Attached: Screenshot 2020-03-09 at 8.20.58 PM.png (492x275, 57.61K)
Guise...I think Uncle Joe is sick
Jayden Roberts
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Austin Wright
did he died user? :( how will we save democracy and beat the cheese man?
Dominic Gomez
Trump is going to die of the coronavirus too, he's too old to survive
Grayson Torres
Connor Martin
Bernie poisoned him
Asher Barnes
He ded. Trust me.
Jayden Jones
He forgot which state he was supposed to be in.
Aaron Williams
Nah...he had to take a shit but locked
himself in a stall
Logan Robinson
oh shit the Bogs are making their move. This is just like the last time...
now you're going to see some action.
Daniel Hall
Alexander Perez
He's fine. Just getting a few last sniffs in before taking the podium. Can't rush him.
Michael Sanders
tfw Hillary assassinated him with slow acting dimensia poison... But it kicked in too fast.
Owen Thompson
Elijah Wood
Numbers for stroke
Wyatt Morgan
he probably thinks he as the car dealership
Andrew Sullivan
fake and gay. he is speaking right now
Owen Fisher
His granddaughter's ass tro….
Kevin Clark
It's almost like our leaders are purposely being propped up to take a melodramatic last exit.
James Gutierrez
biden wandered out of the venue and was found sleeping in a nearby walmart bathroom. he told police he thought he was on airforce one and to call obama.
Angel Butler
Trump and Pence die and Kushner becomes president
Oliver Carter
Probably pooped his pants.
Xavier Turner
oh his granddaughter is back there? she's so young her asshole is still pink
Charles Martinez
he is always in one state
state of confusion
Jaxson Parker
ok. keep me posted
Henry Russell
On stage now. Fake happening
Nathaniel Parker
Jason Jones
That's not how it works Kushner
Luis Bell
lol, everyone is so old
Colton Cooper
I work for the DNC and what they have been telling me is his name was Seth Rich
James Hill
He would be the type to do something like that
Jaxson Reed
holy shit he just said keeping public pools open would be a mistake
Austin Nguyen
Isn't Pelosi third in line?
Charles Bailey
god he's a worse public speaker than Trump
William Hill
Every single person behind him looks bored out of their minds.
Michael Edwards
His mind might not even last until the election. I mean despite all the memes. It's really bad biden clearly has some brain issues most likely age related. And trump also seems to have similar issues but not as severe.
I mean could you at least have a president thats under 65?
John White
He is actually retarded. 2020 debates are going to be the funniest shit ever.
Camden Sanchez
Hot black girl behind the old fuck
Isaiah Cruz
All the young candidates dropped out to kiss Biden's ass. At least Buttplug and Harris can fucking stand during a debate.
Hudson Russell
Anyone still flying and attending events has a death wish at that age and they fucking deserve it unironically...can't pay off corona-chan.
Cooper Evans
Our political class is completely ossified. It’s a pathetic disgrace. I like trump and he’s an outsider and all but yes he is also super old. It’s fucking ridiculous.
Robert Thompson
His name was Seth Rich
Christian Mitchell
Imagine Biden dies and Sander wins by default for the democratic nominee due to this Sanders wins the election by souring numbers over Trump.
Just imagine. Just imagine the butthurt on Yas Forums. It will be glorious.
Luis Nguyen
>biden has hurt himself in his confusion
David Edwards
He's been renditioned back to Ukraine to answer for his crimes
Jackson Reyes
Just a little pinprick
There’ll be no more AAAAAAAAAAAAA
But you might go off script
Can you stand up?
I do believe he’s sundowning, fuck
We can keep him going for the show
20 minutes then he’s got to go
Tyler Reyes
the real danger are the Bernie Bros. Imagine how much psychological trauma they are in for when Bernie cucks again to the establishment candidate and winds up with a Malibu beach house this time?
Benjamin Martinez
He's gonna drop out and/or die and hillary is going to run
screencap this post
Henry Morgan
Hair sniffing emergency.
Chase Evans
His name was Seth Rich
Ryder White
Even if Biden died the DNC would never in a million years allow Sanders anywhere near the nomination.
Gavin Ward
>pool's closed due to cornpop
Jack Lopez
you had one job gunt. one fucking job.
Asher Cox
That's the plan!
Grayson Sanchez
all top leadership got corona'd
Camden Miller
Coronavirus got him already?
Hunter Green
If numerals then true
Aaron Brooks
0% Malarkey
Ryder Clark
>not the virus we wanted but the virus we needed
Ian Foster
He’s gone. Cerebral hemorrhage.
Nathan Clark
hell be fine
Kevin Gray
as if there arent dozens if clones. we all witnessed 2016 hilldog science
Nathaniel Watson
Benjamin Rodriguez
I would lick her ass hole like a lollipop. I would lick it until it was nice and glossy and pulsating.
Joseph Diaz
This is boomer tier. Yas Forums is dead.
Gavin Jackson
we could easily lose more than half of our elected officials considering they're all senile boomers.
Camden Bennett
Some loli just smelled extra good. Joe needs to make some practical adjustments to his scheduling now that all the former Bernie supporters are ridin with him. The sudden influx of support has suddenly increased the supply of lolis to sniff and he's going to have to raise the bar significantly when deciding who to sniff and for how long. This one of those good problems.
Bernie, it's over.
Caleb Hernandez
how are there still anons that don't get this?
Isaiah Taylor
Trump curse is real
Parker Brown
Haha, he talks for twenty minutes and leaves. No stamina. Trump stands and talks for hours, always.
Connor Garcia
>Commie cope
Caleb Carter
Christopher Cook
I wish a DNC would just to watch the Bernie bros go from heartbreak to rage in 5 seconds
Jack Hall
Joseph Adams
what bullshit video is this? is there a related article saying the fucking staff all died?