Can you actually start a community for just whites at this point?

Posing something here that I want to consider if it's possible.

I'm putting my company for sale this year, and may well come into enough money to do some serious good with. I'm also done with living within 100 miles of any major city, been too close to the Chicago/Milwaukee area and the garbage it brings even to the suburbs, so here's what I'm thinking:

I'm considering investing in about 500 acres of land somewhere in the Midwest where it's 99% white or more, and where people don't like to interfere in other's affairs and keep to themselves. Is it possible to, say, create a community development where all residents have a vote on who is allowed in/not allowed to move into the community? I'm thinking that this would be a great way to start a nice little white micro-state that could have potential to grow over time into something pretty interesting.

I guess the question is, if I own all the land the community development is put on, create a private community with something similar to an HOA style authority, would I be within legal right to be able to decide who can move in/who is not allowed?

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No, that would be against the law and there is no land you can use to make a new country since all borders were locked after ww2 for everyone besides russia and israel. If you were to attempt to make an ethnostate the jewish media would unleash a shitstorm on you, label you a terrorist, and shove your shit in so hard that waco would look like a reward.

Yeah. Buy an island or an old oil rig in the ocean.

And the fact that this guy hasn't thought about this and is posting on pol about his plans shows you he's the last one you'd want leading your ethno state anyway

This guy tried something like that.

What is Israel

How would it be against the law if there was simply a vote cast to gauge whether or not someone was the "right fit" if it's not openly discussed as being based on race?

It can simply be that in our private community, that person/family does not fill a need and therefore does not get approval to buy property within it.

Sort of a "club" atmosphere of sorts for the setup, there are plenty of legal loopholes to allow similar decision making in other areas, there has to be a way to do it in this capacity.

Thats a nice pistol son. Yeeeuhh. Been carrying this here colt 1911 ever since the towers fell in '01. Personally I prefer a .22 caliber..been carrying one of those since I was in the army in '76.. because of the way the bullet rattles around in the body. Causes more damage Yep. But I digress, son. The .45 won two world wars. Thats why I cary it. You see son. You cant stop whats commin. Thats vanity. *Sip*

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land development is something i also want to understand. my dad has several hundred acres that i want to develop.

Did I say I wanted to create some form of independent militarized state, dipshit?

I'm simply talking white-centric community in a location that's unappealing to blacks and hispanics, where we can also ensure via vote that all leftist garbage is also never, ever allowed to infiltrate.

After all, it'll just be a private neighborhood.


Do you honestly think our kike owned govt would just let you slide under the radar on that? They are going full court press on normie areas over 50% white, as soon as word got out that you had a comfy little ethno-town every slimy jew lawyer and politician would come at you with everything they have, i dont think you have enough money to get stuck in court with them

I think about this often too, the only possible loophole i can think of would be making it somehow religious based and thus protected. Piggyback off an existing one or just make your own denomination.

Anywhere that's 99% white is 100% rural. As soon as public amenities are created, niggers and spics will move in for the gibs. This is not a practical solution. The solution is to end all public welfare so the third world people go back to their shit holes willingly. They wouldn't want to live here if they had to live like white people.

Inferior races will follow you to leech. So no

Not really close to the same thing. He tried taking over a town, which had no chance. The OP is suggesting creating a town from scratch.

Even if you put non-racial qualifications on community residency if it has a disparate effect on blacks or whoever it's discrimination.

Yeah, problem was, he made it far too openly being about it being white as the face of it. That angle needs to be obfuscated initially - after all, you know there won't be a slew of shitskins wanting to move to, say, the UP in Michigan if there's no incentive. Mostly, it'd be needing to focus on getting right-minded whites to move in, aiming to build a base of people who have just "had enough" and want to get away from the garbage, and to use our resources to attract more to our area.

Last I heard, Orania is still standing, perhaps something like that here can work if it's done intelligently and not by someone who has a known bad name in the movement.

Go look what happened to Willingboro, NJ. It was supposed to be all white. Now it's one of the most disgusting africa-tier nigger infested shitholes in the entire world.

I’ve got a place in Texas user, it’s not 500 acres but the land around me is for sale, I’ve been thinking about the same thing. Eventually creating a private school and small town center. There’s a lot to discuss, but what I can tell you is to do cash sales, written contracts that are binding. But report your land as being owned by you to the appraisal district or tax assessor to stay off the jewdar. It’s very much in the realm of possibility, but it’s gotta be low key until there’s quite a few residences.

