Why did Himmler plan on killing 80% of the populations of Britain and France? 2 Germanic countries especially britian whom Hitler believed to be Aryan
Why did Himmler plan on killing 80% of the populations of Britain and France...
He was crazy, would have been killed by Hitler anyways
>Why did Himmler plan on killing 80% of the populations of Britain and France? 2 Germanic countries especially britian whom Hitler believed to be Aryan
Evidence for this plan?
I'll just dump a few pics for the setting.
>In late February 1943 Otto Bräutigam of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories claimed he had the opportunity to read a personal report by General Eduard Wagner about a discussion with Heinrich Himmler, in which Himmler had expressed the intention to kill about 80% of the populations of France and England by special forces of the SS after the German victory.[21] In an unrelated event, Hitler had on one occasion called the English lower classes, descendants of Anglo-Saxons—a Germanic people, "racially inferior".
In late February 1943 Otto Bräutigam of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories claimed he had the opportunity to read a personal report by General Eduard Wagner about a discussion with Heinrich Himmler, in which Himmler had expressed the intention to kill about 80% of the populations of France and England by special forces of the SS after the German victory.[21] In an unrelated event, Hitler had on one occasion called the English lower classes, descendants of Anglo-Saxons—a Germanic people, "racially inferior".
You can make a.prisoner say he was born in china and his mother is Tibetan
That's fair but is it out of the question that nazi leadership would think this way?
I'm not a mind reader, and none of us know any of these people and their nature, you provide evidence and not invent what you think they should be like or you think they are.
your source is wikipedia ... and it's also just the testimony of a war prisoner ... damn
Yes Hitler bad, very mad, nazism bad, very bad, uuuuuhhhh
fuck you bluepilled faggot
Hollywood is not an accurate portrayal of people they never met, knew nor do they have any desire to be historically accurate.
We lack substantial historical accuracy other than accurate portrayal of history which if you aren't a slanderer but a chronicler of history then that means you're a Nazi
How fragile are you nigger? My source is one of the few on the subject and it's a valid question. You need to be less delicate if you are going to have any hope irl.
Don't forget that he also injected bovine testicle juice and sexually abused his niece
Kin of the Devil and scoundrel for sure
Why are you replying to yourself and why do you think I am using Hollywood as source material?
Next time use "Jeruslamen Post", "Israel Times"... as your source, LOL
Nazis liked brits but they still hated slavs and balts so they're still cringe
Yes. It’s out of the question. Germans were perfectly willing to let all kinds of non-aryans exist. There wouldn’t be much point in purging the West when their territorial ambitions were in the East.
We lack substantial historical accuracy of ww2 germany, and if is you try to remedy this historical issue by simply being a neutral chronicler of history and not a partisan passing judgement, you're called a Nazi even if you have no posistive opinion of Nazis or Germany.
Fixed what I meant.
God you are an insufferable faggot. Too much of your dna has mixed with niggers I'd guess.
>Too much of your dna has mixed with niggers I'd guess
Im a pure ibero, more than 93% the rest is french
someone writes:
>"Hitler drew a distinction between the British ruling class and the British lower classes. He regarded the British working class (which, according to his definition of working class, constituted about 80% of the population) as genetically inferior untermenschen, fit only to be used as slave labour or to be exterminated once their usefulness was at an end. Hitler, and the Nazis in general, were great admirers of the British aristocracy and ruling elite, but had only contempt for the broad masses of the British population."
and gets:
>"So they pretty much agreed with the British ruling class itself, then?"
as a response
the nazis were and are jews, they wanted to do as much damage as they could to white europe while they laid the groundwork for the birth of israel
Yes. Because the Nazis were humans like the rest of us and not some fucking bogeyman caricature.
Maybe however it was known even then that both France and Britain were a mix of germanic and Celtic which wouldn't make german high command killing of the non Germanic completely unfathomable
Fascism is an empty vehicle to power, words mean nothing to a fascist, they are just tools to be used and discarded.
If you don't know this, you are one such tool.
>English lower classes
>racially inferior
Well, he's not wrong. Dysgenics os one hell of a phenomena.
So there we have it
Hmm idk
Yeah same with communists
>juanchito larping as a nazi
You do know meds aren't white right? Specially the califate of cordoba
I told you niggers that Himmler was the cancer inside the Reich for years and no one listened to me. Bout damn time, user. Better late than never I suppose.
Hitler was right to hate the British working class, they bring a whole new meaning to the words white trash.
oh look at the latest bullshit history making the rounds
i'm not a natsoc, but seriously, just fuck right off back to censorious crappit with your made up bullshit.
i was taught that danes were the conquerors, norwegians the explorers, and swedes the faggy traders
Extreme environmentalist
show your flag, i know you are a latino
Interesting, very interesting
I'm not a Hitler larper either but you've got to admit that the depopulation of the underclass in the British Isles would be a good thing for us. They are indeed a racially inferior mesh of dysgenic sibhumans who bring great shame.
Contingencies. A good strategist has many.
Hitler considered them inferior but probably didn’t give a shit anyway. He didn’t want England to be part of the Reich. He only cared if the reich was pure aryan. The rest of the world could go fuck itself.
The word aryan was copied and adopted from hindu Indians.
Nazis were retards and lost
> wikipedia
Dysgenics, the ideology. Kill yourself.
The virgin “big black cock” race fetish poster vs the chad “big Bolshevik cock” ideological fetish poster
How is it made up
It is completely unfathomable. The war wasnt fought for extermination of anyone. The story about the "Vernichtungskrieg im Osten" is a lie.
cool motive
still child rape
Found any food yet, Ivan?
Everything written about Germany after the war is a (((lie))).
I'm not sure, to me it seemed like he wanted to claim Europe for the Germanics and making france and England more Germanic makes sense
Because they were subhumans. Only Americans, Germans, and Australians are White
>portray hugely succesful man as the mortal enemy of all jews
>jewish hubris can't help but try to steal credit for it
This is your brain on talmud
Imagine actually thinking the Nazis were just going to kill literally everyone.
Yeah, they hated all those Ukranian SS batallions that they set up. Loathed every minute of it.
Yeah, except they actually started doing that in the East during the war but never even began in France (or elsewhere) throughout a 3 year occupation.
This is just memes from some literally who with no evidence, except it talks bad about Hitler so people buy it.
Really made me think.
Media is unreliable. Without even considering the biases of certain (((people))). The only reason we even have a government is so that corporations can lie to us through the government and we believe they must be telling the truth because we voted for them. Do you think if Al Gore was President during 9/11 that we wouldn't be bombing the shit out of Iraq and Afganistan today? It's silly to think billionaires give us any real agency in our own lives.
It is just a cloth, right?