Non-Americans: What is the most disturbing and horrifying fact you know about the United States?

Non-Americans: What is the most disturbing and horrifying fact you know about the United States?

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And why is it Jews?

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they are really susceptible to propaganda.

Misrepresenting the argument

"America is run by jews and always has been."

That OP is a faggot

shop prices don't have taxes on them, why?

You decided to ally with the enemy the communists and destroy the true white stronghold

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According to the CCD, half the African American women are carriers of Herpes.

Also, apparently 7% of Americans think that chocolate milk comes from brown cows.

they actually consider the spreading of their liberal values to the rest of the world a good thing

nigger culture being a thing

niggers who are good at playing ball get marks on modules they don't even attend in university
you could literally be in a building engineered by a negro who didn't attend physics class

yeah its gay. You just guess that whatever you're buying the actual cost is gonna be slitghly more than the listed price

My fellow burgers lack reading comprehension.

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Mongrelized into oblivion

You can get sentenced by a judge however he/she sees it fit, such as the case with the one kid and his mother forcing him to dress as a girl and use female name

The judge punished the father who was against this by taking lessons in lgbt acceptance or some shit

Alright then, KKK it is.

Every state has their own tax rate. Most states allow counties and cities to add their own tax rate on top of the state tax rate. Then there are special purpose taxing districts to pay for things like sports stadiums. This means a $0.99 Arizona Tea will have widely different prices because the tax varies so much, sometimes even from block to block. Heck, the taxes are different in different parts of the Atlanta airport. One of the concourses even has different taxes depending on which gate you're at.

that americans really are like this

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black ghettos are even worse than what americans write about them
you'd think with all the race hysteria it would be exaggerated 100% but no, it's actually sweapt under the rug

The overwelming majority of American parents are 100% cool with letting jews harvest flesh from their screaming baby's bleeding penis.

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You really have no idea.

That they pay up to 37% income tax and are okay with it. Also that they’re run by kikes

That you together with Israel are responsible for the immigrant invasions in Europe by creating war and destabilising MENA countries

On behalf of America I would like to apologize to all of Europe. Except for Sweden. You faggots deserve all the sandniggers you get.

That regardless of whatever fact you might come up with, America is still the best country in the world to live in.

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are you american or visited here before?
Yeah dude some all black areas are really a nightmare, desu we don't mention it as much because either someone doesn't want to sound racist, or we are just numb/used to it.

This right here.

Why would I be the guy in the middle when I would be the dudes on the left?

That every single stereotype about amerimutts is true.

you love jews

Wow dude, put a bunch of 5-20% homo naledi subhumans in the same area and they act subhuman? Next you’ll tell me that race isn’t just skin color...


america is even worse than israel lol

23% of Australian men will have had sexual relations with a goat at least once in their lifetimes.


You cut up your sons’ genitals for no reason.

toilet stalls with slight openings on the sides so you can see inside

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True. All niggers die. No compromise.

There are a fuckton of poor people

The amount of Jews and the obesity rate. Also, the way nigs and spics live.

Why is that dud holding a burning cross? Does he feel no pain?

show some respect. We send out idiots out to die in muslim shitholes to protect you and our oil

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w**drow w*lson was born there

i visited and drove through one particularly bad part in Charlotte
feared for my life, they were staring at me like they never saw a white person before
probably they have nice neighbourhoods too but enough it enough

why would i want you to protect israel? i want both israhell and muttland gone

>kikels in an american zip code

>our oil
you don't make a buck off of it
it all goes to the Jews you fucking idiot

That americans have no solidarity with each other. They start looting at the drop of a hat and would gladly kill one another given the chance. When they say "I love this country", they just mean the institutions and laws, not the actual people living in it.

Millions dead in South East Asia and the Middle East, endless regime changes all over the world.

