Here's an idea, let's cut spending.
Defense, Medicare or Social Security?
Because nothing else will make a dent
lol what the actual fuck. Does this faggot kike care more about propping up the stock market than public health?
People are surprised by this?
yup, and i get the sneaking suspicion I'm not going to see jack squat in my paycheck while the company I work for reports their savings as earnings.
Which is the point really, he's trying to force the stock market to stop plummeting.
The best way to do that would be to step up and actually fucking lead.
But he won't.
You're damn right I'm sick of watching this autistic shill con my fellow americans.
You pay a payroll tax too. Check your pay stubs
>panic buying
>people stopping spending is tanking the economy
Buy a new gun
Look at your paycheck, note several deductions called payroll taxes, brainiac.
the extravicant spending by the deep state while the peasants live in peonage.
it cost $400 for the pentagon to get a gallon into afghanistan
>hey a lot of people are about to be cut off from their income
>oh i know how to fix! cut income tax!
is nobody else seeing the absolute retardation
Read your paystub those are payroll Tax deductions - from your earnings!
>yup, and i get the sneaking suspicion I'm not going to see jack squat in my paycheck while the company I work for reports their savings as earnings.
Not how it works. Your payroll taxes are you and your boss paying into your alleged future social security check. It's based on your pay, not your boss's profits. This is why leftists shouldn't be elected to anything, ever.
>a gallon of gas into afghanistan
You had +50 years of business history and 3 years presidency to learn his behavior patterns and it just dawned on you he favored big business and stock market?
Foreign aid, defense, cap social security to the amount paid in. When you run out, you commit sudoku or your children support you. No children? Sudoku.
Shut up leaf
i like the idea of passing tax cuts in response to natural disasters. It's a free way to put money in everyone's pockets.
Hrs doing fine by Main Street also. It’s what we elected Trump to do
ending social security would be a favor to the peasantry.
>i get the sneaking suspicion I'm not going to see jack squat in my paycheck
what you'll see is more of the money you earned.
Kek. Trump's guy is a supply side economist, genius. They're bailing out business and fucking over the average Joe. Looking forward to the pennies that we get from this, maybe I'll buy a niquil
Only retards thought trump was the second coming of hitler. Whether they thought that was a good thing or a bad thing.
much more than that is coming
>Why do you think Trump is revamping the trade deals, using tariffs, cutting taxes to bring back jobs and manufacturing into the country, stimulating the economy, and nominating gold advocates to the federal reserve board? He's attempting to mitigate the inevitable crash and failure of the fiat system. He is preparing to flip from oil to metals, and restructure the federal reserve and fold it into the gov't where it belongs according the Constitution. It will probably happen in his second term.
>Did you see who's portrait Trump chose to have hanging right behind him in the oval office? Andrew Jackson, the man who repealed the Fed's predecessor, the Second Bank of the United States.
he's going to seize the assets of the deep state to pay for it all
OK ShareBlue
Defense and corporate subsidies.
The subsidies get lumped in with food stamps and other social programs to hide it.
No reason we should still be spending 2 million on propping up hostess's twinky brand because boomers were nostalgic during the recession.
yup. that's buying paper towels and hand sanitizer.
The impact is in the service sector, not production.
Around 71% of all americans work in the service sector, and that's a big segment of the economy that is just grinding to a halt.
I'm actually more of a disaffected republican with a lot of axes to grind. Used to be a hardcore budget hawk before that got thrown under the bus the moment this chucklefuck got elected.
And that’s a good thing Orange man bad did..
Great response you fucking mong.
>Trump solution is tax cuts
B-b-b-but Socialism NEVER WORKS
Corona virus tax cut? I think the Corona virus should pay higher taxes, not less! Vote Bernie! He will tax the corona virus at 99% and make us all sickly rich!
What the fuck is payroll tax? Is this the burger equivalent of Canada Pension?
lol jobs are coming back because there's a world wide shortage and us labor is so cheap it can now compete with the 3rd world
The Brocklette cries out when you name him.
Is tax cuts socialism?
IIRC Bern was going to pay for his socialism with higher taxes.
Still haven't responded to my original post. Going to assume you're retarded.
The democrat-controlled House controls the nation's purse strings. Personally I don't see many republicans talking about the debt, but credit where credit's due. The dems in the House won't cut anything meaningful, and will set their media automatons in motion if Trump threatens to shut down the government over it. Most republicans are aware of this.
>Payroll taxes are for businesses.
Fucking retard. It means the govt stops withholding money from your wagie check. It's literally the exact opposite of a corporate tax cut.
I work for myself under a LLC
I don’t use W-2s
How do I get my corona pay?
Payroll tax is tax companies have to pay when they pay their employees. Likewise, employees have to pay payroll tax when receiving their pay from employees.
In America, our income gets taxed 3-4 different ways. It's actually a really good reason as to why people should be supporting tax cuts like these, even if they help "BIG CORPORATE" more. I think we're the only country that taxes people multiple times for the same shit.
I think the idea is that giving the plebs more money to spend will keep the economy going so less plebs need to lose their jobs
Wrong idiot. see
Socialism is not low taxes. Socialism is EXTREMELY high taxes. Like 3 quarters of your paycheck would be dedicated to healthcare for illegals.
Do you guys not know how communism & socialism work?
He could just stop going on golf trips
>They're bailing out business and fucking over the average
Berniefags are so fucking ignorant. A payroll tax cut is. the government stopping taking money out of wagie checks so the wagie gets to keep more. It's as direct a stimulus to the plebs as you can get besides mailing Yangbux. But that's all you faggots want is gibs and you don't earn a paycheck so...
>Anything happens under Trump
>Dude just cut taxes lmao
If they don't give you the tax cut, million s of Republican and Democrat voters will drop dead.
the recession is only half the issue, they lose that income from literally not being anle to go to work because there is a pandemic
In Canada we have CPP deductions which sounds like basically the same thing, just a forced pension plan everybody has to pay for because the average boomer is too stupid to save enough money not to starve to death in retirement, I'm sure it will not still be around to pay me out when I retire in 40 years.
Sounds fun. I like the idea of Democrats opposing a wagie tax cut during a national crisis.
Fuck off both of you. Employer and employee both pay a portion of the payroll tax, typically the employer pays a larger portion
Kys migafag
Yes, I understand that it is not going to work. At least you will have a few more bucks on your last paycheck to buy beans before we get quarantined for 3 months and die.
Employees pay 6.2% into SS and employers match so employees also get a cut. People who aren't zoomers remember that SS got cut during the great recession for the same reason.