The Circus (a cautionary tale)

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I read it so no one else has to. Too long and it’s a dumb strawman
>muh good times make weak men

Wrong. Try again.

Lmao is that what you got from it?

Based cringe poster

>all different shades of beige black and brown

A bit too on the nose here

Sounds alot like..wait no that cant be right.

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This. Even white looking people can be leeches. You need a second draft and it needs to be more to the point and focus on the fucking circus.

That's dumb. No one would raise a family on a circus net.

boomer post

If there was no safety net then performers would fall to their death, and I doubt you could build a house in a net of all things.

Retarded nigger shit. Go back to Africa with that and enjoy your primitive collapsed economy.

Safety nets aren’t passive. They’re dynamic. People live! They change over time. Even their very thoughts shape the world we live in; without thoughts, we’d be poor indeed.

Moreover, behold the tale of the Greeks.

Joomer post.

You forgot to mention that living in the net means you are living in pretty shit circumstances, hand to mouth and with no chance of any purchase bigger than a used car, and literally anywhere above the net is better.

Fuck off back to reddddit, kike

The original acrobats were from the circus.

The Greeks did not industrialize. They had machinery, but they put it to little use. They had calculators and steam engines and simple articulations. They even had the thought of doing more, but they didn’t.

Why not?

It was too expensive. They couldn’t afford the metal; they couldn’t afford the craftsmen of that quality. But oh, most of all!

They had slaves.

The slaves worked or they starved. So they worked, and worked, and worked. The Greeks thought they were very productive, and didn’t want to buy expensive machines when they could have cheap slaves.

There was no safety net in ancient Greece... so they never fucking industrialized. If they’d had a godforsaken welfare system buttressed by a universal concept of human rights


There would’ve been nothing holding back Greece. Oh, but they had slaves. How quaint.

You have to care about truth in this world, not just what flatters your feelings.

and the only reason they feel confident in preforming, the reason they became such a huge attraction is because the net was ther to catch them in case they did fall, whether amatures or experts.

The success of the circus relies on the ability to fall and get back up. Otherwise all the great preformers would likely die in the proccess, being a zero sum game.

You forgot that the correct function of a safety net is to stop people hitting the ground if they fall, not to provide a permanent residence for the world's acrobats.


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>no personal responsibility kills society
>nothing is too big to fail

You forgot to include the reason the acrobat originally fell into the net was because the clown shot at him with a gun.
Shit analogy.

please come back with something that actually hold water. I would love to discuss this topic more

with automation and other advances, along with population growth, cheaper education, some humans, in order to "work", would have to be placed in bullshit jobs, meaningless pointless jobs. They have to work them though, because if a portion of humans don't need to work, the ones that are working get upset and whine, which is reasonable i guess.

Yes, when the net was used for it's intended purpose everything was great. That's even part of the story (the acrobat is doing his job, falls and is caught by the excellent net). The circus is initially world famous partly due to the excellent safety net, before the net is abused and misused.
What point are you trying to make that isn't already addressed in the text?

>along with population growth

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i am not reading all that shit

You have to kick the people that lay on the net too long out.

Thats the point I was making, its not a place the vast majority would ever want, or could, live. Any other place in the circus results in better living conditions for the people in the net. The people who manage to scratch an existence permanently in the net are generally useless to society as a whole anyway, and without the net would be trying to steal the jugglers balls to survive, and end up costing the circus a lot more in lost revenue than the cost of the safety net.

Fuck off and die you disgusting tranny faggot.



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Agreed. Thanks for clarifying.

it's awful, and stupid, amateur writer

The few that try to abuse the net in such a way can be shaken out of it. Most people will not settle for mediocrity, and will remove themselves from the net. The text's conclusion is that 1 person was allowed to abuse the net, so therefore we shouldn't have one? That's not solid reasoning.

Not an argument, VPN bro.

