I am ready to buy after the boomer die off

Cash in hand

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Dont buy a McMansion though. Buy something like this

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Where are the unusable shutters? Where are the turrets? You call this a mcmansion?

too bad chinks will outbid you for all etenity

He's not Canadian, that's not a problem.

The chinks are finished. A walking corpse.

How much will pic related be after the boomers all die and their 15 vacant homes are auctioned off? $15000?

same, hopefully (((they))) can't flood the housing markets with chink $ because of corona virus destroying their economy

Is it true your houses are made of wood and not bricks

I have to admit I instantly lost all envy and respect for American homes once I figured it out

Chinese can and do buy American real estate

Not only will chinks buy it from you, but you retards seem to be missing one huge piece of the puzzle. Boomers are all passing this property down to their offspring, the prices will barely even move an inch. They've got specific instructions for their kids to sell the property high and what value it. When boomers die the property doesn't all of a sudden become available, it will go into someone else's name.

No sweetie chinks can't own property in America


Once the boomers are dead from coronavirus the socialist young people will enact tariffs and laws preventing people from doing shit like this. BTFO'd. Next?

>implying chinks will be allowed to buy western real estate in Corona-chan's future

Based and redpilled.

How much for just the building materials on a house like that


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>He cares more about monetary gain from death of his parents than well being of said parents
This is why West is burning you are the problem fucking jew boot licker you care for nothing but few extra dolars and nothing more and then you complain about jews pushing anti family anti conservative puppets they carter to your fucking demands you fucking mutt

why do you think boomers are the only people buying property. you have overseas investment firms in israel, japan, korea, china, etc that buy huge amounts of american property.

bid if true

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for pic around $150,000 i'd guess

Ugly ass houses

The difference between us and the boomers is we only want a small slice of the pie. They want the whole thing. And our cucked government and "conservatives" keep giving it to them.

Why bother even paying for it?
When the boomers die off and the economy goes into a tailspin, there wont be any police to stop you from just, I dunno, squatting.
Let the Gen Xers come and try to take "their property" back, assuming they arent in hiding or murdered by nigs.
Might makes right, boys. The government is the only thing stopping a lot of people from just taking these properties by strength of arms.

No way I'd buy a haunted house.

Sounds like a you problem. Minorities are making money why can't you?

This is a comfy thread for optimism about the future. Even the gas is dropping. Based coronachan, slayer of insects and boomers.

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Most police officers are guys in their 20s and 30s. Not boomers. Boomers dying would have little effect on law enforcement. Except maybe less 911 calls.

Alot of houses are in earthquake/mudslide zones.

Oh yippeee a osb particle board drywall house for a couple hundred thousands bought just in time to put thousands in for maintenance on the shitty materials ohhh yayyy

Nah, they won't recover from current year. The Chinese century won't happen. Their paper tiger got exposed to the normalfags. Nothing against Chinese people, but their gov and their slave masters are cunts and deserve it desu.

How many boomers is coronachan going to to take out?

most of them


You won't do it

It ain't dropping below cost, chief. Minimum housing cost is ~$80 per square foot and $1 per square foot to maintain. That is independent of land value.

You could buy foreclosures for like $10000 in 2008

They'll default on loans indefinitely and rack up insane back taxes making otherwise affordable foreclosures cost the same as they would otherwise.

Too many windows for niggers to get in to

>drafty mold pos
>b-b-but muh trad architechture

Fuck that ugly bullshit mang. Get a Colonial Ranch House.

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>tfw buying up an entire mcmansion block with your Yas Forums neet bros
What could be comfier?

even more McMansion lol...

What?? A hotel?!?

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take that piece of shit and go back to jersey

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i'm not buying your 50 year old house grandpa

In all honesty, I want to see that floorplan.

>Implying they won't sell the five other houses their parents had because they were waiting for the right time to sell
>When the market is becoming saturated with other offers as other people just take the quick cash rather than deal with the upkeep
You are retarded.

Don't talk shit on south jersey

Except that the boomers are giving their properties to their kids.

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That's an ideal humble mansion in my book. Probably wouldn't be too difficult to heat/cool/maintain.

>im not buying your house that was built out of actual quality building materials and that has a timeless and traditional look

ready to buy one of this from the now jobless oilfield workers. Hopefully his not living in the truck.

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Im glad SOME people have good taste. Have a you my good man.

And here, have another for the road

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>what are land-grabbing foreign investors
>what are reverse mortgages
>what are ridiculously high property taxes

>he’s saving money

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You're fucking stupid.

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Beautiful design



Looks like shit. McMansions are based and true american culture.