So transgenders or trans right activist are attacking gay men and lesbians for not dating/fucking them. It's basically a real life example of an ouroboros.
Trannies Of Twitter
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I suppose
yeah, maybe some people don't want to date trans folks because they're transphobic. how does this shit help anyone tho? these brain dead faggots don't get they're causing most of the hate towards them with this shit.
My body my choice
How dare you?
Imagine being a tranny and saying other people are diseased.
This just recently happen.
Perv, 64, dressed up as a pupil in school uniform to carry out sex attack on girl, 14
Michael Wilson, 64, disguised himself as a schoolboy of Headlands School in Bridlington, east Yorkshire, before squeezing a teenage girl’s bottom.
I'm starting to think trannies are just psychopaths trying to take advantage of others
It's not enough that we call them she/her, now we HAVE to fuck them or we're transphobic. Soon they're just going to start raping people
Gay cismen should marry gay transmen so they aren’t sinning.
>Trannies Of Twitter
sounds great
like a netflix costumbrist drama
Its family hates it. There is a 50% chance that it will kill itself. It has no friends. It is worthless.
whats a cis gay man? a normal gay man who wanna have sex with other gay man?
and now its problematic when these gay man turn down uhhh... women who were made men?
>Soon they're just going to start raping people
except that if you call it rape instead of 'sincere unconditional love', you'll be a transphobic bastard liable of hate crime
>cis gay
hahahahaha based faggots and trannies infighting
>diseased mouth
As a faygala, blacks and trannies bitch all the time that no one wants to fuck them.
Cis white male and i would murder a faggot trans homo before i would ever date or touch him. Does that make me a homophobe? I actually consider them heterophobes which is wrong.
By this logic I'm sexist for not dating women because they're a marginalized group. GG LGBT pwned
phobias arent diseases, theyre mental disorders
sorry I’m not going to lick your hairy pussy or flesh nub just because you cut off your tits and changed your name to Preston
>be awkward loser
>"I know, if I can't get a gf/bf, I'll just change genders and pretend to be gay."
>cut off penis or get a fake one installed
>still claim they aren't mentally ill
the most apt description
>Starting to
You're a little late.
lesbians might be easily bullied with this tactic but it's not gonna work on gays
a trans man is a woman that is pretending to be a man, user
a trans woman is a man who is pretending to be a woman
a gay man with a XY chromosome who identifies as a man.
The trans movement is the penultimate example of Marxist attempts to reengineer humans. So theyre proportionally way more obnoxious than the lesser examples. So obnoxious that they alienate their fellow experiments. The trannies will be the group which alienates everyone from democrats and leftism.
i'm so confused
is it gay to be with a trans person?
which gender is what in this post?
and how is this happening?
>I'm starting to think trannies are just psychopaths trying to take advantage of others
Well hurry up.
Are trannies just the final form of an incel?
It's funny, I've been around for years and seen all kinds of awful gore, and it doesn't affect me in the slightest
but this.
This makes me sick.
if you are with a man who has a pussy, it's gay. If you are with a dick-girl, you are straight. According to them.
It's funny how many people find trannies disgusting and wouldn't touch one with a 10-foot pole, but will say on social media or whatever they support "trans rights" for no other reason than it's the socially acceptable thing to say and peer pressure works.
They’re turning on each other, you hate to see it
Fucking trancels
Militant trannies are taking over the internet
It’s awful
>starting to think
Man you are late to the party
>man with a pussy
so.. someone who cut their dick off? or someone claiming to be male?
is this just pre-op trannies or an actual girl who got a dick attached?
>something about sucking a dick feels gay
>it aint
top kek
Both are men just one cut off its penis.
What the hell is wrong with you, saving that
Option one for FtM:
>However, a neopenis resulting from a metoidioplasty is often too small for penetrative sex.
Option two:
>Compared with a metoidioplasty, a phalloplasty results in a larger penis. However, this neopenis cannot become erect on its own.
>After a period of recovery, a person can have a penile implant. This can allow them to get and maintain erections and have penetrative sex.
So if you're a gay man, your options when fucking a transman are:
>fucked-up micro"penis" that can't get erect
>fucked-up franken-penis that you vomit at the sight of, and that grows hair, and often still cannot become erect
For reference, pic related is the result of phalloplasty, the "better" of the two options. Even if you consider gays insane, they're not so deplorable that they want this monstrosity within a 10 mile radius of them, same as any other sane human being.
no thats just how they treat all basement dwellers like yourself.
FtMs are the best trans
I get to stick my peepee in a vagina and openly still hate women. In fact "he" can't even argue to the contrary less he be outed as just a trans trender because surely a man knows what I'm talking about
Also most FtMs look adorable
I used to go to Yas Forums, but they were super unsupportive about my transition as a transsexual. They said I couldn't make it. This was 2 years ago and I'm only back now to share this. Before my recent visit 2 years ago, it had been 5 years or more since I stopped by. It changed so much. I've never seen so many assholes and incels in one place.
I literally picture these people wearing hunter/military apparel, living in plywood shacks with playboy and internet printed porn tacked to the walls, with beer cans all over the place, and have a gross bed right next to their cigarette stained PC and keyboard.
You bet your ass they are Trump supporting, right wing, cuckold-loving, black-hating, gun-toting, out of shape shack people.
The fact that they love these icons only shows their love passed down information within their circle and shows no actual thought behind what they say and who they say it to.
It's a lot of hate and I knew they were completely full of shit from the start. They tried to sow seeds of doubt within my mind, assuming I was frail, but I look back and laugh at them.
How does it feel to be analysed accurately 4channers? Come at me. See if I even read your tear-soaked words. Just do the dignified thing and keep it to yourself. Retaliation only shows how little you've grown, 4channer incels.
lol i would never touch a tranny. Please join the 50%
That's only slightly worse than a normal vagina
Which I don't lick by the way. Pussies are nasty bile ridden cauldrons
we were never allied, its hetero men who watch too much porn
mostly right but almost none of these people are actual forest dwelling rednecks, theyre still the same computer fags but they like role playing as a big strong man.
They are going after gay men now? Soon they will join the lesbians in their hate of trans idiots.
>Implying even a tranny wants you to touch her
so, a straight woman?
Sodomites and trannies should just be donated to china or the taliban for scientific research
Sorry I don't want franken-weenie in my mouth, I don't see how that's not my prerogative pertaining to my own sexuality? How is it different from preference on hair/eye color or facial features? I'm allowed to have physical preferences about my partners.
These people exist....
>cis gay
I thought cis meant normal heterosexual. These faggots mutilate language faster than they mutilate their own bodies.
Why dont trans people just date each other?
I don’t think this can be a supply/demand problem.
that's the best one I've seen; how sad
OK Groomer
good, fuck faggots
lay in the bed you made you fucking queers
>well, its not, its a wome's penis.
Better than an axe wound but not by much.