No, but you could start a community based on genetic realism. You just have to represent yourself as a sort of religion that would turn away anyone undesirable like white trash.

How can I tell who is white?

Lol, no, Jews would descend upon you like vultures.
The best good you could do would be to buy a fuck load of guns and ammo boxes and sell it all a dollar a pop legally to any white person in the state of Georgia or any other state that's based enough to let strangers sell guns to each other so long as neither party is aware of the other being ineligible to own a firearm legally.
You can demand gov ID to you don't get people buying too many for themselves.
I know that sounds insane but that's unironically what's needed.
The Feds would definitely question you but there is literally nothing illegal about it, unlike a segregated community, not that wouldn't love to live in one.
Best of luck if you aren't LARPing.

>The OP is suggesting creating a town from scratch.
This. Say, I build a dozen quality cabins that would be attractive as "getaway" locations for the right people. Then, slowly build from there to create community, develop resources, and see where it goes.

The government isn't going to be able to throw 50 shitskins into a small neighborhood if there's no housing there to build on. And, if the feds found a way to fuck it up, we move on to a new state and try again. But, if you pay your taxes like good goys, don't get involved in criminal shit, and do good in neighboring communities and make it know you're not there to invade, but to escape and join those who know better than to live in city shitholes, I could see it succeeding.

It has to be better than what's out there now.

Ask them about Jesus.

***You can demand gov ID so you don't get people buying too many for themselves.

Ain’t no such thing as white enough.

Perhaps the religious aspect is what can tie it all together, I didn't want to have to consider that option, but if it were the only way, then perhaps that could be ticket to finding a way to make it work.

A piece of land that deserves to be nuked from existence.

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>You just have to represent yourself as a sort of religion
This is the way. Trying to make a racially pure town has pretty much zero chance of success, because it WILL be wonderful and amazing, and thus all the niggers and liberals will swarm to it, and legally there's not much you can do to keep them out (see what has been happening to Idaho the past 2 decades)

However with religion you are allowed way more leeway. I'm slowly composing the foundational structure (on paper, not literally building it) for a religion that is designed around forming a white haven

I've been saying this for the longest time. End welfare and all the niggers and spics will disappear, and if they don't, then it's shooting time.

Call it Outer Heaven. As in, out and away from this degenerate Jew made society.

>Freedom of association.
It's protected under the bill of rights.

As soon as you have water and trash pickup the kikes will open section 8 to ruin it. It is not something that you can avoid by creating a new town and hoping they don't notice you. Every town in America was 100% white 50 years ago. Shit skins only lived in big cities. That changed because the yids kept pushing for it.

>The solution is to end all public welfare so the third world people go back to their shit holes willingly.
Some might, the rest would just maraud without, idk, pic related.

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Be pragmatic, they will never end the gibs because it keeps the feral niggers relatively tame and provides consistent and dependable votes. If they were to make cuts, literally everything else would come before the gibs.

You literally are not allowed to have white only businesses or white only schools. Every other group gets to isolate but even if we were 30% we don't get to. someday your daughters will have to have mostly nonwhite dating options. And you're called a Nazi if you don't like it.

We just want to not be marginalized out of existence and we are called all kinds of shit. We must fix this while we have a majority or we're doomed.

The niggers shouldn't be here to begin with. They belong in Liberia where Abe wanted to send them.

>your land
>your rules the USA its much easier than anywhere else!

>...would I be within legal right to be able to decide who can move in/who is not allowed?

... i guess, in germany its getting more and more common that "völkische" siedler buy land and build up white communities, growing bio food and selling it to the stores ... ((they)) cant force you to live with people on your land when you dont want it ... when you make a company out of your project its even more difficult to grab you by the balls, complete different legal system with other rules.

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Technically the constitution gives freedom of assembly
But the race relations act basically is unconstitutional and messes up most of that right
Whatever you do it would have to be free of cash exchange /employment /corporate entities or you'd be fucked over for racial discrimination
As for religion you could try it but you'd be creating a barrier to entry (for whites too) and frankly Mormons sound pretty close to what you are looking for

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Wish I could be part of this new community

Just LARP as some obscure Amish sect. Their communities don't allow outsiders in without explicitly making it about race.

