>Elon Musk said college is "not for learning" and that you could basically learn anything you want to for free.

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I went to college, he is right. You can learn faster on your own as well and without all the unnecessary bullshit that isn't related to what you want to know.

Hes high IQ college is fun since its nothing to him.

The whole point of college is just to receive your liberal brainwashing degree so that Mr. Noseberg knows you’re a good goy and will hire you.

im a highschool drop out and even I know that. Imagine taking on tens of thousands in debt for a piece of paper kek.
while some rich satanic jew just pays for it straight and doesn't have to do the work.

college is for the paper afterwards saying you did it

you can't change the system so going is playing the game

While it is true what he says, it's more about employers knowing you have to ability to stick to something for years and complete it, the fact you learn skills is a bonus. Also if you aren't using uni to make connections and new friends who become connections then it's definitely a waste of time.


He is right

Learned more in college coding for Open Source projects than in classrooms. Bonus items for the resume too, highly recommended to CSfags.

I learned how to do useful professional shit, worked part time, and I honestly didn't have a lot of fun. If you go to college to party you're wasting your time and money.

orrr...that you were a crybaby antifa cunt who spent 4 years in safe spaces pissing everyone off demanding shit you didn't neither earn nor deserve.

He's right but it's not like the faggot is going to create jobs at Tesla that don't require a degree.
>coding for Open Source projects
How did you get involved in that?

Haha nah, I studied music, been a professional musician/composer for 13yrs.

Would love to see stats on what people with only a High School diploma are making there.

>coding for Open Source projects
No you didn't. Most open source projects don't need elite level coders let alone plebs like you. If you had said you contributed a few patches I would have believed you.

He's right. College has turned into an extension of high-school and its an absolute waste of time and money.


He is a kike too and theoretical experience is far from enough to be useful in real life.

You go to college for the social aspect. You meet people, socialize, make connections, network. If you don't do this it's a waste of time and money.

I agree that a degree itself doesn't show evidence of exceptional ability. But a STEM degree shows you at the very least aren't a retard and can do math and other concepts at a higher level. I also agree Uni is mostly networking and getting laid


jean jacque rousseau's discourse on the arts and sciences in 1750 made this point extremely well

Same. I am only finishing up my BFA to learn things in a structured environment and have something that puts me ahead of other job candidates who taught themselves.

i didn't mean you literally, i meant your basic college student. If you want to hire a real no bullshit, hard working person, hire someone who went trades route. people with vocational schools are the only ones who are in it for work. most college kids are cunts who are buying their bullshit diploma believing it guarantees them an easy life where they sit and order other people what to do.

He is right but he is basically insulting college students instead of going after the 99% of employers who refuse to hire anyone without a degree. Those of us with a brain know we don't need college, but we have no choice. So fuck this guy for saying I'm wasting my time and money, I fucking know that please tell the people with money.

> it's more about employers knowing you have to ability to stick to something for years and complete it,
Don't give me that bullshit. "Let's waste at least four years of our youths prime years and put them in astronomical debt just so they can prove they are ready to commit to a job. We just completed a four year commitment called highschool.

The reason employers require it is because of these following reasons
>Elitist attitude
They went to college and if you know college grads they all have one thing in common. They are all extremely proud of their degree and look down on people without them. Elon is right in pointing out this a bullshit.
>Your competition has one
Why hire someone without a degree when there is another guy who has one? Even if the value of the degree has become almost non-existent, he still has one and you don't, so game over. Too many people getting degrees thanks to the corrupt student loan system has saturated the job market with grads and now you will have to have every little meaningless edge you can get just to get in the door. So the degree is a must even if it's a waste of time and money.

Networking is a good thing to do but there is no reason for the university to be needed for this. It's all just useless bloat that needs to be cut off America's back.

It's still a waste of time and money. In your opinion the actual university is just a backdrop to a social gathering. So why do we need to pay 10,000 dollars a semester for this backdrop, when we could just set up networking events at some park or convention center? Don't excuse the problem just because it's possible to get something out of it. It's still a problem.

This is pretty much right. The only time college is helpful is for networking and for things like science when you need lab access. If they just offered lab access you could learn all this shit on your own.

Elon is basically a crypto kike that has to settle for 4/10 women

Says a guy that has 3 bachelors degrees. Yeah, like 1% of super genius types will not need a degree to be successful. But for the average person? If you don't have a degree in this economy, and you're a male, you're fucked. Of course there are the trades but they are not for everyone. You can try to be a salesman or work in real estate but its hot and cold. People who shit on college degrees are usually losers that work in a warehouse.

grimes is a queen

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>You meet people, socialize, make connections, network.
all for a low price of 88.88 thousand dollars. and then you spend next 20 years eating the same ramen noodles trying to pay off your college debt. you have to be brain dead to spend that much money on "socializing".

not wrong

she must be giving heavenly blowjobs..

Boomers love degrees. Especially here in France. They always ask you if you had the proper training for everything. I have a meme degree who suddenly became a goldmine due to a loophole in a new law. Those boomers pay me x5 the minimum wage for doing what anyone can do with 1 hours of training.

Agree. Took some time off after finishing uni for learning on my own, and can confirm, that Uni actually made me less intelligent.


