Tensions seem to heating up between the Cuckservatives (Trumpniggers, GOYpers and Neocons) and Far-Right (NatSoc, Fascism, Ancaps/Lolbergs, monarchists and Baathists)
Who's side are you on?
Tensions seem to heating up between the Cuckservatives (Trumpniggers, GOYpers and Neocons) and Far-Right (NatSoc, Fascism, Ancaps/Lolbergs, monarchists and Baathists)
Who's side are you on?
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far right ofc fuck the cuckservatives, they either convert or die with the rest!
Those with the money and resources always win.
Is this an attempt to deflect at the lefts disastrous candidates? Too funny
there is not left or right in america there is only "Jews" and "not jews". all of the political options in america are oriented in doing what is good for jews. that means destroying whites, wrecking the middle east, and allowing all sorts of insane corruption schemes, while the white working population gets replaced by immigrants or overdoses from opioids.
>Who's side are you on?
true, the commies are jews and the neocons are also jews. Even white trash neonazis are jewish controlled. The only men who are truly against jews are the ones you'd least expect.
I am not right or left, but ABOVE
I'd like to join the far right, but why do you guys have to be so damn racist against my gay husband's mulatto sons?
oh, is it now
Trumpniggers I've never heard that but I like it!
Glow harder, faggot
Far right. I'm tired of the boomer NPC's shitting up this board.
jews did 9/11
Remind me, OP, are dishonest presuppositions, data mining, zero effort spamthreads and purity spirals allowed here? Is there some reason why you can't read the rules?
i will not be tricked into fighting my cohorts with only slightly different experiences and beliefs from myself. we have much more in common than the left
op is a quarrel-creating subverter
Neither, fuck you retarded niggers and your nazi larp fest.
ok discord tranny
>tension seem
Where nigger? Fuck off with your divide and conquer bullshit
Only if the far right becomes pic related
I'm far right and I have no problem with Trump or other more moderate conservatives, for now.
I'll only have a problem with them if we get rid of all the leftists. Right now we need to stick together and vote against the leftists who will be trying to strip us of our rights.
If you vote left you will be voting for your own imprisonment. There will be no recovering.
One is high right the other is low right.
Cuckservatives are low culture, typically low class and stupid enough to vote for corporate interests. The new high right is of high culture, desiring to get our race to the stars through national socialist policies.
The alt right are somewhere in between, pretty stupid but exposed to the right media. They've overheard posts made by high right natsocs but also rot their mind with cuckservative mainstream media, other low IQ youtubers, and listen to their jew taught boomer parents.
Nobody to my right but the wall. Trump is only a stopgap and everyone except boomers know it.
I'm on whatever side starts shooting the globohomos first.
I pick the Far-Right. I wish the world took the path of Hitler becoming successful. I see Germany and German people with appreciation and deep respect and I always thank them for it. I'll stick with NatSoc til the end. What was my people thinking of helping them?!?!? Only to be back-stabbed and tortured...
Who here has taken the monarchypill?
What tension? It's just you samefagging threads dumbass Britbong
> Leftist Projection
> An actual worthwhile thread
It goes in all fields
>fat boomers vs fat larpers
>pic related
I hereby declare myself king of earth
k bud
Whichever side fucks your mom.
Which is probably both.
I'm on the side of whoever hates niggers and Jews the most
I do not care who is on the right, as long as I get to kill leftists in their pathetic revolution.
They're here treating this place like a joke but they're not gonna be laughing for long. We should be putting forth all our effort every day to take this place back and turn it into what it once was.
I’m unironically a national anarchist
Freedom for me but not for thee
Far right rise up
>cuckservatives get the rope too
For me,
It's Adolph.
Zero interest in American civic nationalism and even the "America First" homos are way too lenient on race. Americanism is a limp wristed faggot ideology that won't save anyone from anything. White burgers need to start holding themselves to higher standards and grabbing that country by the balls like they used to otherwise nothing will change, the fact you let so many noses into your institutions and into prolific press positions means you're fighting several times the battle you should be.
For the love of God, shake these MAGA zio-rats off of your backs and forge an ACTUAL conservative movement. How in the everloving shitting fuck did right wing politics become inextricable from Israel worship? It's the same here too as I'm sure you know.
>white trash
Nonwhite detected, No self respecting white person uses this term, not even Trump. You're the type of American I'm talking about. You don't deserve to be anywhere within a thousand miles of that country, go back home you turd skin.
based as fuck
Oy vey
most people who look at our history are going to conclude that if we're choosing between jews and muzzes, we should choose the jews.
Muslims are a more recent, and more overt enemy
Get on my level, son.
I use that term all the time for mudsharks and degenerate hicks.
Was this taken inside the towers on 9/11?
Conserv-a-nothing cucks BTW
I only care about Americans and America. Anyone who identifies as anything else, but claims to be American is my enemy. No more caring about the world outside our borders besides how to keep them out. Fortress America is the only way forward, anything less is utter defeat.
ITT: larpers and FBI
>invade middle east and north Africa
>displace millions of Arabs and Iranics
>they go to europe for refuge
All because Gaddafi and Sadaam didn't want to join the NWO
>seem to heating up
>MIGA cant get enough jewjew cum
its been like that since 2016
For faith, law & King!
This is a fuzzy story though. The links aren't really solid and don't paint jews an an obvious enemy.
Got a PNG of this image?
Ok groomer will win this battle. Jesus Christ it’s already winning.
Did I really need to imply they are the reason? Of fucking they were, they are the NWO
natsocfaggots go out of their way to portray themselves as even bigger victims than blmfaggots. it's pitiful.
The conservatives are just liberals stuck 10 years in the past.
>Who's side are you on?
The side that provides me with a decent white wife and a house.
Whichever side it winning and gives the best personal benefits. In that regard, I'd choose migapedes for the best right wing benefit and goypers for having the most fun side. I'm tired of super serious larpers who just sit around doing nothing but stagnate.
>any of regurgitated Zion Don rhetoric
Look I believe Israel was involved in 9/11 and the dancing Israelis were real but the document on the bottom left is doctored. You can find the original foia document online. Don't hurt the cause by spreading documents that others can point to as false.
Memeflag kike
What Europe should be controlled under.
You won't do shit.
(((Slide thread)))
>hands stop rubbing