>release bio-weapon on to the public
>expect praise because they killed off as many infected as they cared too in their own country
what the fuck is wrong with chinks?
Fucking stupid, but chinks will eat it right up since so many of them are ardent chauvinists.
>implying western nations didn't offer to help
>implying foreign countries are somehow responsible for a novel virus breaking out in China first
Fuck China, they did this.
But Wuhan.. is in China.
You fucking chink pieces of shit keep causing global pandemics. H1N1, SARS, Avian Flu and now Corona. Next year it will be another virus. Chinks are a plague on the world.
China can suck my 9" BWC. Fuck chinks.. literally.. I fuck this chink teaching assistant at a university here.. bitch never shaves but she craves white cock and she pretty tight.
Maybe they should apologize for being a major disease vector.
The Doctor in China that first identified the virus was silenced and threatened with jail. The virus then spread unchecked for weeks. China owes us.
Why are chinks so soft?
Chinkland should be gassed and glassed for allowing the virus to escape it's borders
Don't forget their big one, Bubonic Plague.
This. FUCK china and FUCK communists.
The only ones I care about are chink dancing girls on bilibili.
Fuck them. They need to be humbled.
>eat bats
>get the virus
>spread it around the world
>demand apologies from those who did not eat bats
But they got mad when countries started blocking travel from China. What have China done exactly? Its now in every country.
Fuckers lived in filth and ate rats and then wiped out half of Europe. It's always something with these subhumans.
Yes I will 100% believe the communist regime
>weapon release didn't really work
Lol no. Their retarded policies and culture started this whole shit. How hard is it to not eat bat soup and grind up pangolins for boner pills that don’t work?
That were kikes poisoning wells tho
Remember the six gorillion who died from coronavirus you bigots.
I unironically admire china
And i hope that soon they’ll become our new overlords and spread communism here
>every case from around the world and united states being reported as a victim of their location of residence not by race
They should thank media amd governments for being complicit in the coverup. Everyone is a chink or has hapa chink family.
when this blows over the world should collectively fucking nuke the gooks
This guy has the right idea
kek, jews have shabbos goys, so you are the chinks' shilling gaijin
fuck off ching chongs. in the first place you should have been nuked anyways. on the other side all chinks in italy should be gassed.
yeah incel deal with it
Can't argue with that.
I'm sorry china!
I'm too busy thanking Putin for low oil prices.
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I'm sorry you cant drive.
Truer words have never been spoken!
We are both successful high iq collectivist nations, we fit to each other
(Just like capitalistic jew individualists fit to americans)
The CCP projects so hard Carl Jung could have used them as a case study.
Oooff you got me there, son.
Not only will we not apologize, I want someone to put a bullet in Xi and the CCP party leadership.
the usa released it. cope
I love how the Chinese use our own tactics against us. They’re like the Jews of the East.
Fuck China.
They deserve to feel like shit after what they are putting the entire world through.
They are doing us a favour by killing weaklings
This doesn't work anymore, they have people that live outside the wall who post on their behalf and have for at least 2 years.
What does it say? For those of us who can't read tamagotchi.
i feel like the backlash/hate/resistance against that post makes me post it more
I never thought of it that way before.
Imagine dressing like that after running if to suck upper caste wang and pretending your dirty rat eating parents in mainland don't exist.
Be that as it may....
I thought I would have had some hand in it to.
>apology for the virus they unleashed
Go fuck yourselves, you sub-human insectoid chinks
fuck china
>Apologize to us for our poor cultural sanitary practices almost creating a global pandemic
>We barely contained it and used brutal authoritarian tactics that demonstrate we're as trustworthy as a fly by night company that employs only serial killers
I'm gonna go with no.
lmao die commie
If the fucking Chinks had sanitary standards and didn't eat weird filthy shit, there wouldn't be a virus in the first place. Indefinitely quarantine China until they get their shit together.
which hole?
shut the fuck up mutts everuone knows the cia released it
Forgot the Spanish Flu. I'm relatively certain that it came from China as well. They really live up to the nickname "the sick men of asia," don't they?
So any proof of this outside a single picture?
Companies really need to pull manufacturing out of china
>causes problem
>problem spreads to others
>demand apology
fucking bugmen
Die you slant-eyed fuck. I hope Corona-Chan comes to visit you
chinese really are the niggers of the insect world
china loves to show off pictures of shanghai, but the fact is like 800 million of them still live in dirt floored huts and sleep with their livestock to keep warm. that's part of why so many diseases originate there.
Yas Forums won't allow links because Chinese insectoid bugs control this site.
>You should apologize to us for releasing a bioweapon
Get fucked insects. You deserve worse than a plague of locusts
As soon as those fucking slopes stop eating bats and insects and shit thus introducing fucked up pathogens into humans I'll consider it.
Applause for how they dealt with the fuck up
Life changing.
Unless there's evidence of it, it looks like the chinks fucked up with their Wuhan lab right where the outbreak started.
How many chinese are even still around at this point? Doors were getting welded shut at the end of January. Road blockades were set up keeping people in cities and blocking farmers from delivering food at the start of February. Chinese don't have a culture of prepping for SHTF and most likely ate their cats, dogs, children 2 weeks ago.
did your chode get hard while typing this fantasy?
How about about a collective fuck you instead
>many Europeans and Americans will die
>then European and Americans companies will continue to do business with China as usual
Accept it. The corporations will NOT take a hit because some sheep died.
Soz m8
They deserve war
>Create Sars.
>Create swine flu.
>Create every horrible fucking disease that somehow spreads around the world since diseased rats hitched rides along Chinese merchants going down the Silk Road.
>Demand an apology.
I'm not apologizing for shit, I didn't tell them to eat bat soup and get sick. People doing the "oh they are so pour its all they have to eat" horse shit are fucking retarded cause they even eat Pangalins, you gotta go outta your way to even get one of those.
They eat nasty shit that causes diseases.
Fuck you, China.
How about they get nuked from orbit? It's the only way to be sure.
wtf. I love China now
Sorry Gyna