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His attitude really pisses me off because he recognizes the problem with universities, but instead of suggesting that we fix them, he just thinks you are stupid if actually went. From childhood every adult role model drills into your head that you have to go to college, now we go and get told, "Ha, you actually fell for that? You aren't to bright are you?". I don't know how they expect you to feel about that. Universities could easily be fixed, all it would take is ending the student loan system as it exists today. No loans for any pointless degrees, that would take care of 99% of the problem. No more bloat, no more low-quality education at premium prices. Just reasonably priced intensive education in subjects that will benefit society.

As a current student, I wish this were true, it just isn't. This is not fun, this is extremely difficult engineering work. Project after project, proposal after proposal, technical document and lab reports as far as the eyes can see. I really thought Elon was smarter than this to be honest, but a lot of the times he seems very aloof.

American kids go to college for "the experience". Friends, booze, weed, MDMA, parties, raves, festivals, spring break, Greek life, sports, sex. Fucking EVERYONE knows it. Education is just a shallow veneer, and these days people only keep it up as a pretense to trying to get it all paid for with tax dollars. It's big business selling this experience to myopic young adults who don't like the long-term consequences of it.

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Don't forget:
The Magic Piece of Paper culture was invented by Boomers who never went through that grind themselves. They left high school and immediately got high-paying jobs with little or no college. Then they got older, obtained positions of power, and now demand everyone younger than them jump through a million fiery hoops to get a job that pays less than Boomers made as a grocery store clerk.

So does that mean he will hire people that don't have college degrees?

Until everyone realizes that jews have taken over all of our institutions and kiked it all to the brim, then things arent going to be fixed.

>they turned our tv and entertainment to shit
>they turned out news to propaganda
>they turned out schools into some of the worst places to grow and learn

this isnt going to stop on it own, its going to get worse until the country(s) collapse.Its up to the natives to stand up, but we are failing miserably.

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Yea boomers still think degrees are the most important thing in the world. If you get a bachelor's they'll say you should get a master's. Why? They have no idea, but people with master's degrees must be successful right? So you should get one. They can't process the time/money investment in relation to the ever decreasing returns. In their minds degrees are still golden tickets to success, which is why so many millennials were pushed into debt to get useless educations.

Doesn't matter as long as employers demand a degree.

Yeah, he's actually said that before. You have to live in Cali though

To be fair, he was a business major. College is nothing but fun and sex for business majors.

I want a qt art hoe too even if it's poor man Laufey Soffía þórsdóttir like him.

Elon is a fucking legend, Grimes didn't know who he was when they met and thought he was some normie. I have a lot of respect for grimes, she stuck to her guns and refused to preform in Israel, kikes crawled out of the woodwork trying to sink her career. Now she is going to live happily ever after.

The is zero chance that these two aren't J-aware and their existence causes the gnashing of semitic teeth so they have my blessing.

He has a bachelors in physics as well

Thats all part of the kike scam, make you go to college to put you 40k+ in debt.


It was a generational trick to keep young people out of the workforce and it worked.

He says he will but I wouldn't trust anything he says. He acts more like an e-celeb than anything else. He's a crowd pleaser, a whore.

That bitch is dumb and gross.

He isn't wrong. Students basically pay $120k for a chance at a business relationship.
t. socially retarded collegefag autist

You also get stuck with pre requisites and having to choose garbage to get enough credits.

I took a video game design class at a Full Sail university and most of what it consisted of had nothing to do with game design. Any courses that covered game design referenced Anita Sarkeesian, Extra Credits, and novelty indie games. That included Depression Quest. Anyway, still waiting for those jacked up tuition costs to be cancelled.

Yeah, sure. Meanwhile he has an HR department that handles the hiring that I guarantee you asks for a college degree.

i'm tired of this conman. at least bezos keeps to himself and you never hear a word from him

im a high school dropout and i make a lot more than all my friends that i went to school with.
but i still drive a f250 from early 2000s, and that seems to bother them for some reason

>not for learning
He's not entirely right, nor is he entirely wrong. American universities have become glorified country clubs for the upper middle class. Not that it's a bad thing. But it's kind of odd. So many people go to college to "find themselves" and go on their "journey of self discovery." But the professional credential is good to have as well.

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Musk is right. College is for morons and a few people that actually have a professional future. We need to destroy the current university system. It shouldn't be highschool 2.0, and all of the bullshit they pad it out with serves you no person other than maybe knowing an answer on Jeopardy to impress your friends. Higher learning must be streamlined for employment only. Hell the only thing 80% of people need in their lives is literacy and basic mathematics. Don't even need highschool.

college really is a meme though. Almost dropped out.. just scraped by with a 2 yr degree and went on to climb the corporate ladder at a small company as an engineer. I feel 100% self made and have accomplished a lot and not even 30 yet.

He's 100% right.
College is pointless and if you really want to do some local networking you just go to community college or join a fucking afternoon program or something.
I've literally used people that I built computers for in high school as references on job applications.

>which is why so many millennials were pushed into debt to get useless educations.
Serves them right, I've stop trusting my boomers parents when I was in highschool. It was clear that they were NPC, hypnotised by the electric jew. Never took any advice from them unlike my debt ridden divorced simp brother with a shitty "muh safe public servant job". Never ever trust a boomer.