Claim to be an all white Native American Tribe.

>We must fix this while we have a majority or we're doomed.
Acceleration is the only way. It's crystal clear now that no legislation is going to do a damned thing. Trump is the last "conservative" president that will ever be elected and he's a kiked GDP whore.

The slow boil will be genocide, the fast boil will wake up the numbers that might make something actually happen

>start a community for just whites at this point?
Yes. A cult. Plus your criteria should be more selective than simply white.
Ideology is more important than skin tone (although skin tone is a great shorthand).

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The only thing that'll happen is the few white people left here will flee back to Europe. Fuck, that's what I'm already planning on doing.

Keep it as your own private property and "let others live on it", but make some contract so that it is their land in all but name. That way you could say "my house my rules"

Thankfully God endorses violence in defense of family and property. If your state doesn't then it's on you to change that.

Exemption From the Fair Housing Act
In certain cases, the following groups may be exempt from following the Act:

Single-family homes that are rented or sold without using a broker
Owner-occupied homes with no more than four units
Members-only private clubs or organizations

Conduct wildlife cull

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Good. Do it.

I’ll wait.

There are many beautiful parts of the USA that are 99% White. Is that 1% really such an issue if you never see them..? By trying to keep that invisible 1% out you are driving away most of the nice white Normies who would otherwise be your neighbors. I say just live in a beautiful 99% white paradise and make babies, but it's your money so good luck.

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>Ideology is more important than skin tone
The only people who say this are mutts and non whites. No matter how much you pretend to care, you're never going to part of it.

>We must fix this while we have a majority or we're doomed.
The solution is to accept the epithets instead of cowering when they are applied.

I would not do that
Europe is doomed to Islam

Morbid obesity

No it's not. Europe is a big place, and it's the white man's homeland.

>racial discrimination

...this only applies when you tell the applicants in a dumb way that nigger and spiks can fuck off.

yes. look up German communities in South America after WWII.

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>The only people who say this are mutts and non whites
I just have shitty neighbours - the bong version of rednecks. Do you really want uncultured rednecks in your pristine ethnostate?

>Can you actually start a community for just whites at this point?
yeah it's called the rich part of city

its being done via other barriers - like housing prices

We are already seeing the law infer discrimination
If the last 1000 families you let in were all white they'll say statistically you must be racially discriminating
Better to set up a legal situation where no applicable laws have any such "protection"

There's no need to accelerate anything. Society is already falling apart fast enough. We need to prepare for the chaos that's coming. Improve yourself and help your community. If you don't have a community then figure out how to get one.

Yes. The dumbest white person is still worth more than any nigger or spic. I'm sorry you still don't realize this.

Realistically this is the only way it can work legally right now. Private property, no trespassing.
OP can make it look like a hippy dipshit "intentional community" to stay under the radar. Otherwise they will jew him with everything they can to ruin his day: native interference, building codes, inspections, media attacks, water rights, environmental nonsense, eminent domain, you name it.

Europe is literally not a big place
It's the most densely populated continent
Yes I know I live there
And I'm telling you it's already lost to islam
Unless you plan to come over with 10,000 tanks and a few "cleansing squads" then don't bother

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The UK isn't part of Europe. You people are just as bad as Jews imo.

>build whites only ethnostate
>somehow a jew or liberal gets in and starts campaigning for shitskins to be allowed in
>young girls start creating dissent and drama in the community, are whores that sabotage the morals of the group, men afraid to keep them in-line due to modern principles. Girls pave the way for group's destruction by creating in-fighting, liberal values, hypergamy, etc.

>Can you actually start a community for just whites at this point?
Dont ask questions like this just do it.

Unfortunately are spot on
If it looks like a tenant / rent agreement they'll find land law cases to force diversity / non disc.

You're not allowed to join any club you want. We can do the same in other capacity.

You're better off selling your houses or land allotments with an indefinite buyback option in the contract that states if the buyers are interested in selling their home, you're entitled to be the first person they try to sell to and must agree to something less than 125% the appraised value.

Your options are:
1. international waters (old oil platform, swimming city, underwater station etc)
2. the antarctic
3. mars
4. isolated religious community in a country with strong property rights
5. annexation/usurpation of land in a failed state

That, my friend, is a great idea.

So you want to create an ethnostate for white people? Fuck off nazi.

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the uk is in the middle of what people typically define as the european continent.