Niggers live here en masse. And they're smarter than African niggers, too. And with 20% white admixture, they're stronger and more athletic. They're like Super Niggers. Just smart enough to realize they're their inferior and so this makes them bitter and resentful so they won't leave. But just dumb enough to be convinced they've actually contributed to society... reinforcing their desire to stay.
Niggers are here FOR-EV-AH!
Terrifying, isn't it?

america is worse than israel because of israel

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this is why diversity is bad

i really dont get why mexicans would leave their ethnostate for america

Highest incarceration rate in the world... with private prisons. A coincidence, I’m sure.

Imagine that getting bataclaned by a bunch of guys carrying around boomboxes playing Tiny Tim singles.

I’ll tell you. We as Americans tend to overreact to everything. Ever since the revolutionary war we overreact to all threats no matter how small by mobilizing everything at our disposal. The fact that we are the most powerful and wealthiest country in the world makes this an even bigger issue because it means we drag everyone else down with us when we wreck our economy or get involved in a war.

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He thinks black people are vampires and that it might keep them away. Any pain is worth that.

How the hell are you so blissfully ignorant? My understanding is that Europeans travel quite frequently.

surprisingly the poorest area in america is 100% white WV, i thought it would be detriot before looking it up
we just learn what areas to avoid. I guess try googling black percentage of areas before visiting next time to know where to stay away. Usually they live around big cities, the centers will be only shops and offices for white people and then there will be a ring of blacks around it. Whites here live in suburbs a half hour from the city or in rural farm areas

unironic support of the gheiwars to spread liberal values to the rest of the world

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You are hiding technologies that are beyond anything in existence, to your own people and to the world. From a human to another human, what a shame.
HOPEFULLY, China will bring all those amazing technologies to the world. Whatever you hide you cant hide it for long...
(Free-energy, anti-gravity, water-cars, perpetual engines, and much more).

But the shop owners still know the correct price of the item, there is no reason not to list the full price. Or something like "Price: $4.99. Tax: $0.54".

Also, privately run prisons. I'm 100% for the death penalty and torturing those criminals who deserve it, but not if it implies giving money to some jew in the process.

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>We want civil rights
To rape
To murder
To rob
To destory
Without consequences

The international Jew is working hard to have his way with Israel. It is coming for you as well.

Diversity for Israel!

Do you expect us to? There's no homogenous aspect to life here. My family is extremely polish, am I expected to extend my hand to a mutt I'd rather not touch? There's no sense of brotherhood because no blood is here, no stake in a people I have no relation to

dissolve israel 2020
the us will be part of greater romania

That america is lead by jews

That it's history is one of bloody conquest, genocide, and perpetual war. The America we were taught about never existed, we were never the good guys, the Founding Father's were Freemasons with their own agendas, the whole thing is a big fat lie. We are Rome 2.0 and it's time for a fall, and after all we are only borrowing this continent until it's had enough of us.

American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and Jackie Robinson while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers.

I don't, i dont control our government. I'm guessing you want out of there or you're not really israeli.
Jews control plenty of other shit but oil is the wasps or texas rednecks, think families like the bushs. Or old oil barons

>surprisingly the poorest area in america is 100% white WV
WV is an outlier in just about every way. Don't put too much into that.

America's been called worse by better people fren.

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im really israeli and i really do want to get out of here

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being poor sucks but that doesn't make them inferior or anything, they have their own culture there.

Ruby ridge
Your feds are fucking monsters

give them a pat on the back for being smart

Watch my fucking sides bro

america is either spics or cousin fuckers

Actually circumcision is on a steep decline in America, at 32.5% as of 2009, down from over 80% just a few decades before
>mfw people are wising up

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It's a state matter unfortunately. Some states sell the rights to run prisons and then they do not have to worry about running prisons.

Indeed. Hero's attract haters.
Just admit it, America, you actually love the place.

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they didn't nuke Germany when they had the chance

mexico has less spics

Fixed it for ya, faggot.
OP is a niggerfaggot lol.

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