All coronavirus cases are faked

They label patients who have pneumonia or severe flu as infected with the coronavirus.
It's all faked. It's all scripted. The market drops have nothing to do with the coronavirus. They are carefully executed simultaneous and massive stock dumps to crash the markets.

Attached: bald_eagle-normal.jpg (960x720, 491.44K)

Other urls found in this thread:

My wife is a doctor.
The gave a Corona prep thing to all faculty and residents and they are not even allowed to test.
They have to call the government. Explain the case to them. Then the government decides to either come and look or not.
Then the government decides whether it wants to test.
Hospital does nothing but report supposed cases.

One of their goals is to prevent the reelection of Trump.
One other is to pass controversial laws without any attention from the people (e.g. here the government just forced the law on reforms of the pensions on which everyone was protesting 3 months ago)

This is what a suspect. Way too much hysteria. Way too much fear and irrationality.

Trump gets...

1% off interest rates he's been whining about.
Bubble half pops and he takes no blame.
Iranian leaders dying.
China harmed massively as companies make at least bare minimum contingency plans.

So...sounds like a Trump scam to me. Market will rise through the election and he can explain away the single hiccup as being basically unavoidable by anyone.

ill remember this post when youre dead

Not a single case worldwide under age 10
Name another wildspreading dangerous virus that somehow can't hurt an undeveloped immune system.
Pro-Tip: You can't.


>hasn't seen the video of 3 kids put in the same body bag

how covidient

now thats what i call consolidation!

If you've been following the market, you know a crash has been in the works for quite some time. Coronavirus is clearly the scapegoat.

Attached: quote-the-illusion-of-freedom-will-continue-as-long-as-it-s-profitable-to-continue-the-illusion-frank-zappa-34-71-29.jpg (850x400, 94.89K)

so real i'm sure
which country is it from? wher eis the press release about dead children?

ok, coofer

Fucking exactly..the fucker was a massive huge bubble.. Just look at Tesla if you want should be a penny stock.

no it's the trigger. the system has been weak and based on enormous amounts of debt and imaginary assset prices. unter such circumstances, such massive shocks to the economy set off a vicious circle

Especially when they are planned ahead in order to be used as a scapegoat.

it's the common cold retards

Its a lab created sars with a mix of special sauce...

Attached: luigibros.jpg (650x876, 311.62K)

>alarming photos
I wasn't alarmed until I read that I should be alarmed.

Except America can’t force China to shut down their whole economy for months with a fake virus. You retards think the Dems and Republicans are the centre of the fucking cosmos

>it's fake
*pic related*

G-Goodbye baguette, my son...your wine was slightly better than our own...

Attached: ou-look-at-him-and-tell-me-theres-a-god-29750163.png (500x522, 118.5K)





You really have too little imagination.
China is still producing all sorts of stuff.
I import.
They asking me for orders.

Attached: 1569482910315.jpg (570x558, 87.01K)

french flag using american

>Iranian leaders dying

of a fake virus. well thought out, good post

Take your meds schizo.

I didn't say it was fake.
Did I?
I think you need to slow down and expand your mind on what a hoax can or might entail?

this nigger knows whats up

it fucked up bars and restaurants

So what's your point? If the governments of the world are working together to fake a pandemic, dont you think that means shit is about to get fucked? Should people not be prepping if the biggest psyop in history is being perpetuated? Entire countries are being cut off from the world, but, what?

>The market drops have nothing to do with the coronavirus. They are carefully executed simultaneous and massive stock dumps to crash the markets.

Attached: 7C51FFEB-53E8-4B3B-85ED-5781EA1074AF.png (777x412, 177.51K)

>If the governments of the world are working together to fake a pandemic

Attached: 0C3AA2C6-0C5F-4252-B1E9-40DE4526A236.jpg (564x398, 62.8K)

fuck off shlomo

Attached: JIDF_niggers.gif (477x464, 2.69M)

based frog, one frog with an iq above room temp

Attached: image.png (500x391, 272.13K)

This theory suffers from the "Too many moving parts" problem.

If you tried to coordinate every entity in the world to tell the same lie, the whole thing goes to shit instantly.

ACTUALLY PLAUSIBLE VARIANT: The virus is real, but was released intentionally to create the effects that you outline.
This idea would only require:
1. a clandestine unit to release the virus
2. Corodination among the richest people to crash the stock market
Yet does NOT require:
> Cooperation from thousands of ground-level doctors.

My wife is a lab tech
I can confirm

>This theory suffers from the "Too many moving parts" problem.
World is dynamic who would’ve thought

Ya. You're a retard

>Ya. You're a retard
Nice argument. So convincing for lurkers

>One of their goals is to prevent the reelection of Trump.
Democracy isnt real. Stop being a retard.

Well, when you really assess how little we know about anything happening in the world, it places all kinds of theories into the realm of possibility, which makes it that much more important to weed out the ideas that require unrealistic amounts of coordination.

We've literally seen the videos of people dying from it, why do you lie?

Only place trump can’t be censored is his rallies. They need to stop it

This. Surprised to see this isn't a popular sentiment here, this board has gone down hill.

They're also wanting to use it to practice martial law and compulsory vaccination.

>We've literally seen the videos of people dying from it,

Attached: EDFEFDD0-9DA3-49D9-9323-8825DCD608D2.jpg (586x324, 39.12K)

I genuinely hope you are killed

>Democracy isnt real.
Yet another notion with "too many moving parts".

Protip: it is entirely reasonable to think that local government officials, or people involved with voting machinery could TILT the vote in their direction, but to believe that the entire vote is ENTIRELY faked requires cooperation from every poll worker in the country.

Not him, Im pretty skeptical. Nobody believes in the political stunts anymore, too many sociopaths, hard to trust info on either side. Really wish 90% of you faggots died tomorrow, but thats not for me to decide.

>Canadian swoops in to say something awful and make OP look entirely reasonable by comparison

>press release
>he thinks governments and media are honest

>autism is beyond 9000

Just population centers. That’s why D need black votes so nobody questions a statical anomaly 100% voter turnout with 98% going D to offset the rural votes.

so you think Iran has solid Corona tests sent out to all hospitals then?
Those monkeys are probably calling all flus KungFlus by now because it adds to the hysteria and if the West is concerned about a baby flu, then they aren't focused on them.

The truth is usually between the lies presented user. If someones trying to sway your opinion or make you protect one, yeild and analyze.

Your wife is a cocksucker.

based retard

>100% voter turnout with 98% going D
This is exactly the kind of thing that they AVOID doing.
>to offset the rural votes
And yet, because they avoid the above, they still leave open the possibility of losing, like they did in 2016.

>Calling a man's wife a cocksucker
I mean, one would hope so...

You can't prove a single thing coming out of China is a fact, is in the true context, or even state sponsored disinfo campaign, which is what Communist Countries do.