Yeah retard I'm not trying to argue
I'm saying the story itself is painful to read, it's garbage, and it beats you over the head with its points

not gonna read im to dumb

>The text's conclusion is that 1 person was allowed to abuse the net, so therefore we shouldn't have one?
No, that's not the text's conclusion. The text explicitly states that the circus didn't mind it's own acrobats living in the net.
You also seem to be missing the importance of the Safety Inspector's role.

What caused the acrobat to fall in the first place?

And? It's in the style of a children's story.
I believe this is you "trying" to argue, is it not ???

>"slipped and fell"

Why did the acrobat slip?

shucking and jiving on the tightrope

Purple drank

>oh ho ho me make velly funny joke ne you see you see you see
yeah that’s great Tojo now how about you fuck off and find another board you stupid yellow dink

oh shi

It doesn't matter. Could have been an accident. Bad luck. Shit at job. Even on purpose.
The safety net caught him as it was designed to do.

Rules is rules.

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Did you write this garbage?
Why are you so defense when it comes to the story
Did you write it or are you just a fragile retard whos never made a thread before

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I do that last one I have discord

Your leap from 'they had slaves' to 'they need welfare system' to 'and they would then have a wonderful world' does not really connect one to the next.

Studies have shown that in Germany, the percentage of those able but unwilling to work on long-term unemployment benefits is about 5%.

Imagine throwing 95% of your fellow men who have fallen on hard times under the bus because you just can't stand that 5% which is getting by 'for free' at the bare minimum living standards.

Its about welfare retard

I'm just enjoying your discomfort.

>studies have shown

Who the fuck, unwilling to work while on unemployment benefits, would say that they were unwilling? You are literally allowing the Jews to play with your stupid pea brain with rigged methodology and even shoddier definitions.

99% guarantee that the "study" has a methodology when self-reporting as willing is considered 'willing'.

Nowhere in the story does it suggest getting rid of the safety net. The story is not anti-safety-net. Read it again.
>your fellow men
and maybe keep that phrase in mind as you do.

It's not a questionnaire idiot.
If you don't comply with jobbapplications, don't show up to work deemed fit for you, etc. your benefits get cut.

People want to work. People dont want to be a burden. For every lazy mooch, there are 19 average joes just needing some help.

Immigrants come late in the story, everything up to that is very much anti-safety-net.

Based 90 iq t_d boomer. Life was so easy for you wasn’t it? Just finish high school and buy a house with a mcjob. Not even factoring in Flynn affect you “successful” boomers were retards haha.

Civic nationalism is retarded and regression to the mean makes it literally incapable of being sustainable. Another t_d boom boom who believes is magic and souls.

Genes create possible thoughts. Black people will never contribute as a whole to a first world country. Screenshot this and post it in 2300 when it still hasn’t happened dumb boomer.

memetics requires succinctness.

this says a lot about our society

Cart before horse. Genes cause the poverty and inability to move up. Race is average gene frequencies. Flip the coin millions of times and it’s a rule QED.

Education doesn’t increase IQ.


Its too long. Instead of foreigners they should be other people in the circus

>Acrobat goes up and thinks about falling
>Risks it because he has the net (emblematic of most people with jobs)
>Succeeds because he didn't need to worry about falling
>Next jump he falls, thankful for the net
>At top again, realizes the net isn't that bad compare to working
>Falls again and stays
>Stays for week
>Other acrobats start staying (represents his family)
>Lion tamer, knife thrower, etc start staying (represents other jobs within country)
>Everybody stays in net (Snack bar guy, ticket checker start staying) (represents foreigners)
>The leader walked 'round the main tent
>Sad, he couldn't pay any rent
>He tried to be quiet but had so much inside
>That at his ex workers the ex leader cried
>"This circus used to be such a success"
>"The newspaper said we were better than the best"
>"Our acrobats flew and our lions they roared"
>"Every night there were lines at the door"
>"We don't do that anymore we lie and sleep"
>"And wonder why their boss always weeps"
>"And the reason the few visitors we get?"
>"Nobody wants to look at losers in a net"