Why should I worry about Corona?

>Yas Forums
>Strong immune system. Rarely get sick
Why should I worry? Even if I catch it I won't die.

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I feel the same way.
But are you immune to the strain after you catch it once or naw?

>user gets the coof
>user gets reinfected
>user gets raped by corona-chan even harder
She never leaves you, dipshit. Maybe you'll make it a while, but she'll come back eventually, and you will succumb to it.

Lol not the way it works faggot.
I love these wannabe scientists spreading FUD.

You should be more worried about your willingness to go on a public forum and put on display your absolute childish ignorance.

>ello their mysterious travela, what would you loik to buy t'day


You don’t need to worry about the virus personally but unless you a homeless freak who lives in the woods or something it will likely have a second hand impact on your life one way or the other

Are you touched in the head?

Attached: Screenshot_20200309-134956.jpg (1453x207, 101.45K)

Do you have parents or grandparents?
Do you have a job?

corona's nothing
the economic collapse is the real happening

the 1918 spanish flu killed over 50 million, it mostly killed the young and healthy

>Yes and I hate my coworkers so if I get the virus I don't mind killing a few of them with it

they are one in the same, airlines collapse and so does the need for oil

Three words: nigger rape squads

bros should i shave off my chad beard? I heard germs are stored there and surgical masks don't work

There will probably be a world economic crisis. Probably the biggest ever due to China completley shutting down and disrpting the production of... everything. That'll be a big enough problem on its own, and a lot of people's lives will change drastically.
A person worth anything will probably be fine, but they'll go through some hardships.

That's what I'm more worried about.

damn that looks comfy asf

I also got a good immune system. Never sick. Take my multi/vitamine C. Yas Forums.

Still got a throat infection and my ears are fucked and i feel dizzy sometimes as of late.

Am i gonna make it

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this is a meme.

Behold, the pond sage.

He will answer one question, what's gonna be?

what's his secret?

>Even if I catch it I won't die
Exactly, you have a 99.8% chance of survival if you catch corona and you are as you described, young and healthy. You really shouldn't give a fuck unless you have children or you are in regular contact with someone who's old or weak, as you may compromise them (but even so that person still has a better than 80% chance of living lmao)

>Yas Forums

post body you faggot dyel

Corona chan is like one of those Bloodborne bosses. It has a second phase

I'm 49 and /fat/ but I don't care, corona is click bait bs spam nonsense only chinks and people who want to die end up dying.

Attached: unnamed.jpg (512x289, 39.86K)

>Even if I catch it I won't die
You kids need to hang out in /cvg/, the ignorance in this thread is embarrassing

Attached: HIV glycoprotein in COVID-19.jpg (1242x1518, 835.2K)

>tl:dr, why there won't ever be a vaccine

Attached: ADE in coronavirus.png (1147x1195, 220.86K)

>Why should I worry?

I work for a big multinational that makes a lot of food products, the food isnt the problem, it's that were running out of materials to package them.
Food distrubution will have to be resourcefull or nobody will be getting any food in month from our company.
And all the other company's are in the same boat.

>tl:dr infection leaves you immonocompromised like HIV, perhaps permanently

Attached: T-cell exhaustion in COVID-19.png (699x496, 146.57K)

Potion seller. I need to purchase your strongest potions.

Attached: Hello Potion Seller.jpg (242x208, 4.07K)

>tl:dr it can cause fatal seizures even in the healthy

Attached: Neurological trauam via ACE-II.jpg (1392x1506, 749.43K)

Don't believe it's fucking severe? Check out the long term physical trauma of people who got SARS (and guess what's in SARS-nCovid-19?)

Attached: SARS long-term morbidity.jpg (1220x1089, 196.55K)

No, it's documented history.

its not the virus that should scare you, but the societal consequences

You'd become infertile and scar your lungs

This thread made me google around a bit. And apparently you can get the virus more than once. Chances are you don't become immune after you've had it.


OP is a gay larper. Check em.

Oops wrong link


wot a fuckin sikk cunt that guy is

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good catch mutt but normies and half of the faggots in here think that dealing with a lab virus made to wipe out slowly and silently people by destroying lungs and your immune system is like in movies.You got the virus and die in a week.Too much hollywood.When nigers and migrants looting their wealth (house /cars etc) they will cry like little bitches.We are here 2 month now talking about coronachan.Now what is gonna be done is irreversable for a great part of the world.

Attached: CHECKED.jpg (224x307, 11.73K)

If I could be like that
I would give anything
Just to live one day
In his shoes
If I could be like that
What would I do
Lord, what would I do

Attached: handicapped-boy-singing-on-microphone-picture_csp20952573.jpg (300x470, 44.04K)

You just don’t have to be elderly or have asthma and you’re good

>Yas Forums
>doesn’t post body
You sure about that buddy?

here's my body
>177 lbs

Attached: albanaian.jpg (187x250, 4.54K)

Same, plaus I work completely alone
My only worry is my family who are all very social people and they're overall unhealthy

>Now what is gonna be done is irreversable for a great part of the world.

Attached: February 2020 death predictions.jpg (755x255, 82.64K)


That's why everyone should ceep calm and carry on. Panic quarantines don't do shit, but spreading information on qui bono, health tips, science and r&d. If we just sit by the slidelines, the Jew and its next black plague will simply happen complete with a nice Israeli vax cocktail full of good goy points.

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my dick is 7 inches erect not that bad

This isn’t the Spanish flu tardass, different diseases act differently

Not enough

Can someone link that coronavirus leak? You know the one

>my dick is 7 inches erect
post it
>inb4 faggot





Retards arent immune to the Virus.

That prediction obviously didn't take reinfection into consideration

sys.Yas Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3ns6c1.mp4
Not sure if this will post the link right.

>t. faggot phoneposter

How marvelously enchanting, I would make the purchase of two swords, a potion and your finest ham

Potion seller. I need your strongest potion against corona.

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More urbanites must die, I want to go back

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