Is the coronavirus a distraction to cover up the real motive behind why the economic is crashing...?

Is the coronavirus a distraction to cover up the real motive behind why the economic is crashing...?

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fuck off schizo faggot

kek if true

>sweden flag
>bog in id
>bög = gay

Today it seemed that way. Like the true reason the market was falling was oil, but corona was the big story.

>The "economy" is crashing!!!

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Probably something much bigger behind it, who says Coronavirus unleashed in Wuhan? What if it was a biowep that was unleashed on purpose? Maybe the return of Messiah is true after all

3.4% fatality rate in CONFIRMED cases.
Yet there are asymptomatic and cases so mild you won't notice it.
With an R0 of 6, lets assume we have 500% more cases unreported.
Fatality rate is probably closer to 0.1% to 0.9%

jews are satanists

Made a server to archive information and discuss the virus encase they shut it down:

discord gg RasbBc

quit shilling your shitty discord

jews are always behind it

They are going to use project blue beam to fake an alien invasion by demons that are actually real.

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When was the last time oil dropped 30%+ in 1 day?

I never talked to this guy.

The messiah was already born 20,20 years ago

based and truth pilled

Spoiler: Jews will declare themselves collectively as the messiah

>Come back to Israel now, leave the nations of the gentiles while there is time

hey im the messiah, ama

Yes. We knew the economy was going to crash before the election. They just needed an excuse to do it.


It isn't, but it will be.
Most people with a good understanding of the stock market, resources markets, central banking model etc, know that it's all built like a house of cards, and that there is a limited time in the boom bust cycle. Stocks have been inflated by many factors, interest rates are basically negative in most countries etc etc. Coronachan created a good opportunity to have an excuse.


wtf, I've never met this guy

Ford post is a kike schizo shill, OP must be onto something.

>The Messiah is a Bong
I doubt it. The real Messiah will be a red-blooded American.

Yo, based messianic Jew check?

>Is the coronavirus a distraction
Yes but we likely won't know for what reason for a while

yup. nothing that is ever reported is true, every single last thing is a conspiracy user.

I rather not be called a jew anymore though

fucking cunt beat me to it

economic collapse
army on the street
a (((savior))) arrives with false signs and wonders from the devil

I love you

Gonna be real fucking strange when the guy they crucified 2,000 years ago returns for a second act and kills them all.

Attached: shilling_metre.jpg (560x747, 58.01K)

Relax bro, I think you need to take your meds.

Gonna be even stranger when you realize that Christianity and Judaism have both been proven wrong literally thousands of times

Good post. Remember friends, the coming Jewish "messiah" is the literal antichrist. This knowledge might save your life, do NOT be deceived by him and do NOT take the mark.

>Double quoting makes my fedora twice as effective

I can't wait till Jesus comes back and starts second holocaust

Coronavirus is not real. Doctors are not allowed to directly test for it. If they suspect a patient has it, they have to call the government, who then send agents who "test" for it. This alone is proof that there is no such thing as the "coronvavirus".

not true, i have corona ama

the virus is obviously a cover up for the collapse.

if only in the beginning they are locking down whole countries, just imagine what this is going to be like in 2 weeks?

hope everyone is preparing.

that's EXACTLY what is happening. lol

the economy is crashing.


how old are you, what are your symptoms, when did you get it etc? also did you get an official diagnosis, if so, post proofs if you can



Fuck off. According to ACA the reincarnation of Jesus is living right here in Queensland Australia.

[Antichrist intensifies]

was being sarcastic, although it's a real virus
I've never seen lack of hygienic products in sweden ever before


Spice this christfaggotry

It's not crashing. It's just jews taking their cut from peoples' investment accounts.

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>worldwide pandemic
>nobody actually has had it except larpers

and his name is lolisocks

people are dying, some recover, the whole planet can't be telling a lie unless we're living in a game with bunch of npcs and this is part of the scene which could possibly mean the end is near

Digits or funny ID says this is 100% true

they are talking about the antichrist. jews don't accept jesus as the messiah.

I try and tell you guys what I saw. To no avail. Eventually I shall leave this cursed place and it will be the biggest "fake and gay" this board has ever known. Don't AMA

>the whole planet can't be telling a lie
how new are you? the whole planet is telling multiple lies even before corona

No. Local ruling Jews had the Romans kill the Messiah because he did not like the interest rates of worship items sold at temples.

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those are just conspiracy theories


>Anyone who disagree with me wears a fedora
>Anyone who disagrees with me is an autist
>Anyone who disagrees with me is a incel
>Anyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi

Powerful stuff you got there, user.

metzitzah b'peh

if any of you mongs know how to get ahold of this old jew, there’s a shotgun in it for you from Dugan Ashley
direct info here:

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